Abstract is missing.
- Analysis on Water Quality and Eutrophication State of Honghu Lake, China: A Case Study of Vegetation Restoring Model DistrictMinghao Mo, Xuelei Wang, Huiliang Wang, Enhua Li. 3-6 [doi]
- The Comprehensive Function Evaluation of Lake Honghu Using Analytic Hierarchy ProcessXuelei Wang, Yan Li, Rui Xiao. 3-6 [doi]
- Application Research of WebGIS in Resources Environment ManagementZhang Yi, Yijing Wu, Jieli Wen, Wu Han. 7-9 [doi]
- Research of Snail Distribution in Wetlands of Honghu City Based on the Combination of RS and GIS MethodsRui Xiao, Xuelei Wang, Huiliang Wang. 7-10 [doi]
- Research on Environment Investment Management System Based on WebGISHongbing Deng, Yuyuan Wen. 10-12 [doi]
- A Study on the Status, Problems and Its Countermeasures of Soil Erosion in Hubei Province, ChinaWei Liao, Tie-Ping Yan, Yijin Wu, Ndakeva Helena, Xuying Yuan. 11-14 [doi]
- Evaluating Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Marsupenaeus Japonicus Populations by Allozyme AnalysesBingli Zhao, Yuanyu Cao, Zhongbao Li, Jin Chen, Guiling Zhang, Guanggao Lei, Zhanlin Wang. 13-17 [doi]
- Research on the Human-Water Relationship in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze RiverHuang Jianwu, Wu Yijin, Qin Chaoqian, Helena Ndakeva, Tian Yajing. 15-19 [doi]
- Effects of Temperature and Water Level Changes on Enzyme Activities in Two Typical Peatlands: Implications for the Responses of Carbon Cycling in Peatland to Global Climate ChangeLing He, Wu Xiang, Xingting Sun. 18-22 [doi]
- Study of Economic Development of Healthy Metropolitan Area and Sustainability of Regional EnvironmentBin Huang. 20-23 [doi]
- Meteorological Drought Forecasting Using Markov Chain ModelXiaofan Liu, Liliang Ren, Fei Yuan, Bang Yang. 23-26 [doi]
- Advances in the Wetland Ecosystem of ChinaLifang Qiao, Anguo Qi, Shaowei Zhang, Haichao Luo, Xinzheng Li. 24-27 [doi]
- Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Soil by CompostingLi-Mao hua, Jiangtao He, Ye Li. 27-31 [doi]
- Study on Physicochemical Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Fly AshZhang Haiying, Zhao Youcai. 28-31 [doi]
- Analysis on the Old Simple Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Pollution Risk and Control MeasureQunzhou Yu, Haibin Chen. 32-36 [doi]
- A Review of Uncertainty Methods Employed in Water Quality ModelingSen Peng, Xinhua Zhao. 32-35 [doi]
- The Simultaneous Removal of DOC and Ammonia Nitrogen from Surface Water by Hybrid ProcessYong-Wei Jin, Ya-Mei Dong, Zhen-Jia Zhang. 36-39 [doi]
- Ultraviolet-A Radiation Accelerated N2O Emission in Winter-Wheat EcosystemZhenghua Hu, Shutao Chen, Qiaohui Liu, Jingyan Jiang. 37-39 [doi]
- The Evaluation of Geological Environmental Quality and the Partition in Wuhan MegalopolisLuojia Zhong, Lianping Xie, Yanlong Zhou. 40-43 [doi]
- A Novel Application of Variable Fuzzy Set on Alarming of Coalmine GasJinhui Zhao, Mingliang Li, Xu Qian, Lijuan Jia. 40-43 [doi]
- Application of Environmental Carrying Capacity in Regional Environmental Impact Assessment: A Case Study on Shandong Rencheng EconomicYongquan Yin, Xiang Liu, Jianchun Wang. 44-46 [doi]
- Assessment of Snow Drifting Hazard along Railway - A Case Study of JYHShouyun Liang, Zhangli Huo, Yanning Niu. 44-47 [doi]
- Tackling River Pollution Ecologically: A Case Study on the Ji River of Gansu ProvinceAn-guo Qi, Li-fang Qiao, Yong-dong Sun, Lian-fang Yao, Yi-chuan Zhang, Wei-rong Luo. 47-50 [doi]
- Methodology for Precisely Estimating the Generation of Standalone Photovoltaic SystemGang Yang, Ming Chen. 48-51 [doi]
- Bioremediation of Petroleum Polluted Soil by Combination of Rye Grass with Effective MicroorganismsJingchun Tang, Xiaowei Niu, Qing Sun, Rugang Wang. 51-54 [doi]
- An Analysis of the "11-13" Fire and Explosion Accident in Jilin Chemical Plant - The Environment Hazards Resulted by Disposal Measures against Chemical Product AccidentsSining Chen. 52-55 [doi]
- On the Relationship between Latitude and Altitude Temperature EffectsAigang Lu, Tianming Wang, Shichang Kang, Deqian Pang. 55-58 [doi]
- Analysis of the Resistance Reduction of Flows with Fine Sediment and Experiment StudyZhenchun Hao, Changjun Zhu. 56-59 [doi]
- On the Relationship between Global Warming and Dust Storm Variation in ChinaAigang Lu, Tianming Wang, Shichang Kang, Deqian Pang. 59-62 [doi]
- Study on Pastures Ecological Footprint of Baotou RegionXiaoting Wang, Jixi Gao. 60-64 [doi]
- A RFID Logistics Resource Management System for the WarehousesTong Zhen, Yuhua Zhu, Qiuwen Zhang. 63-66 [doi]
- Problems and Landscape Approach for Ecological Rehabilitation in the Dry Valleys of Southwest ChinaYuhong Dong, Shiliang Liu. 65-68 [doi]
- Ocean Primary Production in China Shelf Sea Estimated with SeaWiFS and MODISPifu Cong, Limei Qu, Zheng Niu. 67-69 [doi]
- Analysis on the Peasants Desire for Participation in the Social Insurance in Rural Areas: Based on Sample Survey in WuhanChenjie Fan, Yufeng Wu, Jinling Sun. 69-71 [doi]
- Research on Removal of Organic Pollutant in Drinking Water by Zeolite-Activated CarbonShuguo Zhao, Jinrui Zhang, Huanhu Song. 70-73 [doi]
- Environmental Pollution and Endogenous Growth: Models and Evidence from ChinaHaibin Deng, Jing Huang. 72-79 [doi]
- Modeling and Prediction of Heavy Metal Pollution in Mining Areas Based on Grey Model GM (1, 1)Shuitai Xu, Lingyan Xiong, Yunzhang Rao, Jianping Pan. 74-77 [doi]
- Spatial-Temporal Changes of Vegetation Coverage and Its Responses to Global Climate Changes in the Tibetan PlateauJunhui Liu, Jix Gao. 78-82 [doi]
