Abstract is missing.
- Exploiting ALM and MDE for Supporting Questionnaire-Based Gap Analysis ProcessesVincenzo De Simone, Domenico Amalfitano, Anna Rita Fasolino. 1-8 [doi]
- Ontology-Supported Design Parameter Management for Change Impact AnalysisJan Novacek, Ali Ahari, Alessandro Cornaglia, Frederik Haxel, Alexander Viehl, Oliver Bringmann, Wolfgang Rosenstiel. 9-16 [doi]
- Singing the Praise of Empowerment: Or Paying the Cost of ChaosHelena Holmström Olsson, Jan Bosch. 17-21 [doi]
- Sustaining Agile Beyond AdoptionLeonor Barroca, Peggy Gregory, Kati Kuusinen, Helen Sharp, Raid AlQaisi. 22-25 [doi]
- Influence of Structured Information in Bug Report Descriptions on IR-Based Bug LocalizationMichael Rath 0002, Patrick Mäder. 26-32 [doi]
- Challenges Concerning Test Case Specifications in Automotive Software TestingKatharina Juhnke, Matthias Tichy, Frank Houdek. 33-40 [doi]
- Re-visiting a Test Taxonomy with Refactoring and Defect-fix DataSteve Counsell, Stephen Swift, Roberto Tonelli, Michele Marchesi, Michael Felderer. 41-44 [doi]
- Enabling Compliance Checking Against Safety Standards from SPEM 2.0 Process ModelsJulieth Patricia Castellanos Ardila, Barbara Gallina, Faiz Ul Muram. 45-49 [doi]
- Software Engineering Challenges of Deep LearningAnders Arpteg, Björn Brinne, Luka Crnkovic-Friis, Jan Bosch. 50-59 [doi]
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- Effective Online Controlled Experiment Analysis at Large ScaleAleksander Fabijan, Pavel Dmitriev, Helena Holmström Olsson, Jan Bosch. 64-67 [doi]
- Online Controlled Experimentation at Scale: An Empirical Survey on the Current State of A/B TestingAleksander Fabijan, Pavel Dmitriev, Helena Holmström Olsson, Jan Bosch. 68-72 [doi]
- Monitoring CPS at Runtime - A Case Study in the UAV DomainMichael Vierhauser, Jane Cleland-Huang, Sean Bayley, Thomas Krismayer, Rick Rabiser, Paul Grünbacher. 73-80 [doi]
- Evidence-Based Verification of Safety Properties Concerning the Cooperation of Autonomous AgentsMarc Spisländer, Francesca Saglietti. 81-88 [doi]
- Be Prepared: Learning Environment Profiles for Proactive Rule-Based Production PlanningVerena Klös, Thomas Göthel, Sabine Glesner. 89-96 [doi]
- Towards Co-simulation of Embedded Platforms and Physics-Based ModelsYon Vanommeslaeghe, Paul De Meulenaere, Joachim Denil, Francesco Cosco, Bart Forrier, Jan Croes. 97-100 [doi]
- Allocation Optimization for Component-Based Embedded Systems with GPUsGabriel Campeanu, Jan Carlson, Séverine Sentilles. 101-110 [doi]
- A Smart City Application Modeling Framework: A Case Study on Re-engineering a Smart Retail PlatformParaskevi Smiari, Stamatia Bibi. 111-118 [doi]
- NUMA Awareness: Improving Thread and Memory ManagementMaria Patrou, Kenneth B. Kent, Gerhard W. Dueck, Charlie Gracie, Aleksandar Micic. 119-123 [doi]
- Security and Privacy Concerns in Connected Cars: A Systematic Mapping StudyPrabhat Ram, Jouni Markkula, Ville Friman, Arian Raz. 124-131 [doi]
- Towards Modeling Patterns for Embedded Software Industry: Feedback from the FieldDeniz Akdur, Onur Demirörs, Bilge Say. 132-136 [doi]
- Best Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling. A Systematic Mapping StudyGerald Czech, Michael Moser, Josef Pichler. 137-145 [doi]
- Model-Based Testing of Software-Based System FunctionsImke Drave, Steffen Hillemacher, Timo Greifenberg, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann, Matthias Markthaler, Stefan Kriebel. 146-153 [doi]
- Fault-Prone Java Method Analysis Focusing on Pair of Local Variables with Confusing NamesKeiichiro Tashima, Hirohisa Aman, Sousuke Amasaki, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, Minoru Kawahara. 154-158 [doi]
- Impact of Design Pattern Implementation Variants on the Retrieval Effectiveness of a Recovery Tool: An Exploratory StudyAndrea De Lucia, Vincenzo Deufemia, Carmine Gravino, Michele Risi. 159-166 [doi]
- Exploring the Use of Rapid Type Analysis for Detecting the Dead Method Smell in Java CodeSimone Romano 0001, Giuseppe Scanniello. 167-174 [doi]
- The Effects of Vectorization Methods on Non-Functional Requirements ClassificationSousuke Amasaki, Pattara Leelaprute. 175-182 [doi]
