Abstract is missing.
- Measuring the Cost of Bothering Users in Intelligent SystemsYonglin Ren, Mian Qin. 397-403
- Cost Functions for a Distributed Deductive Database within a Cluster Computing EnvironmentMartin Maskarinec, Kathleen Neumann. 404-407
- Development of A Rule Base Expert System for the Saint Martin Wastewater Treatment PlantVikash Fokeerah. 408-414
- A Requirement-driven Knowledge Fusion Model Using Seed OptimizationJin Gou, Yangyang Wu, Wei Luo. 415-419
- A General Cancer Knowledge ModelGuoQiang Peng. 420-426
- Cognitive Network for Atmospheric SensingPaul Yaworsky, Douglas Holzhauer, Robert Fleishauer, Walter Koziarz. 427-432
- Anomaly Detection in Telecommunication Network Performance DataSethuraman Muthuraman, Jianmin Jiang. 433-440
- Manufacturing Cells Design by Applying Genetic Algorithms and a Local SearchBerenice Cruz Flores, Juan Carlos Rosete Fonseca, Leonardo Bernal Haro. 441-447
- Simultaneous Structure Identification and Parameter Estimation of Gene Regulatory NetworksXinye Cai, Stephen Welch, Praveen Koduru, Sanjoy Das. 448-454
- An Application of Genetic Algorithm for Weekly Course Timetabling ProblemDuc Thanh Nguyen, Cam Thi Nguyen, Tham Luong Thi, Thanh Loan Nguyen Thi, Kim Loan Tran Thi. 455-462
- The Role of Recommendation for Flavor Innovation and DiscoveryEdwin Costello, Lorraine McGinty, Matt Burland, Barry Smyth. 463-469
- On Approximate Knowledge Compilation with Weighted Decision DiagramsOlga Heling-Tveretina, Gregory M. Provan. 470-475
- Finding More Interesting Rules with Decision Trees fo Very Large DatabasesHyontai Sug. 476-480
- An Automated Equational Logic Deduction of Join Elimination in Orthomodular Lattice TheoryJack Horner. 481-488
- The Prototype of System For Discovering of Inference RulesErika Matsak. 489-494
- LM4: Enabling autonomous intelligent machines to handle contradictory informationDavid Anderson. 495-500
- Adaptive Hierarchical RBF Network for Robot LearningQinggang Meng, Mark H. Lee. 501-507
- A Behavior-Based Controller with Evolutionary Adapted Fuzzy Rule Base for a Car-like Mobile RobotHaythem Ghazouani, Moncef Tagina. 508-514
- Speaker Identification and Verification for Intelligent Service RobotsKeun Chang Kwak, Hye-Jin Kim, Kyung-Suk Bae, Ho-Sub Yoon. 515-519
- Extracting Landmarks in Temporal Planning DomainsLaura Sebastia, Eliseo Marzal, Eva Onaindia. 520-526
- AI Planning through Mixed-Integer ProgrammingHarry Bovik, Sergey Shishkin, Yuri Smirnov. 527-534
- Towards Human Decision-Making in Multi-Agent SystemsPhillip Coleman, Michael Pellon, Yu Zhang. 535-540
- A Formal Framework for Agent-Oriented Software EngineeringRaheel Ahmad, Shahram Rahimi, Bidyut Gupta. 541-546
- An Agent Based Modeling Approach to Explain the Perception of Environmental StressorsBert De Coensel, Tom De Muer, Dick Botteldooren. 547-553
- Ontological Mediation Among Information AgentsShahram Rahimi, Pravab Rana, Oliver Koester, Bidyut Gupta. 554-560
- Using Meta-agents for Multi-agents in NetworksAnne Håkansson, Ronald L. Hartung. 561-567
- Towards Basic Motivations for Autonomous AgentsRamesh Rayudu. 568-573
- The Architecture Of A Learner Model Manager AgentDidier Fragne, Nabila Sayouri, Hicham Mazladi. 574-580
- Transformation-Based Khmer Part-of-Speech TaggerChenda Nou, Wataru Kameyama. 581-587
- Use Case Paths Model Revealing Through Natural Language Requirements AnalysisMagda Ilieva. 588-594
- Accelerating and Evaluation of Syntactic Parsing in Natural Language Question Answering SystemsZhe Chen, Dunwei Wen. 595-601
- A Unified Framework for Relative Clause Simplification and Relative Pronoun CorrectionChristina George, Nathalie Japkowicz. 602-608
- Exploiting Ontology and Thesaurus to Automatically Generate Smart Hyperlinks Based on Vector Space ModelChih-Chung Wang, Don-Lin Yang, Yu Hen Hu, Wei-Cheng Liao. 609-613
- Retrieval of XML Data to Support NLP ApplicationsSiddhartha Ghosh, Sameen Fatima. 614-620
- A Graphical Game Model of Drug BindingChristina Boucher, Maja Omanovic. 621-627
- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Core Based on Positive RegionBingru Yang, Zhangyan Xu, Wei Song, Yanling Han. 628-634
- Towards Debugging of Answer-Set Programs in the Language PSpbArtur Mikitiuk, Eric Moseley, Miroslaw Truszczynski. 635-640
- Controller Area Network Frames DecoderJ. R. Tager, Ricardo Ramírez-Mendoza, Rubén Morales-Menéndez. 641-646
- Near Real-time Inverse Analysis for Discrete Dynamic Systems using Incomplete Acceleration Time SeriesBin Xu. 647-652
- Support Vector Machines Applied to Research of Ancient Chinese Porcelain: Modeling of Jun GlazeLu-Jin You, Guo-Zheng Li, Jack Y. Yang. 653-658