- Integrative Fuzzy Set Pair Model for Land Ecological Security Assessment: A Case Study of Xiaolangdi Reservoir Regions, ChinaShiliang Su, Xia Chen, Jiaping Wu, Xiaoya Ma. 80-83 [doi]
- Landslide Stability Analysis Based on Generalized Information EntropyYufeng Shi, Fengxiang Jin. 83-85 [doi]
- Using LiDAR Data Visualization to Investigate Origin of Uphill-Facing Scarps in Mountains, AlaskaZhiyong Li, Zuoxun Zeng, Ronald L. Bruhn. 84-87 [doi]
- The Effect of Coalbed Methane Development on Ecological EnvironmentXiaoying Lin, Xianbo Su. 86-89 [doi]
- Distributed Watershed Runoff and Sediment Production ModelJiyu Yu, Hehai Xie, Fanggui Liu. 88-92 [doi]
- Characteristics on Soil Heavy Metals Pollution around Mine Waste PilesMingliang Zhang, Haixia Wang. 90-92 [doi]
- The Research of the Arbitrary Excavating Algorithm for the Stratum Structure ModelWeihua Hua, Xincai Wu, Xiuguo Liu, Kun Zheng. 93-96 [doi]
- Performance of Biological-Ecological Process for Rural Domestic Sewage Treatment in Taihu Lake RegionZhaoqian Jing, Zheng Wang, Xiwu Lu, Xianning Li. 93-96 [doi]
- Study on the Phosphorus Immobility of the Re-suspended SedimentsDapeng Li, Yong Huang. 97-100 [doi]
- Progress and Prospects of Chinese and International Environmental Finance StudyWei Zhang, Peijie Li. 97-101 [doi]
- The Analysis of Water and Health Database by One Improved A-Priori AlgorithmJinsheng Liu. 101-103 [doi]
- Regulation Model of Environmental Impact in Expressway Construction Based on Jieke TheoryJinxiu Jia, Sen Han. 102-105 [doi]
- Concentrations and Influencing Factors of Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in the Peacock River of Xinjiang, Northwest ChinaWei Chen, Mingming Jing, Julia Ellis Burnet, Shihua Qi, Qi Song, Yibing Ke, Meng Liu, Jinjie Miao. 104-107 [doi]
- Study on Pollution Mechanism of Petroleum Contamination in a Groundwater System under a Refinery in Jinan CityLiang Zhang, Zhenmin Ma, Qingguo Li. 106-108 [doi]
- Network Construction on Reverse Logistics of Discarded and Used Household AppliancesXiangru Meng, Yongjie Zhang, Wei Song. 108-111 [doi]
- Application for Matter-Element Model in Eco-environment Impact Assessment of Tourism HighwayTing Zhan, Xuancang Wang. 109-112 [doi]
- The Green Degree Assessment of the Automobile Reverse Logistics SystemXiangru Meng, Wei Song. 112-115 [doi]
- Application of EOS/MODIS-NDVI at Different Time Sequences on Monitoring Winter Wheat Acreage in Henan ProvinceHongbo Qiao, Dengfa Cheng. 113-115 [doi]
- Analysis for Emergency-Mechanism of Natural Disasters in Highway Based on ISMZhiwu Zuo, Xuancang Wang. 116-118 [doi]
- Applied Research of Information Technology in Environmental Emergency SystemXufu Peng, Xuan Huang, Yi Ding, Fu-rong Wen. 116-120 [doi]
- A New Genetic Algorithm for Order-Picking of Irregular WarehouseHaijun Zhang, Bingwu Liu. 121-124 [doi]
- Research on Coordination Mechanism of Two-Stage Transaction in Supply ChainGuangshu Chang. 125-128 [doi]
- Establishment of Early Warning System for Accidental Water Pollution Incidents in ChinaJi-Liang Zou, Jia-Yi Li. 127-130 [doi]
- Product Design Method Based on the Preferences of CustomerGuangshu Chang. 129-131 [doi]
- Desertification Effects on Calorific Value, Biomass and Energy Allocation in Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia, North ChinaYuqiang Li, Halin Zhao, Xueyong Zhao, Tonghui Zhang, Xinping Liu. 131-134 [doi]
- Urban Innovation Based on the Environmental ManagementTong Yang, Nengmin Wang. 132-136 [doi]
- Investigation on Public Environmental Awareness in ShanghaiGuodong Yan, Jiancheng Kang. 135-139 [doi]
- Study on Growth Model of Sabina VulgarisZhen-jie Jiang, Zhao-feng Geng, Wen-hua Zhou. 137-139 [doi]
- Research on Maritime Search and Rescue Decision-Making Ontology ModelYu Weihong. 140-142 [doi]
- Effects of Climate Change on Soil Moisture over China from 1960-2006Qiuan Zhu, Hong Jiang, Jinxun Liu. 140-143 [doi]
- Biodegradation of Synthetic High Phenol Contamination Wastewater by an Immersed Membrane BioreactorYun Wu, Hongwei Zhang. 143-147 [doi]
- Stabilization of Fly Ash from Municipal IncineratorsRui Xu, Jihong Tian. 144-147 [doi]
- Environmental Impacts of Coal Ash from a Power PlantRui Xu, Fugeng Li. 148-151 [doi]
- Carbon Emission of Food Consumption: An Empirical Analysis of China s ResidentsJing Zhi, Jixi Gao. 148-151 [doi]
- Development of Municipal Infrastructure Metadata System and StandardWen Zeng, Baogang Wang. 152-155 [doi]
- Simulated Distribution and Sensitivity of Vegetation Types in China in the Past 100 Years and FutureChen Xu, Zhang Yaping. 152-157 [doi]
- The Design and Implementation of Public Bike Information System Based on Google MapsRongliang Luo, Yunru Shen. 156-159 [doi]
- Study on the Sustainable Development of Eco-environment of Fujian and Taiwan Provinces of China Based on Ecological Footprint ModelMing Zhao, Wenjing Cai, Shuqi Yuan, Shuaishuai Hao. 158-161 [doi]
- Effects of Plant Species on Nitrous Oxide Emission and Microbial Community Structure Diversity in Constructed WetlandsJuan Wu, Jian Zhang, Wenlin Jia, Huijun Xie, Haiming Wu. 160-163 [doi]
- Study of Petroleum Hydrocarbons under Chemical-Biological Degradation in Contaminated SoilsNingning Sun, Hongqi Wang, Jingqi Liu, Yongqiang Qi. 162-166 [doi]
- A Study on the Change of Wetland Landscape Pattern in Honghu City by Using 3S MethodHuiliang Wang, Xuelei Wang, Rui Xiao, Minghao Mo. 167-170 [doi]
- Study on Advanced Processing of Coking Wastewater Using Different CoagulantsZheng Yi, Zhang Zhuo, Zhang Haiying, Hu Hongtao, Wei Xialiang. 167-170 [doi]
