Abstract is missing.
- Linearize, predict and place: minimizing the makespan for edge-based stream processing of directed acyclic graphsShweta Khare, Hongyang Sun, Julien Gascon-Samson, Kaiwen Zhang 0001, Aniruddha Gokhale, Yogesh D. Barve, Anirban Bhattacharjee, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos. 1-14 [doi]
- LinkShare: device-centric control for concurrent and continuous mobile-cloud interactionsBo Hu, Wenjun Hu. 15-29 [doi]
- Sandpaper: mitigating performance interference in CDN edge proxiesJeffrey Helt, Guoyao Feng, Srinivasan Seshan, Vyas Sekar. 30-46 [doi]
- DeFog: fog computing benchmarksJonathan McChesney, Nan Wang 0009, Ashish Tanwer, Eyal de Lara, Blesson Varghese. 47-58 [doi]
- E2M: an energy-efficient middleware for computer vision applications on autonomous mobile robotsLiangkai Liu, Jiamin Chen, Marco Brocanelli, Weisong Shi. 59-73 [doi]
- Managing edge resources for fully autonomous aerial systemsJayson G. Boubin, Naveen T. R. Babu, Christopher Stewart, John Chumley, ShiQi Zhang. 74-87 [doi]
- F-cooper: feature based cooperative perception for autonomous vehicle edge computing system using 3D point cloudsQi Chen, Xu Ma, Sihai Tang, Jingda Guo, Qing Yang, Song Fu. 88-100 [doi]
- I-SAFE: instant suspicious activity identification at the edge using fuzzy decision makingSeyed Yahya Nikouei, Yu Chen 0002, Alexander J. Aved, Erik Blasch, Timothy R. Faughnan. 101-112 [doi]
- RILOD: near real-time incremental learning for object detection at the edgeDawei Li, Serafettin Tasci, Shalini Ghosh, Jingwen Zhu, Junting Zhang, Larry P. Heck. 113-126 [doi]
- Exploring the capabilities of mobile devices in supporting deep learningYitao Chen, Saman Biookaghazadeh, Ming Zhao 0002. 127-138 [doi]
- Collaborative learning between cloud and end devices: an empirical study on location predictionYan Lu, Yuanchao Shu, Xu Tan, Yunxin Liu, Mengyu Zhou, Qi Chen, Dan Pei. 139-151 [doi]
- Towards scalable edge-native applicationsJunjue Wang, Ziqiang Feng, Shilpa Anna George, Roger Iyengar, Padmanabhan Pillai, Mahadev Satyanarayanan. 152-165 [doi]
- DeepSave: saving DNN inference during handovers on the edgeWeiyu Ju, Dong Yuan, Wei Bao, Liming Ge, Bing Bing Zhou. 166-178 [doi]
- Couper: DNN model slicing for visual analytics containers at the edgeKe-Jou Hsu, Ketan Bhardwaj, Ada Gavrilovska. 179-194 [doi]
- Adaptive parallel execution of deep neural networks on heterogeneous edge devicesLi Zhou, Mohammad Hossein Samavatian, Anys Bacha, Saikat Majumdar, Radu Teodorescu. 195-208 [doi]
- Collaborative cloud-edge computation for personalized driving behavior modelingXingzhou Zhang, Mu Qiao, Liangkai Liu, Yunfei Xu, Weisong Shi. 209-221 [doi]
- Infrastructure fault detection and prediction in edge cloud environmentsMbarka Soualhia, Chunyan Fu, Foutse Khomh. 222-235 [doi]
- CSPOT: portable, multi-scale functions-as-a-service for IoTRich Wolski, Chandra Krintz, Fatih Bakir, Gareth George, Wei-Tsung Lin. 236-249 [doi]
- Why cloud applications are not ready for the edge (yet)Chanh Nguyen, Amardeep Mehta, Cristian Klein, Erik Elmroth. 250-263 [doi]
- time-as-a-service for coordination in geo-distributed systemsSandeep D'Souza, Heiko Koehler, Akhilesh Joshi, Satyam Vaghani, Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar. 264-279 [doi]
- ChordEdge: design of chord ring and SDN based edge infrastructure management system: posterKewei Sha, Youhuizi Li. 280-282 [doi]
- Deep learning based task scheduling in a cloud RAN enabled edge environmentJude Fletcher, David Wallom. 283-285 [doi]
- Privacy-by-design task offloading for UAV-mounted cloudletsWeibin Ma, Lena Mashayekhy. 286-288 [doi]
- Traffic congestion assessment based on street level data for on-edge deploymentYuan Li, Haili Wang, Bill P. Buckles. 289-291 [doi]
- Cost-aware cloudlet placement in edge computing systemsDixit Bhatta, Lena Mashayekhy. 292-294 [doi]
- Deep learning-based C/U plane separation architecture for automotive edge computingPing Du, Akihiro Nakao, Zhaoxia Sun, Lei Zhong, Ryokichi Onishi. 295-297 [doi]
- Fast video facial expression recognition by deeply tensor-compressed LSTM neural network on mobile devicePeining Zhen, Bin Liu, Yuan Cheng, Hai-Bao Chen, Hao Yu. 298-300 [doi]
- Container-based architecture for optimal face-recognition tasks in edge computingNadim Tellez, Miguel Jimeno, Augusto Salazar, Elias David NiƱo Ruiz. 301-303 [doi]
- Distributed deep neural network training on edge devicesDaniel Benditkis, Aviv Keren, Liron Mor-Yosef, Tomer Avidor, Neta Shoham, Nadav Tal-Israel. 304-306 [doi]