- Solving Realistic Cutting Stock Problems Using MetaheuristicsCarlos Gracia-Calandín, Carlos Andrés-Romano. 659-665
- Implementation of Intelligent Systems to Manage the Knowledge in the UniversityVictor Hugo Medina García, Juan Manuel Cueva Lovelle. 666-670
- Multi-Commodity Pipeline Scheduling. A Tabu Search ApproachÁlvaro García-Sánchez, Luis Miguel Arreche Bedia, Miguel Ortega-Mier. 671-677
- Cross-lingual Similarity Calculation in Economic Document CollectionsRocío Rocha, Margarita Alonso, Angel Cobo. 678-682
- Analysis, design and simulation of a finite capacity queuing model with uncertain parametersDavid de la Fuente, María José Pardo. 683-689
- Multi Agent Systems Based Simulation of Hotel Customers in Revenue Management DSS Benchmarking PlatformAlfonso Duran, Isabel García, Esmeralda Giraldo. 690-694
- Perl Simulation of a Job Shop Type ProblemJesús Lozano Mosterín, David de la Fuente, Manuel Monterrey. 695-701
- Two-Stages Evaluation Algorithm for Automatic Ranking in Information RetrievalJavier de la Mata, José A. Olivas, Jesús Serrano-Guerrero. 702-708
- Fuzzy Term-Evaluation in a Information System to Manage Airport User RightsJesús Serrano-Guerrero, José A. Olivas, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Javier de la Mata. 709-716
- OntoClock, The Difference Between Having Ontological Knowledge and Knowing ItDavid Dodds. 717-723
- Second Order Meta-Programming - Situatedness, Awareness, KnowledgeDavid Dodds. 724-729
- Practical Issues in Ontology EngineeringThomas Yan. 730-736
- A Discrete-Event Simulation Model for Dynamic Function Personalization in Generalized Software PackagesPrateeti Mohapatra, Howard Michel. 737-744
- Enhanced Communication Protocols Lead to Improved Robotic NavigationJeremy O. Blair, Michael V. Doran. 745-748
- An Adaptive Robotic Putter: Using Visual Input to Handle Putts Involving a Uniform SlopeJeremy Tapper, Michael Doran, Gene Simmons, Thomas Thomas. 749-758
- Development of a JADE Based Distributed Instant Messaging SystemMuhammed Bashir Mu azu, Michael Tanimu Garba, Yusuf Jibril, Jimoh Boyi. 759-764
- A Look at Inter-Hemispheric Diaschisis from Down-Under: Bilateral Extensor Response in Lesions Affecting the Major HemisphereIraj Derakhshan. 765-769
- Fuzzy Approach to the Management of the Environmental Contamination in Santiago City of ChileSantiago Zapata Caceres, Ramirez Luis Escobar, Carlos Reyes Pastore, Jhons Cortes Torres. 770-776
- SM based Operation for Specializing a Fast Clustering Algorithm for Text ClusteringTaeho Jo, Malrey Lee. 777-780
- Optimization of Antnet Routing Through Agent Based IntelligenceShuchita Upadhyaya, Richa Setiya. 781-785
- Investigations of the 0/1 Multiple Knapsack Problem Using a Genetic AlgorithmShyam Kumar Madhusudhana, Rhonda Hoenigman, Joseph Lewis. 786-790
- A Reactive Multi-Agent Based Ant Colony AlgorithmMalrey Lee, Yupeng Zhang, ThaeEun Kim, Thomas M. Gatton. 791-795
- Controlling Emergent Behavior in Large Scale Mobile Robotic SwarmsJeremy LaBrosse, Bahram Shafai. 796-800
- Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Training Functional NetworksEmad A. El-Sebakhy, Salahadin Mohammed, Moustafa Elshafei. 801-805
- Mining and Dynamic Simulation of Sub-Networks from Large Biomolecular NetworksXiaohua Hu, Fang-Xiang Wu, Michael K. Ng, Bahrad A. Sokhansanj. 806-813
- Predicting More Accurate Structure Of Human Oxidoreductase Protein Family Using Neural Network TechniqueNavita Srivastava, Arti Saxena, Rajeev Prithiani. 814-817
- Application of Rainfall-Runoff Modeling With Neuro-FuzzyBurcu Yurekli, Yusuf Oysal, Mustafa Tombul. 818-822
- Word Sense Disambiguation Using Extended Relevant Domains ResourceSonia Vázquez, Andrés Montoyo, Zornitsa Kozareva. 823-828
- Incremental Feature Extraction and Object Representation Based on Dynamic Visual Selective AttentionJiyoung Yeo, Sang-Woo Ban, Inwon Lee, Minho Lee. 829-834
- TFP Measurement and Semi-Supervised Isomerous Neural Network (SSINN) with Output Consistency by InteractionHengqing Tong, Hui Peng, Tianzhen Liu, Zhikang Tian, Qiaoling Tong. 835-841
- Combining Motifs and Small-World Properties to Explore Complex Networks in Local and Global ViewsChia-Ying Cheng, Chung-Yuan Huang, Chuen-Tsai Sun. 842-845
- Improving Chinese Word Segmentation with Description Length GainChunyu Kit, Hai Zhao. 846-851
- Emotion & Domain Concept Enhancements to AlicebotAlvin Cho, Robert Chun. 852-858
- On an XML Database System Based on Constraint Logic ProgrammingMasaya Eki, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani. 859