- Early Warning and Emergency Response System for Water Pollution Accidents in Wuhan City, ChinaXuying Yuan, Yijin Wu, Shuang Liang, Wei Liao, Liangyue Tian, Xi Huang, Hao Zhang, Bei Huang. 171-174 [doi]
- The Ecological Control Method of the Highway Construction - A Case StudyHuang Leichang, Gu Xun, Cao Fucun, Ye Shuhong, Wang Haiyan, Song Shufan, Huang Chunyan, He Yunxin. 171-174 [doi]
- Regional Assessment of Eco-environmental Vulnerability Based on GIS - A Case Study of Hubei Province, ChinaLu Li, Zhihua Shi, Dun Zhu, Chongfa Cai, Tianwei Wang. 175-178 [doi]
- The Construction for Guarantee and Ability of Early Warning and Response of Water Pollution Emergencies in Wuhan City, ChinaXuying Yuan, Yijin Wu, Bei Huang, Wei Liao, Shuang Liang, Liangyue Tian, Xi Huang, Hao Zhang. 175-177 [doi]
- An Integrated Water Quality-Quantity Method for Water Resource ManagementWanshun Zhang, Yan Wang, Hong Peng. 178-181 [doi]
- Study on Retardation of Water Evaporation by Single and Mixed Monolayers at Air/Water SurfaceYan Wu, Bingwen Wang, Qingzhu Jia, Wei Zheng. 179-182 [doi]
- Influence on Rainfall Run-Off Due to Urbanization in Wuhan City of ChinaDi Liu, Chaoqian Qin. 182-184 [doi]
- Study on Water Evaporation Retardants with Abilities of Anti-environmental InterferenceYan Wu, Bingwen Wang, Qingzhu Jia, Wei Zheng. 183-185 [doi]
- Research on the Changes in Lake Wetland in Hubei ProvinceYi Zhang, Hongbing Deng, Hsiang-Kung te, Wenjie Li, Jintao Li. 185-187 [doi]
- Study on the Retardation of Hydrochloric Acid FumeYan Wu, Wei Zheng, Qingzhu Jia, Bingwen Wang. 186-189 [doi]
- The Research about Prediction of Environment Impact of Ethylene Project on GroundwaterDifan Mao, Junwei Wan, Honglian Shi, Shuzhou Cai, Qian Yu, Xianqing Xu, Ji Shu. 188-191 [doi]
- Preparation and Performance Study on Lignite Briquette CokeNa Wang, Shu-quan Zhu, Mo Chu. 190-193 [doi]
- Process and Structure of Land Use/Land Cover Change in Oases: A Case Study of Tianshan Mountains Northern Slope, Xinjiang, ChinaLei Zhu, Xi Chen, Geping Luo, Wenqiang Xu, Yaxuan Liu. 192-196 [doi]
- The Change-of-Feature Spatio-temporal Object Relational Model and Its implementXiaochun Wu, Yongqi Huang, Liyan Wang, Fengyun Mou. 194-197 [doi]
- Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Urban Morphology in Xinjiang, ChinaYaxuan Liu, Xiaolei Zhang, Jun Lei, Lei Zhu. 197-200 [doi]
- Mechanism of Using Activated Carbon for Mercury Removal in Flue GasHong-liang Gao, Jing Hou. 198-201 [doi]
- The Helmert Method for Improving the Adjustment Model of Underwater Terrain SurveysMingsan Li, Lan Sun, Yanchun Liu, Jingyang Bao, Jia Hu. 201-204 [doi]
- Loss of Genetic Variation in Hatchery Produced Haliotis Asinina Using AFLP and Allozyme MarkersZhongbao Li, Jiyuan Zhang, Ji Li, Lina Wang. 202-205 [doi]
- Distribution and Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metals in Sewage Discharge Channels Inpouring into Sea in Tianjin, ChinaYanan Li, Xinhua Zhao, Lihua Dong, Hongxia Li, Wenbo Lin. 205-208 [doi]
- The Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Haliotis Ovina by AFLPZhongbao Li. 206-209 [doi]
- Acidification of Surface Soil in Croplands in the Semiarid Middle Tibet Plateau, ChinaZhonghao Zhou, Shuhan Du, Gangcai Liu. 209-212 [doi]
- Loss of Genetic Diversity in Hatchery Produced Haliotis Diversicolor Supertexta by AFLPZhongbao Li, Zhenglin Yan. 210-213 [doi]
- Study on Driving Forces of Small-Scale Land Use Based on Logistic Regression Model Liangqun Jiang, Bin Zhang, Chengqiang Shu, Luxiang Xiao. 213-216 [doi]
- Analysis and Utilization of the Climatic Resources in Xiangxi River BasinYijin Wu, Wei Liao, Lorenz King, Xuying Yuan. 217-220 [doi]
- Leak Detection of Water Pipeline Using Wavelet Transform MethodXuhui Tang, Yongbo Liu, Longjiang Zheng, Changbao Ma, Hui Wang. 217-220 [doi]
- Influence of the Development in Wuhan City on Lake ResourceSi Hong, Liwei Cheng. 221-224 [doi]
- Researches of the Industrial Wasteland Tourism in ChinaLifang Qiao, Yichuan Zhang, Xinzheng Li, Lili Song, Da Mao. 225-228 [doi]
- Coal Mine Subsided Water Quality Assessment and Subsided Water Resource Comprehensive Utilization Analysis Liangji Xu, Yongmei Gao. 225-228 [doi]
- Study on Resource and Environment Scientific Research Data Archiving Juanle Wang, Yunqiang Zhu, Jia Song, Yaping Yang. 229-232 [doi]
- Energy Conversation and Emission Reduction Management Based on the Lifecycle of Virtual EnterpriseHui Ding, Jinzhao An. 233-236 [doi]
- Experiment on Dynamic Release of Fluorine from Sediment in Yangshapao Reservoir of Western Jilin ProvinceXiujuan Liang, Changlai Xiao, Bo Feng, Chao Du, Zhang Fang, Songlin Deng, Xiaoling Xu. 233-236 [doi]
- Effect of Enclosure Culture on Water Quality: A Case Study in Lake Honghu, Hubei Province, ChinaLi Tao, Fang Fang, Wang Xue Lei, Wu Chen Bo. 237-240 [doi]
- Preparation and Characterization of Al-pillared MontmorillonitesHongyan Xu, Aihong Guo, Hongfei Xu, Yonggang Wang. 237-239 [doi]
- Analysis of Cultivated Land Changes Driving Forces over the Past 50 Years in Shucheng County of Anhui ProvinceHailin Zhang, Xuesong Zhang, Yi Jie, Gaoliao Jing, Yi Yang, Chengjun Gu. 241-244 [doi]
- Application of Probabilistic Neural Network Model in Evaluation of Water QualityChangjun Zhu, Zhenchun Hao. 244-247 [doi]
- Research on Land Use Supervision by Using High Resolution and Fully Polarizations Sar DataWei Gao, Xiuguo Liu, Yongsheng Li, Hongping Wang, Lin Xiao. 245-248 [doi]
