Abstract is missing.
- A Theory of Primitive Objects - Scond-Order SystemsMartín Abadi, Luca Cardelli. 1-25
- Pi-Nets: A Graphical Form of pi-CalculusRobin Milner. 26-42
- Local Type Reconstruction by Means of Symbolic Fixed Point IterationTorben Amtoft. 43-57
- An Asynchronous Algebra with Multiple ClocksHenrik Reif Andersen, Michael Mendler. 58-73
- Foundational Issues in Implementing Constraint Logic Programming SystemsJames H. Andrews. 74-88
- Programming with Behaviors in an ML Framework - The Syntax and Semantics of LCSBernard Berthomieu, Thierry Le Sergent. 89-104
- Characterizing Behavioural Semantics and Abstractor SemanticsMichel Bidoit, Rolf Hennicker, Martin Wirsing. 105-119
- Extending Pruning Techniques to Polymorphic Second order Lambda-CalculusLuca Boerio. 120-134
- Lambda-Definition of Function(al)s by Normal FormsCorrado Böhm, Adolfo Piperno, Stefano Guerrini. 135-149
- Simulation of SOS Definitions with Term Rewriting SystemsKarl-Heinz Buth. 150-164
- Strategies in Modular System Design by Interface RewritingSerafino Cicerone, Francesco Parisi-Presicce. 165-179
- Symbolic Model Checking and Constraint Logic Programming: a Cross-FertilizationMarc-Michel Corsini, Antoine Rauzy. 180-194
- A Logical Denotational Semantics for Constraint Logic ProgrammingAlessandra Di Pierro, Catuscia Palamidessi. 195-210
- Compilation of Head and Strong ReductionPascal Fradet. 211-224
- Suffix Trees in the Functional Programming ParadigmRobert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz. 225-240
- Type Classes in HaskellCordelia V. Hall, Kevin Hammond, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Philip Wadler. 241-256
- Lazy Type Inference for the Strictness Analysis of ListsChris Hankin, Daniel Le Métayer. 257-271
- Lazy Unification with SimplificationMichael Hanus. 272-286
- Polymorphic Binding-Time AnalysisFritz Henglein, Christian Mossin. 287-301 [doi]
- Shapely Types and Shape PolymorphismC. Barry Jay, J. Robin B. Cockett. 302-316
- Bottom-up Grammar Analysis - A Functional FormulationJohan Jeuring, S. Doaitse Swierstra. 317-332
- First-Class Polymorphism for MLStefan Kahrs. 333-347
- Dimension TypesAndrew Kennedy. 348-362
- A Synergistic Analysis for Sharing and Groundness with Traces LinearityAndy King. 363-378
- A pi-Calculus Specification of PrologBenjamin Z. Li. 379-393
- A Logical Framework for Evolution of SpecificationsWei Li. 394-408
- A Semantics for Higher-Order FunctorsDavid B. MacQueen, Mads Tofte. 409-423
- The PCKS-Machine: An Abstract Machine for Sound Evaluation of Parallel Functional Programs with First-Class ContinuationsLuc Moreau. 424-438
- A Tiny Constrain Functional Logic Language and Its Continuation SemanticsAndy Mück, Thomas Streicher. 439-453
- Fully Abstract Translations and Parametric PolymorphismPeter W. O Hearn, Jon G. Riecke. 454-468
- Broadcasting with PriorityK. V. S. Prasad. 469-484
- Towards Unifying Partial Evaluation, Deforestation, Supercompilation, and GPCMorten Heine Sørensen, Robert Glück, Neil D. Jones. 485-500
- Algebraic Proofs of Properties of ObjectsDavid Walker. 501-516