- Realising Individual and Team Capability in Agile Software Development: A Qualitative InvestigationEmilia Mendes, Davi Viana, Sai Datta Vishnubhotla, Lars Lundberg. 183-190 [doi]
- Exploring Reuse Levels in ERP Projects in Search of an Effort Estimation ApproachOnur Demirörs, Neslihan Küçükates Ömüral. 191-197 [doi]
- Component Selection in Software Engineering - Which Attributes are the Most Important in the Decision Process?Panagiota Chatzipetrou, Emil Alégroth, Efi Papatheocharous, Markus Borg, Tony Gorschek, Krzysztof Wnuk. 198-205 [doi]
- Anchorvideos as a Means to Engage with Software and Technology Innovations in Large OrganizationsVerena Pohl, Harriet Kasper, Monika Kochanowski, Tobias Krause. 206-209 [doi]
- Using Self-Healing to Increase Robustness of Handling In-Browser Third-Party ContentSara Nadi, Jimmy Hedstrom, Miroslaw Staron. 210-213 [doi]
- Linking Personality Traits and Interpersonal Skills to Gamification AwardsMaria Papoutsoglou, Georgia M. Kapitsaki, Nikolaos Mittas. 214-221 [doi]
- DKDOnto: An Ontology to Support Software Development with Distributed TeamsRodrigo G. C. Rocha, Arthur Araujo, Diogo Cordeiro, Ryan R. Azevedo, Daliton da Silva. 222-225 [doi]
- Are We Excellent Yet? Perceptions of Software 'Test Centre of Excellence' Within a Financial InstitutionMichal Dolezel, Jana Kroppova. 226-229 [doi]
- Enhanced Feature Selection Using Word Embeddings for Self-Admitted Technical Debt IdentificationJernej Flisar, Vili Podgorelec. 230-233 [doi]
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- Code Cleaning for Software Defect Prediction: A Cautionary TaleThomas Shippey, David Bowes, Steve Counsell, Tracy Hall. 239-243 [doi]
- An Exploratory Study of Search Based Training Data Selection for Cross Project Defect PredictionSeyedrebvar Hosseini, Burak Turhan. 244-251 [doi]
- Categories of Change Triggers in Business ProcessesAngelika Kaplan, Kiana Busch, Anne Koziolek, Robert Heinrich. 252-259 [doi]
- Advanced Queueing Models for Quantitative Business Process AnalysisRemco M. Dijkman, Ivo Adan, Sander Peters. 260-267 [doi]
- Considering Non-sequential Control Flows for Process Prediction with Recurrent Neural NetworksAndreas Metzger, Adrian Neubauer. 268-272 [doi]
- Integrating Requirements and Business Process Models in BPM ProjectsCarina Alves 0001, George Valença, Glória Fraga. 273-280 [doi]
- A Toolbox for the Development and Implementation of Value Based Care PathwaysIrene T. P. Vanderfeesten, Debora Katerberg, Oktay Türetken, Ramon van de Ven. 281-288 [doi]
- Flexible System-Level Monitoring of Heterogeneous Big Data Streaming SystemsHolger Eichelberger. 289-292 [doi]
- Incremental Verification of Complex Event Processing Applications for System MonitoringAndreas Metzger, Christian Reinartz, Klaus Pohl. 293-297 [doi]
- An Empirical Study on the Current and Future Challenges of Automotive Software Release and Configuration ManagementHoussem Guissouma, Heiko Klare, Eric Sax, Erik Burger. 298-305 [doi]
- Role-Based Runtime Model SynchronizationChristopher Werner, Hendrik Schön, Thomas Kühn 0001, Sebastian Götz, Uwe Aßmann. 306-313 [doi]
- A Knowledge-Based Decision Support System for Micro and Nano Manufacturing Process ChainsTobias Muller, Veit Hagenmeyer, Andreas Schmidt 0002, Steffen Scholz, Ahmed Elkaseer. 314-320 [doi]
- A Consistent View of the Smart Grid: Bridging the Gap between IEC CIM and IEC 61850Artem Schumilin, Clemens Düpmeier, Karl-Uwe Stucky, Veit Hagenmeyer. 321-325 [doi]
- A Methodology for Domain-Spanning Change Impact AnalysisRobert Heinrich, Kiana Busch, Sandro Koch. 326-330 [doi]
- Multi-level, Viewpoint-Oriented Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems: An Approach Based on Industry 4.0, System Architecture and Semantic Web StandardsUdo Kannengiesser, Harald Müller. 331-334 [doi]
- Current State of Research on Continuous Experimentation: A Systematic Mapping StudyFlorian Auer, Michael Felderer. 335-344 [doi]
- Continuous Experimentation in Mobile Game DevelopmentSezin Yaman, Tommi Mikkonen, Riku Suomela. 345-352 [doi]
- Continuous Experimentation Scenarios: A Case Study in e-CommerceRasmus Ros, Elizabeth Bjarnason. 353-356 [doi]
