Abstract is missing.
- Invited Paper: The Inherent Complexity of Transactional Memory and What to Do about ItHagit Attiya. 1-11 [doi]
- Sustainable Ecosystems: Enabled by Supply and Demand ManagementChandrakant D. Patel. 12-28 [doi]
- Unclouded VisionJon Crowcroft, Anil Madhavapeddy, Malte Schwarzkopf, Theodore Hong, Richard Mortier. 29-40 [doi]
- Generating Fast Indulgent AlgorithmsDan Alistarh, Seth Gilbert, Rachid Guerraoui, Corentin Travers. 41-52 [doi]
- An Efficient Decentralized Algorithm for the Distributed Trigger Counting ProblemVenkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Anamitra R. Choudhury, Vijay K. Garg, Yogish Sabharwal. 53-64 [doi]
- Deterministic Dominating Set Construction in Networks with Bounded DegreeRoy Friedman, Alex Kogan. 65-76 [doi]
- PathFinder: Efficient Lookups and Efficient Search in Peer-to-Peer NetworksDirk Bradler, Lachezar Krumov, Max Mühlhäuser, Jussi Kangasharju. 77-82 [doi]
- Single-Version STMs Can Be Multi-version Permissive (Extended Abstract)Hagit Attiya, Eshcar Hillel. 83-94 [doi]
- Correctness of Concurrent Executions of Closed Nested Transactions in Transactional Memory SystemsSathya Peri, Krishnamurthy Vidyasankar. 95-106 [doi]
- Locality-Conscious Lock-Free Linked ListsAnastasia Braginsky, Erez Petrank. 107-118 [doi]
- Specification and Constant RMR Algorithm for Phase-Fair Reader-Writer LockVibhor Bhatt, Prasad Jayanti. 119-130 [doi]
- On the Performance of Distributed Lock-Based SynchronizationYuval Lubowich, Gadi Taubenfeld. 131-142 [doi]
- Distributed Generalized Dynamic Barrier SynchronizationShivali Agarwal, Saurabh Joshi, Rudrapatna K. Shyamasundar. 143-154 [doi]
- A High-Level Framework for Distributed Processing of Large-Scale GraphsElzbieta Krepska, Thilo Kielmann, Wan Fokkink, Henri E. Bal. 155-166 [doi]
- Affinity Driven Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel ComputationsAnkur Narang, Abhinav Srivastava, Naga Praveen Kumar Katta, Rudrapatna K. Shyamasundar. 167-178 [doi]
- Relating ::::L::::/mathcal{L}-Resilience and Wait-Freedom via Hitting SetsEli Gafni, Petr Kuznetsov. 191-202 [doi]
- Load Balanced Scalable Byzantine Agreement through Quorum Building, with Full InformationValerie King, Steven Lonargan, Jared Saia, Amitabh Trehan. 203-214 [doi]
- A Necessary and Sufficient Synchrony Condition for Solving Byzantine Consensus in Symmetric NetworksOlivier Baldellon, Achour Mostéfaoui, Michel Raynal. 215-226 [doi]
- GoDisco: Selective Gossip Based Dissemination of Information in Social Community Based OverlaysAnwitaman Datta, Rajesh Sharma. 227-238 [doi]
- Mining Frequent Subgraphs to Extract Communication Patterns in Data-CentresMaitreya Natu, Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Sangameshwar Patil, Ankit Mehrotra. 239-250 [doi]
- On the Hardness of Topology InferenceHrishikesh B. Acharya, Mohamed G. Gouda. 251-262 [doi]
- An Algorithm for Traffic Grooming in WDM Mesh Networks Using Dynamic Path Selection StrategySukanta Bhattacharya, Tanmay De, Ajit Pal. 263-268 [doi]
- Analysis of a Simple Randomized Protocol to Establish Communication in Bounded Degree Sensor NetworksBala Kalyanasundaram, Mahe Velauthapillai. 269-280 [doi]
- Reliable Networks with Unreliable SensorsSrikanth Sastry, Tsvetomira Radeva, Jianer Chen, Jennifer L. Welch. 281-292 [doi]
- Energy Aware Fault Tolerant Routing in Two-Tiered Sensor NetworksAtaul Bari, Arunita Jaekel, Subir Bandyopadhyay. 293-302 [doi]
- An Integrated Routing and Medium Access Control Framework for Surveillance Networks of Mobile DevicesNicholas Martin, Yamin Al-Mousa, Nirmala Shenoy. 315-327 [doi]
- Security in the Cache and Forward Architecture for the Next Generation InternetGeorge C. Hadjichristofi, Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, Dipankar Raychaudhuri. 328-339 [doi]
- Characterization of Asymmetry in Low-Power Wireless Links: An Empirical StudyPrasant Misra, Nadeem Ahmed, Diethelm Ostry, Sanjay Jha. 340-351 [doi]
- Model Based Bandwidth Scavenging for Device Coexistence in Wireless LANsAnthony Plummer Jr., Mahmoud Taghizadeh, Subir Biswas. 352-363 [doi]
- Minimal Time Broadcasting in Cognitive Radio NetworksChanaka Liyana Arachchige, S. Venkatesan, R. Chandrasekaran, Neeraj Mittal. 364-375 [doi]
- Traffic Congestion Estimation in VANETs and Its Application to Information DisseminationRayman Preet Singh, Arobinda Gupta. 376-381 [doi]
- A Tiered Addressing Scheme Based on a Floating Cloud Internetworking ModelYoshihiro Nozaki, Hasan Tuncer, Nirmala Shenoy. 382-393 [doi]
- DHCP Origin TracebackSaugat Majumdar, Dhananjay Kulkarni, Chinya V. Ravishankar. 394-406 [doi]
- A Realistic Framework for Delay-Tolerant Network Routing in Open Terrains with Continuous ChurnVeeramani Mahendran, Sivaraman K. Anirudh, C. Siva Ram Murthy. 407-417 [doi]