Abstract is missing.
- Resources, Concurrency, and Local Reasoning (Abstract)Peter W. O Hearn. 1-2 [doi]
- Relational Abstract Domains for the Detection of Floating-Point Run-Time ErrorsAntoine Miné. 3-17 [doi]
- Strong Preservation as Completeness in Abstract InterpretationFrancesco Ranzato, Francesco Tapparo. 18-32 [doi]
- Static Analysis of Digital FiltersJérôme Feret. 33-48 [doi]
- Sound and Decidable Type Inference for Functional DependenciesGregory J. Duck, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Peter J. Stuckey, Martin Sulzmann. 49-63 [doi]
- Call-by-Value Mixin Modules: Reduction Semantics, Side Effects, TypesTom Hirschowitz, Xavier Leroy, J. B. Wells. 64-78 [doi]
- ML-Like Inference for ClassifiersCristiano Calcagno, Eugenio Moggi, Walid Taha. 79-93 [doi]
- From Constraints to Finite Automata to Filtering AlgorithmsMats Carlsson, Nicolas Beldiceanu. 94-108 [doi]
- A Memoizing Semantics for Functional Logic LanguagesSalvador España, Vicent Estruch. 109-123 [doi]
- Adaptive Pattern Matching on Binary DataPer Gustafsson, Konstantinos F. Sagonas. 124-139 [doi]
- Compositional Analysis of Authentication ProtocolsMichele Bugliesi, Riccardo Focardi, Matteo Maffei. 140-154 [doi]
- A Distributed Abstract Machine for Boxed Ambient CalculiAndrew Phillips, Nobuko Yoshida, Susan Eisenbach. 155-170 [doi]
- A Dependently Typed Ambient CalculusCédric Lhoussaine, Vladimiro Sassone. 171-187 [doi]
- A Control Flow Analysis for Safe and Boxed AmbientsFrancesca Levi, Chiara Bodei. 188-203 [doi]
- Linear Types for Packet ProcessingRobert Ennals, Richard Sharp, Alan Mycroft. 204-218 [doi]
- Modal Proofs as Distributed Programs (Extended Abstract)Limin Jia, David Walker. 219-233 [doi]
- ULM: A Core Programming Model for Global Computing: (Extended Abstract)Gérard Boudol. 234-248 [doi]
- A Semantic Framework for Designer TransactionsJan Vitek, Suresh Jagannathan, Adam Welc, Antony L. Hosking. 249-263 [doi]
- Semantical Analysis of Specification Logic, 3: An Operational ApproachDan R. Ghica. 264-278 [doi]
- Answer Type Polymorphism in Call-by-Name Continuation PassingHayo Thielecke. 279-293 [doi]
- System E: Expansion Variables for Flexible Typing with Linear and Non-linear Types and Intersection TypesSébastien Carlier, Jeff Polakow, J. B. Wells, A. J. Kfoury. 294-309 [doi]
- A Hardest Attacker for Leaking ReferencesRené Rydhof Hansen. 310-324 [doi]
- Trust Management in Strand Spaces: A Rely-Guarantee MethodJoshua D. Guttman, F. Javier Thayer, Jay A. Carlson, Jonathan C. Herzog, John D. Ramsdell, Brian T. Sniffen. 325-339 [doi]
- Just Fast Keying in the Pi CalculusMartín Abadi, Bruno Blanchet, Cédric Fournet. 340-354 [doi]
- Decidable Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols with Products and Modular ExponentiationVitaly Shmatikov. 355-369 [doi]
- Functors for Proofs and ProgramsJean-Christophe Filliâtre, Pierre Letouzey. 370-384 [doi]
- Extracting a Data Flow Analyser in Constructive LogicDavid Cachera, Thomas P. Jensen, David Pichardie, Vlad Rusu. 385-400 [doi]
- Canonical Graph ShapesArend Rensink. 401-415 [doi]