- Simulation of River Water Quality Using Grey Numerical ModelChangjun Zhu, Zhenchun Hao, Qin Ju. 248-250 [doi]
- Rescaled-Range (R/S) Analysis of Time Series of Heavy Metal Pollution in Iron Sulfide Mining AreaShuitai Xu, Yunzhang Rao, Jianping Pan, Lingyan Xiong. 249-252 [doi]
- Fuzzy Neural Network Model and Its Application in Water Quality EvaluationChangjun Zhu, Zhenchun Hao. 251-254 [doi]
- Assessing the Cumulative Effects of Planting Management on Forest Landscape Dynamics in Northeastern ChinaLongru Jin, Hongshi He. 253-256 [doi]
- Application of Grey Relation Analysis in Evaluation of Water QualityChangjun Zhu, Zhenchun Hao. 255-257 [doi]
- The Research on Flood Control and Rainfall Regimen Information System of Poyang Lake AreasXiaosheng Liu, Lei Hao, Yuxuan Liu. 257-260 [doi]
- Prediction of Ground Water Level Based on DE-BP Neutral NetworkLishan Ma, Dekui Yuan, Jianhua Tao, Guoli Yang, Yong Sun. 258-261 [doi]
- Effects of Urban Expanion on LUCC - A Case of Guiyang CityHuazhong He, Fengyun Mu. 261-264 [doi]
- Determination of Trace Chromium in the Fu-Yang River by CAS and CTMAB SpectrophotometryJi-hong Zhou, Cai-lian Hao, Biao Zhang, Chang-jun Zhu, Jun-guang Zhao. 262-264 [doi]
- Footprint of Yangxin County: A Time Series for 1999-2006Qi Feng, Shengjun Wu, Xiaodong Li, Xuelei Wang, Shuming Cai. 265-268 [doi]
- The Fuzzy Evaluation of Surface Water Quality in LiuJiazhuang of QingZhang RiverJi-hong Zhou, Biao Zhang, Cai-lian Hao, Chang-jun Zhu, Jun-guang Zhao. 265-267 [doi]
- Effects of Ca(NO3)2 Stress on the Growth and Physiological Indexes of Cucumber SeedlingsYongdong Sun, Weirong Luo, Xinzheng Li, Anguo Qi. 268-271 [doi]
- Effects of Recirculation Parameter on Leachate from Fresh Municipal Solid WasteXiaojie Sun, Yingjie Sun, Hongtao Wang, Wenjing Lu. 269-272 [doi]
- Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Germination Characteristics of Cucumber SeedsYongdong Sun, Chuanlai Zhang, Anguo Qi, Weirong Luo. 272-275 [doi]
- Experimental Study on Shortcut Nitrification of Sewage from Flushing Toilet with SeawaterXiaojie Sun, Yingjie Sun, Hongtao Wang, Deshuang Yu. 273-276 [doi]
- Water Right Trade Basing on Externality EliminationYan Dong, Xia Jun. 276-278 [doi]
- The Numerical Simulation of Conventional Ground Coalbed Methane DevelopmentXiaoying Lin, Guowei Liu, Xianbo Su. 277-280 [doi]
- Connotation and Architecture of Green Production Logistics in Manufacturing EnterprisesXiaozhen Wu. 279-282 [doi]
- Integrated Controlling Technology on Regional Agriculture Water ResourcesZhenghe Xu, Xiuru Wang. 281-285 [doi]
- Application of Fuzzy Mathematics Assessment to Groundwater Quality in Jining CityJuan Zhang, Changjun Zhu. 283-286 [doi]
- Characterization and Biological Treatment of O-Nitrobenzaldehyde Manufacturing WastewaterFang-Bo Yu, Li-Bo Guan, Shan Zhou, Shun-Peng Li. 286-288 [doi]
- Economic Loss for Water Contaminations in East Lake Based on Logistic ModelHongxia Xia, Wang Meng. 287-290 [doi]
- Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensor Network Gateway Based on Environmental MonitoringDun-fan Ye, Liang-liang Min, Wei Wang. 289-292 [doi]
- Characteristics of Nutrients Distribution from Recent Sediment in Lake NansihuFengming Cheng, Liyuan Yang. 291-295 [doi]
- Research on Ecological Reconstruction of Subsided Land in Mining Area Based on Location Theory Taking Pingdingshan City as a CaseGuiming Liu, Cheng Li, Hongzhi Wang, Liping Wu. 293-296 [doi]
- Comprehensive Evaluation of the Urban Water Resources Carrying Capacity Based on Maximum Entropy PrincipleQinghang Li, Wei Kuang, Zengchuan Dong, Shengxiang Ding. 296-299 [doi]
- Application Research of WSN in Precise Agriculture IrrigationShu-ming Xiong, Liang-min Wang, Xiao-qian Qu, Yong-zhao Zhan. 297-300 [doi]
- Evaluation of Human Settlement for Environment-Friendly City Based on Fuzzy Matter-ElementBin Zhang, Mingliang Luo, Maolin Deng, Nanshan Ai, Chengbo Yi. 300-303 [doi]
- Groundwater Quality Research Based on PDA and 3S TechnologyYan Zhang, Bin Xu, Qiao Liang. 301-305 [doi]
- Methane Recovery and Energy Generation in Spent Wash Wastewater TreatmentWei-hua Yang, Li Wei, Sheng-nan Zhao, Jiang Dong. 304-307 [doi]
- Change of Landscape Patterns in the Huihe National Nature Reserve, Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia, Northern ChinaYan-mei Chen, Ji-xi Gao, Yin-cui Hu, Shi-hai Lv. 306-311 [doi]
- Application of GA Optimized Wavelet Neural Networks for Carrying Capacity of Water Resources PredictionFeng Lu, Jianhua Xu, Zhanyong Wang. 308-311 [doi]
- Anaerobic Dechlorination of Perchloroethylene and Factors Influence under Iron Reducing ConditionYe Li, Jianmin Li, Yipeng Du, Fei Liu. 312-316 [doi]
- On Methods of Water Rights Original Allocation and ReallocationKong Ke, Xu Zheng-he. 312-315 [doi]
- Application of the Ecotone Theory in Construction of Urban Eco-waterfrontZhen Wang. 316-320 [doi]
- The Research of Hazardous Waste Management System in Guangdong Province Based on WebGISFang Yuan, Xu Guanying. 317-319 [doi]
- Groundwater Environment Evolution and Evaluating IndexesXing Li-ting, Liu Li. 320-325 [doi]
- The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process to Analyze Regional Sustainable Development: A Study of Shaoyang, ChinaXiongwei Huang, Jian Li, Xiaohong Mo. 321-324 [doi]
- A Study of Retrieval Land Surface Temperature and Evapotranspiration in Response to LUCC Based on Remote Sensing Data in Sanggong RiverXiaoMing Cao, Anming Bao, Lanhai Li. 325-329 [doi]
