Abstract is missing.
- Developing Executable Models of Business SystemsJoseph Barjis. 5-13
- An Instrument for the Development of the Enterprise Architecture PracticeMarlies van Steenbergen, Martin van den Berg, Sjaak Brinkkemper. 14-22
- Opting for Innovation in Mobile ApplicationsJens Henrik Hosbond, Peter Axel Nielsen, Ivan Aaen. 23-30
- Reducing Requirements to EIS Specifications GAP Using RM-ODP Enterprise ViewpointChristophe Addinquy, Bruno Traverson. 31-38
- An Evaluation of Case Handling Systems for Product Based Workflow DesignIrene T. P. Vanderfeesten, Hajo A. Reijers, Wil M. P. van der Aalst. 39-46
- An Evolutionary Approach for Business Process Redesign - Towards an Intelligent SystemMariska Netjes, Selma Limam Mansar, Hajo A. Reijers, Wil M. P. van der Aalst. 47-54
- Building, and Losing, Consumer Trust in B2C E-BusinessPhilip Joyce, Graham Winch. 55-62
- Designing an Appropriate Information Systems Development Methodology for Different SituationsDavid E. Avison, Jan Pries-Heje. 63-70
- Aspect-Oriented Analysis Applied to the Space DomainAndré Marques, Ricardo Raminhos, Ricardo Ferreira, Rita Almeida Ribeiro, Sérgio Agostinho, João Araújo, Ana Moreira. 71-79
- Towards a Formal Verification of Process Model s Properties SIMPLEPDL and TOCL Case StudyBenoît Combemale, Pierre-Loïc Garoche, Xavier Crégut, Xavier Thirioux, François Vernadat. 80-89
- Risk Profiling of Money Laundering and Terrorism Funding - Practical Problems of Current Information StrategiesB. H. M. Custers. 90-94
- Computational Representations of ActivitiesPeter Bøgh Andersen. 95-104
- Model-Driven Design of Context-Aware ApplicationsBoris Shishkov, Marten van Sinderen. 105-113
- A Comparative Study between Web Service and Grid Service Developments in a MDA FrameworkMarcos López Sanz, Valeria de Castro, Esperanza Marcos, José Luis Bosque. 114-124
- On Grouping of Activities Instances in Workflow Management SystemsDat C. Ma, Joe Y.-C. Lin, Maria E. Orlowska. 125-130
- EML: A Tree Overlay-Based Visual Language for Business Process ModellingLei Li, John G. Hosking, John C. Grundy. 131-137
- Business Process Priorisation with Multicriteria Methods - Case of Business Process ReengineeringElena Kornyshova, Camille Salinesi. 138-143
- Business Process Model Transformation Issues - The Top 7 Adversaries Encountered at Defining Model TransformationsMarion Murzek, Gerhard Kramler. 144-151
- Dynamic Interaction of Information Systems - Weaving Architectural Connectors on Component Petri NetsNasreddine Aoumeur, Gunter Saake, Kamel Barkaoui. 152-158
- Designing an E-based Real Time Quality Control Information System for Distributed Manufacturing ShopsIraj Mahdavi, Babak Shirazi, Maghsud Solimanpur, Shahram Ghobadi. 159-163
- A Theoretical Model to Explain Effects of Information Quality Awareness on Decision MakingMouzhi Ge, Markus Helfert. 164-169
- A Framework for Quality Evaluation in Data Integration SystemsJacky Akoka, Laure Berti-Equille, Omar Boucelma, Mokrane Bouzeghoub, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, Mireille Cosquer, V. Goasdouí-Thion, Zoubida Kedad, Sylvaine Nugier, Verónika Peralta, Samira Si-Said Cherfi. 170-175
- GIS Quality Model - A Metric Approach to Quality ModelsWillington Libardo Siabato Vaca, Adriana P. Rangel Sotter. 176-183
- Relevance Feedback as an Indicator to Select the Best Search Engine - Evaluation on TREC DataGilles Hubert, Josiane Mothe. 184-189
- Use Case Based Requirements Verification - Verifying the Consistency between Use Cases and AssertionsStéphane S. Somé, Divya K. Nair. 190-195
- Refinement Propagation - Towards Automated Construction of Visual SpecificationsIrina Rychkova, Alain Wegmann. 196-204
- Checking Behavioural Consistency of UML-RT Models through Trace-Based SemanticsLuis E. Mendoza Morales, Manuel I. Capel Tuñón, Kawtar Benghazi Akhlaki. 205-211
- Enterprise Systems Configuration as an Information Logistics Process - A StudyMats Apelkrans, Anne Håkansson. 212-220
- Dynamic Architecture Based Evolution of Enterprise Information SystemsSorana Cîmpan, Hervé Verjus, Ilham Alloui. 221-229
- Towards Enterprise Applications Using Wireless Sensor NetworksStamatis Karnouskos, Patrik Spiess. 230-236