- A system for operating energy-aware cloudlets: demoThomas Rausch, Philipp Raith, Padmanabhan Pillai, Schahram Dustdar. 307-309 [doi]
- Revisiting online scheduling for AI-driven internet of thingsNaveen T. R. Babu, Christopher Stewart. 310-312 [doi]
- EdgeServe: efficient deep learning model caching at the edgeTian Guo 0001, Robert J. Walls, Samuel S. Ogden. 313-315 [doi]
- Virtual reality streaming at the edge: a power perspective: posterZiehen Zhu, Nan Jiang, Tian Guo, Sheng Wei 0001. 316-318 [doi]
- Google cloud platform securityNicholas J. Mitchell, Kazi Zunnurhain. 319-322 [doi]
- Adaptive task offloading over wireless in mobile edge computingXiaojie Zhang, Saptarshi Debroy. 323-325 [doi]
- Cost-effective microservice scaling at edge: posterAmit Samanta, Yong Li 0008. 326-328 [doi]
- Fast inference services for alternative deep learning structuresEduardo Romero 0005, Christopher Stewart, Nathaniel Morris. 329-331 [doi]
- An efficient edge-assisted mobile system for video photorealistic style transfer: poster abstractAng Li, Chunpeng Wu, Yiran Chen, Bin Ni. 332-333 [doi]
- A SDN-based network layer for edge computing: posterAn Wang 0002, Zili Zha, Yang Guo, Songqing Chen. 334-336 [doi]
- FFmpeg360 for 360-degree videos: edge-based transcoding, view rendering, and visual quality comparison: posterYao Liu 0001, Chao Zhou, Shuoqian Wang, Mengbai Xiao. 337-339 [doi]
- Task-adaptive incremental learning for intelligent edge devicesZhuwei Qin, Fuxun Yu, Xiang Chen. 340-341 [doi]
- A neuromorphic GAN system for intelligent computing on edgeChenchen Liu. 342-343 [doi]
- An efficient mobile-edge collaborative system for video photorealistic style transferAng Li, Chunpeng Wu, Yiran Chen, Bin Ni. 344-345 [doi]
- Delay-constrained offloading of computationally intensive workloads in edge computingQingyu Liu, Haibo Zeng, Lingjia Liu, Minghua Chen. 346 [doi]
- High speed and energy efficient deep neural network for edge computingKangjun Bai, Shiya Liu, Yang Yi 0002. 347-349 [doi]
- Machine learning enabled distributed mobile edge computing networkJunchao Ma, Hao-Hsuan Chang, Pingzhi Fan, Lingjia Liu. 350-351 [doi]
- PAPS: power budget-aware pipeline scheduling for an embedded ReRAM-based acceleratorChangchi Shuai, Keni Qiu. 352-353 [doi]
- Accelerate service live migration in resource-limited edge computing systemsZhe Zhou, Xintong Li, Guangyu Sun. 354-355 [doi]
- Lightweight prediction based big/little design for efficient neural network inferenceYe Tian, Min Li, Qiang Xu 0001. 356 [doi]
- Embedded sensory data memory optimization for IoT edge inference with privacy, accuracy, and energy efficiencyJonathon Edstrom, Hritom Das, Yiwen Xu, Na Gong. 357 [doi]
- Towards security-as-a-service in multi-access edgeReza Tourani, Austin Bos, Satyajayant Misra, Flavio Esposito. 358-363 [doi]
- SDN-based edge computing security: detecting and mitigating flow rule attacksSonali Sen Baidya, Rattikorn Hewett. 364-370 [doi]
- Scalayzer: a portable tool for vulnerability analysis in scalaMohammadreza Ashouri, Christoph Kreitz. 371-376 [doi]
- Homoglyph attack detection with unpaired dataYiwei Lu, Mahesh Kumar K., Noman Mohammed, Yang Wang 0003. 377-382 [doi]
- A moving target defense against adversarial machine learningAbhishek Roy, Anshuman Chhabra, Charles A. Kamhoua, Prasant Mohapatra. 383-388 [doi]
- Informer: irregular traffic detection for containerized microservices RPC in the real worldJiyu Chen, Heqing Huang, Hao Chen. 389-394 [doi]
- ABACUS: audio based access control utility for smarthomesAbrar S. Alrumayh, Sarah M. Lehman, Chiu C. Tan. 395-400 [doi]
- Performance evaluation of deception system for deceiving cyber adversaries in adaptive virtualized wireless networksDanda B. Rawat, Naveen Naik Sapavath, Min Song 0002. 401-406 [doi]
- Keyword-based information retrieval for the WoTGeorge Xylomenos, Evangelos Zafeiratos, Marios Prokopakis. 407-412 [doi]
- IoT malware ecosystem in the wild: a glimpse into analysis and exposuresJinChun Choi, Afsah Anwar, Hisham Alasmary, Jeffrey Spaulding, DaeHun Nyang, Aziz Mohaisen. 413-418 [doi]
- Towards efficient real-time decision support at the edgeKyoung-Don Kang. 419-424 [doi]
- Energy, latency and staleness tradeoffs in AI-driven IoTNaveen T. R. Babu, Christopher Stewart. 425-430 [doi]
- Zone of control: the basic computing unit for web of everythingXiaohui Peng, Weisong Shi. 431-436 [doi]
- Virtual machine migration for IoT applicationsYutao Tang, Zhengrui Qin, Shanhe Yi, Qun Li. 437-442 [doi]