- Application Study of PS-DInSAR Technique Fusing Multi-metadata in Urban Ground Deformation SurveySichun Long, Tao Li, Jingnan Liu. 326-330 [doi]
- Impact of Human Activities on Red-Crowned Crane Nest-Sites Based on Voronoi DiagramXiwen Qin, Shuqing Zhang, Xiaogang Dong, Hongxing Jiang, Fawen Qian. 330-334 [doi]
- Marketing Strategy Reseach on Tobacco Commercial Enterprise Developing E-CommerceGuangsheng Zhao. 331-335 [doi]
- Water Diffusivity of Sandy Soil of Different Particle Sizes in Typical Sandy CroplandXinping Liu, Halin Zhao, Yuhui He, Xueyong Zhao, Tonghui Zhang, Yuqiang Li. 335-338 [doi]
- Evaluation of Hydrological Responses to Land Use Change at Large ScaleChuanguo Yang, Zhongbo Yu, Zhenchun Hao, Zhaohui Lin, Shaofeng Liu. 336-339 [doi]
- Impact of Grazing Excluding and Grazing on Soil Properties in Sandy Grassland in Horqin Sand Land, ChinaYuhui He, Halin Zhao, Xinping Liu. 339-342 [doi]
- Relationship between Different Level Road Expansion and Soil Erosion Distribution: A Case Study of Lancang County, Southwest ChinaZhaoling Zhang, Shiliang Liu, Wei Fu, Yuhong Dong. 340-343 [doi]
- Study on Water Quality Chemical Stability of Desalinated Seawater in Municipal Water Supply SystemsBijun Luo, Xinhua Zhao, Baoshuang Liang, Guofeng Dong. 344-348 [doi]
- Water Eutrophication Prevention by Phoslock Flocculation and Sediment Capping ReactionYungen Liu, Tian Kun, Andrew Winks. 349-352 [doi]
- Research on the Simulation of Urban Land Use Change Based on GIS and CA Models - A Case Study of Longgang District, Shenzhen CityXue Cao, Ping Luo, Manchun Li, Aihua Long. 351-354 [doi]
- A New Filtering Algorithm for Removing Salt-and-Pepper NoiseJi-hong Yang, Min Zhang, Ling-yan Xue, Shu-bang Li. 355-358 [doi]
- Optimization Model of Industrial Structure Based on the Bearing Capacity of Resources and EnvironmentChangrong Zhang, Huifeng Xue. 355-358 [doi]
- Making the Best Use of Landsat MSS Images for Land Use/Cover Change AnalysisYuan Zhang, Xia Chen, Shiliang Su, Jiaping Wu, Jiaguo Qi. 359-362 [doi]
- Characteristics of Urban Non-Point Source Pollution in Suzhou CityYongjing Tian, Tian Li, Shaoming He, Aicheng Zhong, Dan Zhao. 359-362 [doi]
- Improved Image Thresholding Based on 2-D Tsallis EntropyXinming Zhang, Huiyun Zhang. 363-366 [doi]
- Automatic Matching of Infrared Image Sequences Based on Rotation InvariantJing Zheng Liu, Xu-chu Yu, Ling-qing Gong, Wen-shuai Yu. 365-368 [doi]
- Preprocessing Circuit Design in Feeble Optical Pulse Detection System Based on Programmable ControllingLiang Yi-tao, Fan Chao, He Lian-lian, Chang Hua, Gao Yu. 367-369 [doi]
- An Improved Horizons Method for 3D Geological Modeling from BoreholesJing Ming, Mao Pan. 369-374 [doi]
- A Novel Retrieval Oriented Robust Image Hashing Based on Fractional Fourier TransformJinglong Zuo, Delong Cui. 370-373 [doi]
- Research on Lossy Compression Technology about the Encrypt Coding ImageChenghua Yan, Xia Liu. 374-377 [doi]
- Study on LAI Estimation of Broadleaf Forests in Arid Areas Using Digital Hemispherical Photography - A Case Study in the Tarim River Basin, ChinaZhongguo Ma, Xi Chen, Guli Japper, Cun Chang. 375-378 [doi]
- Quantitative Mapping of Soil Nitrogen Content Using Field Spectrometer and Hyperspectral Remote SensingJian Wu, Yaolin Liu, Dan Chen, Jing Wang, Xu Chai. 379-382 [doi]
- Development and Application of Online Image Processing System Based on Applet and JAIWeifeng Ma, Keji Mao. 382-385 [doi]
- An Image Mosaics Algorithm Based on Improved Phase CorrelationZhang Jing, Wang Chang-shun, Liao Wu-ling. 383-386 [doi]
- Constriction of Mutual Information Based Matching-Suitable Features for SAR Image Aided NavigationYanlong Bu, Shuangchun Peng, Nan Wang, Hui Peng, Lincheng Shen. 386-390 [doi]
- Research on the Algorithm for Computing Rendered Images of FingerprintChen Qixiang. 387-389 [doi]
- A New Method of Image Denoise Using Contourlet TransformXingmei Li, Guoping Yan, Liang Chen. 390-393 [doi]
- Estimate the Number of Endmembers for Hyperspectral ImageryWei Chen, Xu-chu Yu, He Wang. 391-394 [doi]
- Treating Domestic Sewage by Using CASS TechniqueJing Li, Xinran Peng, Shuyan Ma, Yang Yang, Xue Han, Luming Liu, Ying Zhang. 395-397 [doi]
- Applying Indiscernibility Attribute to Attribute Reduction Based on Discernibility MatrixJin Qian, Ping Lv. 397-400 [doi]
- Application of GIS Technology in Chinese TourismLifang Qiao, Yichuan Zhang, Wenjie Zhang, Da Mao, Lianfang Yao. 401-404 [doi]
- Identification of Flow-Routing Sequence from DEMs Based on QuicksortBang Yang, Liliang Ren, Furong Chen, Xiaofan Liu. 403-406 [doi]
- Information System for Seismic Design of High-Rise Buildings in Shanghai-Application of GISBenliang Liang, Jianxin Liu. 405-409 [doi]
- The Research of the Non-uniformity in Land Use Map Patches and Image SegmentsYan Wang, Ning Shu, Xue Li. 407-410 [doi]
- Development of Groundwater Resources Management System Based on GIS in Poyang Lake CatchmentSulin Xiang, Wenbin Zhou. 410-413 [doi]
- Oasis Landscape Change and Spatial Character Analysis in the Tarim River Origin BasinYan Dou, Xi Chen. 411-414 [doi]
- Study on Arch Dam Visual Modeling System Based on CATIAPing Jin. 414-417 [doi]
- Optimization of the Spatial Interpolation for Groundwater Depth in Shule River BasinHua Zhang, Dehai Ma, Cheng Wang. 415-418 [doi]
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variation Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Depth: A Case Study of ChongqingLing Wang, Hailong Liu, Xin Lv. 418-422 [doi]
- GIS-Based Spatial Distributions and Evolvement Analysis of Urban Affordable Housing: A Case StudyZuo Zhang, Jiangfeng Li, Yanzhong Liu. 419-422 [doi]
