Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1), EAMT 2024, Sheffield, UK, June 24-27, 2024

Carolina Scarton, Charlotte Prescott, Chris Bayliss, Chris Oakley, Joanna Wright, Stuart Wrigley, Xingyi Song, Edward Gow-Smith, Rachel Bawden, Víctor M. Sánchez-Cartagena, Patrick Cadwell, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, Vera Cabarrão, Konstantinos Chatzitheodorou, Mary Nurminen, Diptesh Kanojia, Helena Moniz, editors, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1), EAMT 2024, Sheffield, UK, June 24-27, 2024. European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), 2024. [doi]

Conference: eamt2024


Abstract is missing.

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