Abstract is missing.
- How formal analysis and verification add security to blockchain-based systemsShin'ichiro Matsuo. 1-4 [doi]
- Symbolic security analysis using the Tamarin proverCas Cremers. 5 [doi]
- Coalition, intrigue, ambush, destruction and pride: Herding cats can be challengingJade Alglave. 6 [doi]
- Automated formal reasoning about AWS systemsByron Cook. 7 [doi]
- Formal methods in industrial dependable systems design - The TTTech exampleWilfried Steiner. 8 [doi]
- Hardware model checking competition 2017Armin Biere, Tom van Dijk, Keijo Heljanko. 9 [doi]
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- goSAT: Floating-point satisfiability as global optimizationM. Ammar Ben Khadra, Dominik Stoffel, Wolfgang Kunz. 11-14 [doi]
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- Theta: A framework for abstraction refinement-based model checkingTamás Tóth, Ákos Hajdu, András Vörös, Zoltán Micskei, István Majzik. 176-179 [doi]
- Modular SMT-based analysis of nonlinear hybrid systemsKyungmin Bae, Sicun Gao. 180-187 [doi]
- SMT-based analysis of switching multi-domain linear Kirchhoff networksAlessandro Cimatti, Sergio Mover, Mirko Sessa. 188-195 [doi]
- Automatic verification of application-tailored OSEK kernelsHans-Peter Deifel, Merlin Gottlinger, Stefan Milius, Lutz Schröder, Christian Dietrich 0001, Daniel Lohmann. 196-203 [doi]
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- Automated repair by example for firewallsWilliam T. Hallahan, Ennan Zhai, Ruzica Piskac. 220-229 [doi]