- An Intelligent Multilayered Middleware Model and Heterogeneous Spatial Data Fusion Application StudyBo Wan, Lin Yang, Maosheng Hu, Yaqin Ye. 423-427 [doi]
- Research on the Backup Mechanism of Oracle DatabaseQun Li, Honglin Xu. 423-426 [doi]
- Research of Rendering Anisotropic Volume Data Directly Based on the Shear-Warp AlgorithmGuo Li, Mei Xie, Gang Peng, Bingrong Wu. 427-430 [doi]
- Landscape Restoration Regionalization for Resource-Exhausted Coal Mine Areas Based on GISLinlin Wang. 428-431 [doi]
- Developments of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar About Monitoring DeformationChun-lai Dong. 432-436 [doi]
- A General Geo-spatial Multi-scale Conceptual Model for Automatic GeneralizationYaoming Yang, Xiaoan Tang, Zhe Gan, Haiyan Jiang. 433-437 [doi]
- Spatial Analysis of Regional Sustainable Development Based on Geographic Information System and Relative Carrying Capacity of ResourcesQi Wang, Haihu Ma, Qiang Ke, Chuanhua Wang, Xiaodan Wang. 437-440 [doi]
- An Index of Vegetation Water Content Invasion by Landsat 5, in Semi-arid Area: The Tarim River BasinChang Cun, Chen Xi, Bao Anming, Ma Zhongguo, Wang Jinlin. 438-442 [doi]
- Data Fusion Method for Multi-sources Remotely Sensed Imagery Based on IHS Transformation and Wavelet AnalysisWang Guang-jun, Xiao Qiu-ping, Fu-Mei Chen, Wang Zeng. 445-448 [doi]
- Remote-Sensing and Modeling of the Potential Suitable Sites for Restoration in Dajiuhu Sub-alpine WetlandFei Xiao, Yun Du, Feng Ling, Xuelei Wang. 447-450 [doi]
- On User Data Protocol of SMS in Remote Monitoring SystemYu Zhen, Sun Qiuwei. 449-453 [doi]
- Research on Precise Positioning Technology for Remote Sensing PlatformYang Bo, Chai Yan, Luo Peng. 451-454 [doi]
- Research on the Spatial and Temporal Characteristic of the Thermal Field in Fast-Urbanizing Area Based on Remote Sensing ImageMu-yi Huang, Qi Yin, Ci-fang Wu. 455-461 [doi]
- Study Urban Extension Spatial Differentiation Based on Multi-temporal Satellite Remote Sensing ImagesYunjun Zhan, Haiwei Yang. 457-460 [doi]
- Influence Analysis of Jitter on Image Quality of Remote Sensing CameraFan Chao, Liang Yi-tao, Guan Ai-hong. 461-464 [doi]
- An Adaptive Edge-Detection Method Based on the Canny OperatorLi Er-sen, Zhu Shu-long, Zhu Bao-shan, Zhao Yong, Xia Chao-gui, Song Li-hua. 465-469 [doi]
- The Design of an Antenna Array Used for the Suppression of Es Layer ClutterLong Zhao. 465-468 [doi]
- Research of Small Target Detection within Sea Clutter Based on ChaosYujie Li, Wenguang Wang, Jinping Sun. 469-472 [doi]
- The Collision Detection Algorithm Based on the Combination of Two-Dimensional and Dynamic OctreeZou Chengming, Tang Zhiyong. 470-473 [doi]
- Vulnerability Assessment of Regional Water Distribution SystemsBaoyu Zhuang, Xinhua Zhao, Yuan Zhao. 473-477 [doi]
- Cultivated Land Change and Its Human Driving Forces Based on RS and GIS in Fuzhou, ChinaDewen Wu, Jinchuan Huang, Xiaolei Zhang, Hanying Mao. 474-480 [doi]
- Research on the Integration Techniques of Task-Oriented Geospatial Information Service for BattlefieldZhe Gan, Xiaoan Tang, Yaomin Yang, Haiyan Yang, Maoyin Sun. 478-482 [doi]
- An Object-Based Approach for Forest-Cover Change Detection using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing DataJun Huang, Youchuan Wan, Shaohong Shen. 481-484 [doi]
- Event Detection Based on Hierarchical Event FusionXiaoling Xiao, Xiang Zhang. 483-486 [doi]
- Spatial Conversion Analysis of Arable Land in Dongguan City Based on RS and GISFang Yuan, Lu Yu. 485-487 [doi]
- Monitoring Co-seismic Deformation Fields of Bam Earthquake Using D-InSAR TechniqueZhiyong Wang, Jixian Zhang, Guoman Huang. 487-490 [doi]
- Pearl River Delta PM10 Remote Sensing Monitoring and System DesignFengbin Zheng, Baojun Qiao, Jun Ma, Zhongting Wang, Shenshen Li. 488-491 [doi]
- Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Uric Acid and Ascorbic Acid on L-cysteine Monolayer Modified ElectrodeYanping Cui, Changzhu Yang, Jun Hong. 491-493 [doi]
- An Accelerated IHS Transform Fusion of Remote Sensing Image Data Based on GPUJun Lu, Baoming Zhang. 492-496 [doi]
- Web-Based Distributed Certification System of Green FoodQiang Wang, Hua Yu, Hui Zhang, Xinming Ma. 494-496 [doi]
- Grain Yield Estimating for Hubei Province Using Remote Sensing Data - Take Semilate Rice as an ExampleJunying Sun, Jinliang Huang, Jing Chen, Lihui Wang. 497-500 [doi]
- Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment to Petroleum Contaminants Based on Fuzzy Variable Set Theory and Geographic Information SystemQingguo Li, Zhenmin Ma, Yunzhi Fang, Shouyu Chen. 497-500 [doi]
- Application of Triangulation-Based Image Registration Method in the Remote Sensing Image FusionLin Xuehua, Zhang Yongzhi, Yang YuJiazi. 501-504 [doi]
- Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soil in Wutan, ChinaYu-Hua Li, Hong Bin Liu, Wei Wu. 501-504 [doi]
- A Multimodal Composite Transportation Network Model and Topological Relationship Building AlgorithmLin Yang, Bo Wan. 505-509 [doi]
- Application of the Marine Oil Spill Surveillance by Satellite Remote SensingWu Dan, Shen Jifeng, Zhang Yongzhi, Zhao Pu. 505-508 [doi]
- Music and Image Applications of Mobile Phone Serious GameChen Xin. 510-513 [doi]
- The Performance of the OFDM System s PAPR of Different Segmentation of PTSHongxia Wang, Xiuli Ma, Zhijing Zhang. 511-514 [doi]
- Mobile Phone Game Virtual Machine ResearchChen Xin. 514-517 [doi]
