Abstract is missing.
- Some Observations About the Nature of Computer ScienceJuris Hartmanis. 1-12
- Essential Intersection Type AssignmentSteffen van Bakel. 13-23
- Label-Selective lambda-Calculus Syntax and ConfluenceHassan Aït-Kaci, Jacques Garrigue. 24-40
- Conventional and Uniqueness Typing in Graph Rewrite SystemsErik Barendsen, Sjaak Smetsers. 41-51
- A Meta-Language for Typed Object-Oriented LanguagesGiuseppe Castagna. 52-71
- Preemption in Concurrent SystemsGérard Berry. 72-93
- Local Versus Non-local Computation of Length of Digitized CurvesSanjeev R. Kulkarni, Sanjoy K. Mitter, T. J. Richardson, John N. Tsitsiklis. 94-103
- Data-Independences of Parallel Random Access MachinesKlaus-Jörn Lange, Rolf Niedermeier. 104-113
- Proving Termination of Logic Programs by Transforming them into Equivalent Term Rewriting SystemsG. Aguzzi, U. Modigliani. 114-124
- Completeness of Hierarchical Combinations of term Rewriting SystemsM. R. K. Krishna Rao. 125-138
- Higher-Order and Semantic UnificationNachum Dershowitz, Subrata Mitra. 139-150
- A Conservative Extension of First-order Logic and Its Application to Theorem ProvingDavid A. Basin, Seán Matthews. 151-160
- Well-Founded Ordered Search (Extended Abstract)Peter J. Stuckey, S. Sudarshan. 161-172
- A Real-Time Interval Logic and Its Decision ProcedureY. S. Ramakrishna, Laura K. Dillon, Louise E. Moser, P. M. Melliar-Smith, G. Kutty. 173-192
- On the Semantics of Optimization Predicates in CLP LanguagesFrançois Fages. 193-204
- Incremental Algorithms for Constraint Solving and Entailment over Rational TreesViswanath Ramachandran, Pascal Van Hentenryck. 205-217
- Proximity Problems and the Voronoi Diagram an a Rectilinear Plane with Rectangular ObstaclesSumanta Guha, Ichiro Suzuki. 218-227
- Feasability of Design in StereolithographyBoudewijn Asberg, Gregoria Blanco, Prosenjit Bose, Jesus Garcia-Lopez, Mark H. Overmars, Godfried T. Toussaint, Gordon T. Wilfong, Binhai Zhu. 228-237
- Compact Location ProblemsVenkatesh Radhakrishnan, Sven Oliver Krumke, Madhav V. Marathe, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, S. S. Ravi. 238-247
- On Some Communication Complexity Problems Related to THreshold FunctionsMagnús M. Halldórsson, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, K. V. Subrahmanyam. 248-259
- Recursiveness over the Complex Numbers is Time-BoundedFelipe Cucker, Francesc Rosselló. 260-267
- A lOwer Bound for Solvability of Polynomial EquationsKetan Mulmuley. 268-283
- Reuse of Proofs in Software VerificationWolfgang Reif, Kurt Stenzel. 284-293
- Induce-Statements and Induce-Expressions: Constructs for Inductive ProgrammingTheodore S. Norvell. 294-305
- A Graphic Language Based on Timing DiagramsChristian Antoine, Bernard Le Goff, Jean-Eric Pin. 306-316
- Panel on Software Technology: Integrating Theory and PracticeR. Narasimhan. 317
- Generating Degrees of Belief from Statistical Information: An OverviewFahiem Bacchus, Adam J. Grove, Joseph Y. Halpern, Daphne Koller. 318-325
- Complexity Results for 1-safe NetsAllan Cheng, Javier Esparza, Jens Palsberg. 326-337
- Some Results About Logical Descriptions of Non-Deterministic BehavioursDavid Janin. 338-347
- Order Structures and Generalisations of Szpilrajn s TheoremRyszard Janicki, Maciej Koutny. 348-357
- ICSP and Its Relationship with ACSP and CSPK. Narayan Kumar, Paritosh K. Pandya. 358-372
- On Reduction-Based SemanticsKohei Honda, Nobuko Yoshida. 373-387
- Keeping Track of the Latest Gossip: Bounded Time-Stamps SufficeMadhavan Mukund, Milind A. Sohoni. 388-399
- Time Optimal Self-Stabilizing Spanning Tree AlgorithmsSudhanshu Aggarwal, Shay Kutten. 400-410
- Efficient Algorithm to Sort Linear Combinations of ArraysArun K. Pujari. 411-418
- A Simple File Structure for the Weighted Dictionary ProblemVijay K. Vaishnavi, D. Khanna. 419-435
- Searching, Sorting and Randomised Algorithms for Central Elements and Ideal Counting in PosetsDevdatt P. Dubhashi, Kurt Mehlhorn, Desh Ranjan, Christian Thiel. 436-443
- Learning Classes of Regular and Linear Languages in Valiant s Learnability FrameworkPushpak Bhattacharyya, G. Nagaraja. 444-454