- Interoperability in Pervasive Enterprise Information Systems - A Double-Faced Coin Between Security And AccessabilityDana Al Kukhun, Florence Sedes. 237-242
- An Ontology Supporting the Daily Practice Requirements of Radiologists-Senologists with the Standard BI-RadsSouad Demigha. 243-249
- Ontology Construction in Practice - Experiences and Recommendations from Industrial CasesKurt Sandkuhl, Annika Öhgren, Alexander V. Smirnov, Nikolay Shilov, Alexey Kashevnik. 250-256
- A Framework for Ontological Standardization of Business Process ContentMaya Lincoln, Reuven Karni, Avi Wasser. 257-263
- Adaptive Processes in E-Government - A Field Report about Semantic-Based Approaches from the EU-Project FIT Andrea Leutgeb, Wilfrid Utz, Robert Woitsch, Hans-Georg Fill. 264-269
- Comparison of Five Architecture Description Languages on Design Focus, Security and StyleCsaba J. Egyhazy. 270-277
- Concepts of Model Driven Software Development in Practice - Generic Model Representation and DSL InterpretationChristian Erfurth, Wilhelm Rossak, Christian Schachtzabel, Detlef Hornbostel, Steffen Skatulla. 278-286
- Extending the EPC and the BPMN with Business Process Goals and Performance MeasuresBirgit Korherr, Beate List. 287-294
- BPEL Patterns for Implementing Variations in SOA ApplicationsSamia Oussena, Dan Sparks, Balbir Barn. 295-300
- Process Use Cases: Use Cases IdentificationPedro Valente, Paulo Nazareno Maia Sampaio. 301-307
- Trust and Reputation Ontologies for Electronic BusinessStefan Schmidt, Tharam S. Dillon, Robert Steele, Elizabeth Chang. 308-315
- Matrix Based Problem Detection in the Application of Software Process PatternsChintan Amrit, Jos van Hillegersberg. 316-320
- Generating Collaborative Work ProcessesIgor Hawryszkiewycz. 320-328
- Conflict Resolution in Collaborative Network EnterprisesSara Alves da Silva, Patrícia Macedo, Pedro Antunes. 329-333
- A Modeling Language for Collaborative Learning Educational Units - Supporting the Coordination of Collaborative ActivitiesManuel Caeiro Rodríguez. 334-339
- Future Collaborative Systems Between Peer-to-Peer and Massive Multiplayer Online GamesMarkus Heberling, Robert Hinn, Thomas Bopp, Thorsten Hampel. 340-346
- Multidimensional Reference Models for Data Warehouse DevelopmentMatthias Goeken, Ralf Knackstedt. 347-354
- A Reference Model for Enterprise Security - High Assurance Enterprise SecurityDavid W. Enström, D Arcy Walsh, Siavosh Hossendoust. 355-364
- Modelling of Message Security Concerns with UMLFarid Mehr, Ulf Schreier. 365-374
- A Change Strategy for Organisational Security: The Role of Critical Success FactorsSue Foster, Kate Lazarenko, Paul Hawking, Andrew Stein. 375-380
- A Semiotic Approach for Flexible E-Government Service Oriented SystemsRodrigo Bonacin, Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas, Thiago Medeiros dos Santos. 381-386
- Modeling of a Democratic Citizenship Community to Facilitate the Consultative and Deliberative Process in the WebCristiano Maciel, Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia. 387-394
- On the Logic Underlying Common SenseJanos J. Sarbo. 395-400
- A Framework for Analyzing Business/Information System Alignment RequirementsIslem Gmati, Selmin Nurcan. 401-409
- Meta Model for Tracing Impact of Context Information Evolution in Web-Based WorkflowsJeewani Anupama Ginige, Athula Ginige. 410-415
- A Reference Architecture for Managing Business Process VariantsRuopeng Lu, Shazia Wasim Sadiq. 416-421
- Generic Business Modelling FrameworkChristopher J. Hogger, Min Li. 422-427
- An Adaptive P2P Workflow Management System - Flexibility and Exception Handling Support in P2P Based WorkflowA. Aldeeb, Keeley A. Crockett, M. J. Stanton. 428-433
- Making Incomplete Information Visible in Workflow SystemsGeorg Peters, Roger Tagg. 434-440
- Grid Workflow Scheduling with Temporal DecompositionFei Long, Hung Keng Pung. 440-446
- Extending Business Process Modeling Tools with Workflow Pattern ReuseLucinéia Heloisa Thom, Jean Michel Lau, Cirano Iochpe, Jan Mendling. 447-452
- CP4WS - A Method for Designing and Developing Systems Based on Web ServicesZakaria Maamar, Djamal Benslimane, Chirine Ghedira. 452-458
- Software Usability Evaluation - An Empirical StudyTereza G. Kirner, Alessandra V. Saraiva. 459-465