- The Research of OFDM Channel Estimation in Broadband Satellite Communication SystemsHongxia Wang, Wei Pan, Chengsheng Pan. 515-518 [doi]
- Technology and Challenges of M-CommerceChen Xin. 518-521 [doi]
- Improving Search in P2P by Location IdentificationLei Xiao, Liangzhong Shen, ZhongYi Hu, Fei Zhou. 519-522 [doi]
- A Compression Error and Optimize Compression Algorithm for Vector DataGuolv Tan, Yujun Wang. 522-525 [doi]
- Path Planning Based on Dynamic Sub-population Pseudo-Parallel Genetic AlgorithmLei Li, Yuemei Ren, Changyu Yang. 523-526 [doi]
- Research on Artificial Target Image MatchingZhanli Li, Yue Xi. 526-529 [doi]
- Investigation on E-Commerce Based on Suffix Trees and Moore s LawLibo Liu. 527-529 [doi]
- The Vector Data Management of GIS Based on PDALu Liu. 530-533 [doi]
- Effect of Cooperative Communication on Steganography Based on NP-Complete TheoryLibo Liu. 530-533 [doi]
- Standardization of SVG in Implementing WebGISXuemin Dong, Yan Li. 534-537 [doi]
- On the Emulation of Expert Systems Based on Development of AgentsLibo Liu. 534-537 [doi]
- Effect of Environmental Silicic Concentration on ATPases of Diatom Ditylum Brightwelli Plasma MembraneJiang Zheng, Chong Li, Junrong Liang. 538-541 [doi]
- Load Balancing Spatial Analysis in XML/GML/SVG Based WebGISHaosheng Huang, Yan Li. 538-541 [doi]
- Research and Design of a Service Management System for Deadline Render FarmChaojian Fang, Yujiao Zhao, Zhengjun Wang. 542-545 [doi]
- Biomass Production, Chlorophll A and Carotenoid Contents of Spirulina Maxima in Mixed Culture of LactoseJiang Zheng. 542-544 [doi]
- Distribution of Antioxidatases in Cell of Diatom Nitzschia Closterium and Response to Different Environmental Silicon ConcentrationsJunrong Liang, Jiang Zheng, Xin Zhao. 545-548 [doi]
- The Application of Zigbee Based Wireless Sensor Network and GIS in the Air Pollution MonitoringZhi-gang Han, Cai-hui Cui. 546-549 [doi]
- Two Kinds of Trigonometric Spline Curves with Shape ParameterLanLan Yan, JiongFeng Liang, GuoGen Wu. 549-552 [doi]
- Preparation of Monoclonal Antibody against Okadaic Acid and Development of a Sensitive ELISA for Detection Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning in ShellfishRenyan Liu, Daoyan Xu, Yubo Liang. 550-555 [doi]
- Curves that Shape Can AdjustLanLan Yan, GuoGen Wu, JiongFeng Liang. 553-556 [doi]
- A Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm for Grain Logistics Vehicle Routing ProblemLe Xiao, Bo Lang. 556-559 [doi]
- Generalized Ball Curves of Ninth DegreeLanLan Yan, GuoGen Wu, JiongFeng Liang. 557-560 [doi]
- A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Open Vehicle Routing ProblemTong Zhen, Yuhua Zhu, Qiuwen Zhang. 560-563 [doi]
- Research of Shrapnel-Pill Dispersing Blind Area s Influence on Damage EffectivenessGuo-Hua Su, Qi Yang, Ping Cui, Ming-Hai Wang. 561-564 [doi]
- GIS-Based Risk Assessment for Regional Flood DisasterHailin Zhang, Yi Jie, Xuesong Zhang, Gaoliao Jing, Yi Yang, Baoyin He. 564-567 [doi]
- Numerical Modeling of the Environment Impact of Landfill Leachate Leakage on Groundwater Quality-A Field ApplicationShao-gang Dong, Zhong-hua Tang, Bai-wei Liu, O. D. Orodu. 565-568 [doi]
- Study on Geography Information Application Integration Framework Based on ScenarioYong Liu, Chengming Li. 568-571 [doi]
- A Quick Classification for Area Environmental Audio Data Based on Local Search TreeYing Li. 569-574 [doi]
- Study on Pre-processing Methods of Precision Bearing Vibration SignalQing-jie Liu, Xiao-fang Liu, Zhan Jun. 572-574 [doi]
- Rapid Texture-based Volume RenderingShihao Chen, Guiqing He, Chongyang Hao. 575-578 [doi]
- Application of Kalman Filter Method Based + Function in the Landslide Deformation ForecastFumin Lu, Shangqing Wang, Jin Li. 575-578 [doi]
- Research on Water Environmental Quality Assessment of Fu River with BP NNJinsheng Liu, Huanyin Zhou, Jinhui Liu, Jingying Chen. 579-582 [doi]
- A Model on Sampling Rate of OD SurveyQiu-jie Liu, Qiu Yan. 579-582 [doi]
- Construction of Ribavirin Engineering BacteriaChen-guang Xing, Ning Chen, Xi-Xian Xie, Xi-Jing Zhao, Qing-yang Xu. 583-586 [doi]
- A Contrastive Study of Simulation Results between GWSC-VMR and Hybrid Runoff Model in Dianzi BasinGuizuo Wang, Liliang Ren. 583-588 [doi]
- Optimal Allocation of Water Resources Based on Differential Evolution AlgorithmFeipeng Xiao, Weijun Huang, Zhang Zhigang. 587-592 [doi]
- Research on Anti-interference Technology of Short-Distance Wireless CommunicationXuTao Lu, YunQiang Sun. 589-591 [doi]
- Research on Laser Echo Wireless Acquiring TechniqueLi Jing, Huang Zheng. 592-594 [doi]
- A Novel Parallel Processing for Continuous k-Nearest Neighbor QueriesChenghua Yan, Chen Qixiang. 593-596 [doi]
- Study of Executable Plug-in Management System in Freeway Monitoring Network Based on B/S/AMingwei An, Qimei Chen, Zongliang Guo, Caiyun Xu. 595-598 [doi]
- Determination of Thickness of the Sediments in a Rectangular Pipe by Modal Frequencies ShiftYean Yin, K. V. Horoshenkov. 597-600 [doi]
- Nitrogen and Phosphate Removal by Zeolite-Rare Earth AdsorbentsBin Li, Xiwu Lu, Ping Ning, Yuehong Yang. 599-602 [doi]
- A Spatial Decision Support System for Citrus Management - A Case Study of the Three Gorges Area of ChinaWei Wu, Hongbin Liu, Henglin Dai, Wei Li, Pengshou Sun. 601-603 [doi]
- The Mathematic Method of Membership Conversion from Degree of Coordinates to Degree of PointsKai-di Liu, Jin Wang, Yan-jun Pang, Jin Liu, Jun-hu Ruan. 603-608 [doi]
- Application of 3S Technology to the Updating Survey of LandFeng Jing. 604-607 [doi]