- Objectives and Challenges of the Utilization of User-Interaction Data in Software DevelopmentSampo Suonsyrjä, Outi Sievi-Korte, Kari Systä, Terhi Kilamo, Tommi Mikkonen. 357-361 [doi]
- A Collection of Software Engineering Challenges for Big Data System DevelopmentOliver Hummel, Holger Eichelberger, Andreas Giloj, Dominik Werle, Klaus Schmid. 362-369 [doi]
- A Quality Model for Actionable Analytics in Rapid Software DevelopmentSilverio Martínez-Fernández, Andreas Jedlitschka, Liliana Guzmán, Anna Maria Vollmer. 370-377 [doi]
- A Large-Scale Study on Source Code Reviewer RecommendationJakub Lipcak, Bruno Rossi 0001. 378-387 [doi]
- CrossSim: Exploiting Mutual Relationships to Detect Similar OSS ProjectsPhuong T. Nguyen, Juri Di Rocco, Riccardo Rubei, Davide Di Ruscio. 388-395 [doi]
- An Automated Approach for Classifying Reverse-Engineered and Forward-Engineered UML Class DiagramsMohd Hafeez Osman, Truong Ho-Quang, Michel Chaudron. 396-399 [doi]
- A Case Study of the Effects of Architecture Debt on Software Evolution EffortWill Snipes, Sunil Karlekar, Ran Mo. 400-403 [doi]
- Exploring the Relationship between Software Modularity and Technical DebtPeggy Skiada, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, Elvira-Maria Arvanitou, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Ioannis Stamelos. 404-407 [doi]
- Towards an Architectural Debt IndexRiccardo Roveda, Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Ilaria Pigazzini, Marco Zanoni. 408-416 [doi]
- An Architectural Smells Detection Tool for C and C++ ProjectsAndrea Biaggi, Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Riccardo Roveda. 417-420 [doi]
- Integrating Traceability Within the IDE to Prevent Requirements Documentation DebtSofia Charalampidou, Apostolos Ampatzoglou, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Nikolaos Tsiridis. 421-428 [doi]
- A Study of Factors that Lead Development Teams to Incur Technical Debt in Software ProjectsNicolli Rios, Rodrigo Oliveira Spínola, Manoel Gomes de Mendonça Neto, Carolyn B. Seaman. 429-436 [doi]
- Identifying Technical Debt in Database Normalization Using Association Rule MiningMashel Al-Barak, Muna Alrazgan, Rami Bahsoon. 437-441 [doi]
- Challenges in Assessing Technical Debt Based on Dynamic Runtime DataMarcus Ciolkowski, Liliana Guzmán, Adam Trendowicz, Anna Maria Vollmer. 442-445 [doi]
- A Systematic Mapping of Software Engineering Approaches to Develop Big Data SystemsRodrigo Laigner, Marcos Kalinowski, Sérgio Lifschitz, Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro, Daniel Ferreira de Oliveira. 446-453 [doi]
- A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Agile Requirements EngineeringHugo Villamizar, Marcos Kalinowski, Marx L. Viana, Daniel Méndez Fernández. 454-461 [doi]
- A Systematic Mapping Study on API Documentation Generation ApproachesKristian Nybom, Adnan Ashraf, Ivan Porres. 462-469 [doi]
- Safety-Critical Systems and Agile Development: A Mapping StudyRashidah Kasauli, Eric Knauss, Benjamin Kanagwa, Agneta Nilsson, Gul Calikli. 470-477 [doi]
- Towards a Terminology Unification in Software InteroperabilityDiana Maria Torres Ricaurte, Monica K. Villavicencio Cabezas, Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo. 478-485 [doi]
- Smart Cities Evaluation - A Survey of Performance and Sustainability IndicatorsDessislava Petrova-Antonova, Sylvia Ilieva. 486-493 [doi]
- Hierarchical Multi-tenancy in Business to Business Software ServicesAdeniyi Abdul, Julian M. Bass. 494-501 [doi]
- Performance and Energy-Based Cost Prediction of Virtual Machines Auto-Scaling in CloudsMohammad Aldossary, Karim Djemame. 502-509 [doi]
- Towards Generating Elastic Microservices: A Declarative Specification for Consistent Elasticity ConfigurationsFloriment Klinaku, Vincenzo Ferme. 510-513 [doi]
- Towards an End-to-End Architecture for Run-Time Data Protection in the CloudNazila Gol Mohammadi, Zoltán Ádám Mann, Andreas Metzger, Maritta Heisel, James Greig. 514-518 [doi]
- Abstract Fog in the Bottle - Trends of Computing in History and FutureMarcus Hilbrich, Markus Frank. 519-522 [doi]