- Explorative UML Modeling - Comparing the Usability of UML ToolsMartin Auer, Ludwig Meyer, Stefan Biffl. 466-473
- Towards the Dynamic Adaptability of SOAMehdi Ben Hmida, Céline Boutrous-Saab, Serge Haddad, Valérie Monfort, Ricardo Ferraz Tomaz. 474-479
- A New Approach for Workflow Process Delta Analysis Based on SYN-NETXing-Qi Huang, Wen Zhao, Shikun Zhang. 480-488
- Representing Author s Intentions of Scientific DocumentsHassan Kanso, Chantal Soulé-Dupuy, Saïd Tazi. 489-492
- An Estimation of Attack Surface to Evaluate Network (in)securityAndrea S. Atzeni, Antonio Lioy. 493-497
- Organisational Learning and Heidegger s Ontology - Does Philosophy Matter for Information Systems Design?Ângela Lacerda Nobre. 498-501
- Constructing Consistent User Requirements - Lessons Learnt from Requirements VerificationPetra Heck. 502-505
- The Need of Information Analysis for Information Systems and Outline of a Hermeneutic Approach to ITSufen Wang, Junkang Feng, Binyong Tang. 506-511
- A Framework for Analysing IT Governance ApproachesBruno Claudepierre, Selmin Nurcan. 512-516
- The Business Process Knowledge FrameworkJanez Hrastnik, Jorge Cardoso, Frank Kappe. 517-520
- Key-Problems and Multi-Screen View: A Framework to Perform the Aligment of Manufacturing ISVirginie Goepp, François Kiefer. 521-524
- Methodology for Performance Measurement Systems Implementation in Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesMagali Matilla, Ricardo Chalmeta. 525-528
- A System on Web-Based Continuous Software Process Assessment (Continuous SPA)Xian Chen, Paul G. Sorenson, John Willson. 529-532
- Modelling Data Transformation Processes Using High-Level Petri NetsLi Peng. 533-536
- Code Inspection - A ReviewRobson Ytallo Silva de Oliveira, Paula Gonçalves Ferreira, Alexandre Alvaro, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira. 537-540
- Service Oriented Real-Time Enterprise Content Management - In Association with Business Process IntegrationVikas S. Shah. 541-549
- Visualisation and Analysis of Relationnal Data by Considering Temporal DimensionEloïse Loubier, Bernard Dousset. 550-553
- Business Process Validation - Testing Before DesigningCornelis G. F. Ampt. 554-558
- A Flexible Perspective for Sofware Processes - Supporting Flexibility in the Software Process Engineering MetamodelRicardo Martinho, Dulce Domingos, João Varajão. 559-562
- Converting Relational Database into OWL Ontology by Multi-Way Semantics ExtractionSohee Jang, Insuk Park, Hoyun Cho, Soon J. Hyun. 563-568
- Design and Implementation of the Valid Time for Spatio-Temporal DatabasesJugurta Lisboa Filho, Gustavo Breder Sampaio, Evaldo de Oliveira da Silva, Alexandre Gazola. 569-573
- Information System Requirement Analysis and Specification in Forest Management Planning ProcessSalvis Dagis. 574-573
- Borm Points - New Concept Proposal of Complexity Estimation MethodZdenek Struska, Vojtech Merunka. 580-586
- Event-Based Information System ModelsLars Bækgaard. 587-590
- Operationalizing Theory - Moving from Insight to Action in a SMELars-Olof Johansson, Björn Cronquist, Harald Kjellin. 591-598
- R-Tool: A Supporting Tool for a Quality Oriented Reuse StrategyMaryoly Ortega, Anna Grimán, María A. Pérez, Luis Eduardo Mendoza. 599-602
- Extraction of Semantic Relationships Starting from Similarity MeasurementsMohamed Frikha, Mohamed Mhiri, Faïez Gargouri. 602-606
- Synchronization Issues in UML ModelsMarco Costa, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva. 607-611
- Towards UML-RT Behavioural ConsistencyKawtar Benghazi Akhlaki, Manuel I. Capel Tuñón, Juan Antonio Holgado Terriza, Luis E. Mendoza Morales. 612-615
- OSS Factory: Development Model Based at OSS PracticesAna Isabella Muniz, José Augusto de O. Neto. 616-623
- Incentive-Based and Peer-Oriented Design of Ubiquitous CommerceKyoung Jun Lee, Jeong-In Ju. 624-631
- Text Categorization Using Earth Mover s Distance as Similarity MeasureHidekazu Yanagimoto, Sigeru Omatu. 632-635
- Development of Algorithms to Solve Combinatorial ProblemsBroderick Crawford, Carlos Castro, Eric Monfroy. 636-639
- A Success Story: Collaborative Effort with the Industry in Addressing Requirements Challenges for Early Adoption of IWARP in LINUXVenkata Jagana, Claudia Salzberg, Renato Recio, Bernard Metzler. 640-646