- Elliptic Interpolation of Multi-arc Fitting and Adaptive AlgorithmMing Gan, Guiqing Lin, Zhengping Yuan. 608-610 [doi]
- The Mathematical Model of the Endmembers in Hyperspectral DataDongmei Bi, Lijun Zhao, Yanjun Gong. 609-613 [doi]
- On Characteristics of Biorthogonal Vector-Valued Multivariate Wavelet Packets Associated with a Quantity Dilation MatrixShude Du, Deyou Yuan. 611-614 [doi]
- Analyzing and Designing of the Classroom Teaching System Based on the NetworkDelin Hou, Huosong Xia. 614-617 [doi]
- A Survey of Orthogonal Matrix-Valued Two-Dimensional Wavelet Packets with an Integer Quantity Dilation MatrixHongwei Gao, Yanping Cao. 615-618 [doi]
- Design of Distributed Architecture Based on Java Remote Method Invocation TechnologyDelin Hou, Huosong Xia. 618-621 [doi]
- Boolean Operations on Polygonal Meshes Using OBB TreesJing Yongbin, Wang Liguan, Bi Lin, Chen Jianhong. 619-622 [doi]
- Study on the Decision Mode of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Based on Delivery Response TimeHong-jun Cao, Liang Shen. 622-625 [doi]
- Ethanethiol Removal Using a Novel Plasma Reactor Combined with Mn/?-Al2O3Bin Lu, Min Ji, Mengmeng Wang, Jianbo Lv. 623-626 [doi]
- IPv4/IPv6 Intercommunication Technology ResearchYan-ge Chen, Shui-mu Tan, Jun-ying Guo. 626-630 [doi]
- Degradation of Rhodamine B Using UV/Cu2+/H202 SystemJun Hong, Chengcheng Wu, Sijia Lu, Yanping Cui. 627-630 [doi]
- Analysis on 3PRL and Its Provider SelectionXiangru Meng, Yongjie Zhang, Wei Song. 631-634 [doi]
- IPv6 Network Comprehensive Deployment on Campus NetworkYan-ge Chen, Zi-yi Hu, Shui-mu Tan. 631-634 [doi]
- IGDSS Consultation Model of Investment Decision for HighwayJian Lei, Xuancang Wang. 635-638 [doi]
- Intensive Tillage Effects on Wheat Production on a Steep Hillslope in the Sichuan Basin, ChinaXiaojun Nie, Jianhui Zhang, Zhengan Su. 635-638 [doi]
- Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous Solution Using Iron-Oxide-Coated Sand Filter Media: Batch StudiesJianbo Lu, Liping Sun, Xinhua Zhao, Bin Lu, Yinlei Li, Lei Zhang. 639-644 [doi]
- Combining Model for Regional GPS Height Conversion Based on Least Squares Support Vector MachinesJigang Wang, Yonghui Hu, Jiangcun Zhou. 639-641 [doi]
- Research and Realization of Geospatial Information Service Orchestration Based on BPELXiaoliang Meng, Fuling Bian, Yichun Xie. 642-645 [doi]
- Adaptive Calculation of Division Points for Piecewise Linear Transformation and Application in Image EnhancementJunhua Zhang, Gen Yang, Qing Xu, Yongjun Zhao. 645-648 [doi]
- A Novel Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Ant Colony OptimizationXie Hui, Zhang Zhigang, Zhou Xueguang. 646-649 [doi]
- Game Analysis of Copyright Protection of Software Products under Network ConditionXiaobo Yin, Hong Liu. 650-653 [doi]
- Degradation of Humic Acid by TiO2 Nonutubes/UV/O3Liuming Pan, Min Ji, Bin Lu, Xiuduo Wang, Lejun Zhao. 654-657 [doi]
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- An Improved Algorithm for Discrete Logarithm ProblemJun Zhang, Liqun Chen. 658-661 [doi]
- An Algorithm for Real-Time Fast Walkthrough of Massive TerrainHailiang Jin, Huijie Liu. 661-664 [doi]
- Synthesis of Water Allocation Network in Process IndustriesJianren Zhou, Zhaojie Cui. 662-665 [doi]
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- Photosensitized Oxidative Desulfurization of Thiophene by RiboflavinFa-Tang Li, Rui-Hong Liu. 666-668 [doi]
- Accessible Network Information Environment Design from the Perspective of Visual DisabilityHuang Lu. 669-672 [doi]
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- Prediction Model of Alga s Growth Based on Support Vector RegressionQisheng Yan, Guohua Wang. 673-675 [doi]
- Carbon Dioxide Sequestration with Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) GypsumHongqi Wang, Ningning Sun, Rona J. Donahoe. 673-676 [doi]
- A 3D Curve Grouping Methods and Its ApplicationBaoshun Li, Lo Vui Hong, Qixin Cao, Lei Zhang, Jay Lee. 676-679 [doi]
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- The LBS System Based on BREW PlatformXilong Qu, Yingchun Liu. 689-691 [doi]
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- An Information System for Provincial Mineral Resources Planning and Management Based on ArcGISShengjun Zhong, Zhufang Wang, Tianping Bi. 693-696 [doi]
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- Key Technique Analysis of the Management Information System for Provincial Mineral Resources Based on ArcGISShengjun Zhong, Zhufang Wang. 697-700 [doi]
- Analysis on the Multi-system Collaborative Model of the Enterprise Circular Economy - A Case Study of Hangzhou Iron & Steel Group in ChinaNing Cai, Qi Taisong Shen. 700-703 [doi]
- Adsorption and Desorption Behaviors of 4-Cresol on ss-Cyclodextrin PolymerNing Li, Xiao-Li Xiong, Ren-Bing Li. 701-704 [doi]
- The Scattering Study of Rough Surface by Ray Tracing TechniqueXiaoyang Wen, Chao Wang, Hong Zhang. 704-707 [doi]
- The Study of Film and TV Cultural Creative Industry Based on Digital TechnologyJingchen Liu, Zhongping Xiang. 705-707 [doi]
- Phoslock, a Soluble Phosphorus Binding Technology, Application in Lake Dianchi Eutrophic Water PurificationYungen Liu, Kun Tian, Andrew Winks. 708-711 [doi]
- Impact of Global Warming on Altitude Effect in China in the Past Half CenturyLu Aigang, Wang Tianming, Kang Shichang, Pang Deqian. 708-710 [doi]
- Mechanism of Pb(II) Biosorption by Saccharomyces CerevisiaeDong Limin, Du Juan, Bai Xin, Yu Naili, Fan Chunhui, Zhang Ying. 712-715 [doi]