Abstract is missing.
- Bolstering Attitudes: An Introduction to the Foundations of Attitude Strength and Their Consideration in IS Adoption ResearchMarkus Nöltner, Julia Krönung. [doi]
- Customer Knowledge and Requirements Engineering in Customization Projects: A Multi-Method Case StudyMario Schaarschmidt, Matthias Bertram, Gianfranco Walsh, Harald F. O. von Kortzfleisch. [doi]
- Towards Lifestyle Segmentation via Uploaded Images from Surveys and Social NetworksInes Daniel, Daniel Baier. [doi]
- Data Standardization and Quality Degradation of Human-readable DataXitong Li, Hongwei Zhu 0002. [doi]
- Does Being Reputable Drive Customer Equity? Evidence from E-CommerceStefan Ivens, Gianfranco Walsh, Mario Schaarschmidt. [doi]
- How Does Computerized Provider Order Entry Implementation Impact Clinical Care Quality, Cycle Time, and Physician Job Demand Over Time?Arun Rai, Mark Keil, Vitali Mindel. [doi]
- A Study of the Effect of Privacy Assurance Mechanisms on Self-disclosure in Social Networking Sites from the View of Protection Motivation TheoryMohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Dan Kim. [doi]
- Attaining Operating Performance through Pas De Trios of IT, Competitive Brokerage and InnovationMariana Giovanna Andrade Rojas, Abhishek Kathuria, Hsiao-Hui Lee. [doi]
- Knowledge Withholding in Online Brand Community: A Neutralization PerspectiveYongqiang Sun, Xiao-Liang Shen, Nan Wang. [doi]
- The Effects of Task Conflict and Relationship Conflict on Workforce Agility: Moderating Role of Social Media UsageHefu Liu, Zhen Li, Zhao Cai, Qian Huang. [doi]
- A Recommender System for Online Consumer ReviewsMohammad Salehan, Mohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Mehrdad Koohikamali. [doi]
- Susceptibility to Social Engineering in Social Networking Sites: The Case of FacebookAbdullah Algarni, Yue Xu, Taizan Chan. [doi]
- Determinants of Information Security Awareness: An Empirical Investigation in Higher EducationPeiqin Zhang, Xun Li. [doi]
- Not All IT Innovations Are Equal: Evidence from Medical Device PatentsZhitao Yin, Arun Rai, Wael Jabr. [doi]
- Designing Semantic Technologies for Regulatory Change Management in the Financial IndustryTom Butler, Elie Abi-Lahoud, Angelina Espinoza. [doi]
- Gamification - A Novel Phenomenon or a New Wrapping for Existing Concepts?An Bui, Daniel Veit, Jane Webster. [doi]
- Designed Interdependence, Growing Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in IS Project TeamsHyejung Lee, Jun-gi Park, Jungwoo Lee. [doi]
- Coordination and Pricing in Multi-Object AuctionsMartin Bichler, Zhen Hao, Gediminas Adomavicius. [doi]
- The 'Digital Façade' of Rapidly Growing Entrepreneurial OrganizationsSanja Tumbas, Nicholas Berente, Stefan Seidel, Jan vom Brocke. [doi]
- Analyzing Online Discourse: Some Theoretical Ideas and a Visualization ApproachTanya Beaulieu, Suprateek Sarker, Saonee Sarker. [doi]
- Sharing Money to Make Money - Analyzing Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Referral RewardsDavid Dose, Gianfranco Walsh. [doi]
- Knowledge-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems Continuance: An Integration of Physicians' Identity and System AttributesMohamed Abouzahra, Dale Guenter, Joseph Tan. [doi]
- Towards a Holistic Understanding of Technology-mediated Learning AppropriationAndreas Janson, Matthias Söllner, Jan Marco Leimeister. [doi]
- Designing Viral Promotional Campaigns: How Scarcity and Social Proof Affect Online ReferralsOliver Koch, Alexander Benlian. [doi]
- Exploring Mind Wandering in a Technological SettingYulia Sullivan, Fred D. Davis, Chang Koh. [doi]
- One-Sided Competition in Two-Sided Social Platform Markets? An Organizational Ecology PerspectiveHyeokkoo Eric Kwon, Wonseok Oh, Tae-Hyun Kim. [doi]
- ISTopic: Understanding Information Systems Research through Topic ModelsHailiang Chen, Leon Zhao. [doi]
- How Do Data Skills Affect Firm Productivity: Evidence from Process-driven vs. Innovation-driven PracticesLynn Wu, Lorin M. Hitt. [doi]
- The Effect of Social Media on Market LiquidityTianyou Hu, Arvind Tripathi. [doi]
- Assessing Order Effects in Online Community-based Health ForumsSeyedreza Mousavi, T. S. Raghu, Keith Frey. [doi]
- Transforming Industrial Business: The Impact of Digital Transformation on Automotive OrganizationsEverlin Piccinini, Andre Hanelt, Robert Wayne Gregory, Lutz Kolbe. [doi]
- Absorptive Capacity and the Adoption of MOOCs in Higher Education: The Role of Educational ITPeng Huang, Henry Lucas. [doi]
- Exploring Spiral of Silence in Digital Social Networking SpacesShailesh Palekar, Maura Atapattu, Darshana D. Sedera, Sachithra Lokuge. [doi]
- Entering the Digital Era - The Impact of Digital Technology-related M&As on Business Model Innovations of Automobile OEMsBjörn Hildebrandt, Andre Hanelt, Sebastian Firk, Lutz Kolbe. [doi]
- Wicked yet Empowering - When IT Innovations are also Disruptive InnovationsAbayomi Baiyere, Hannu Salmela. [doi]
- Workload Reduction Through Usability Improvement of Hospital Information Systems - The Case of Order Set OptimizationDaniel Gartner, Yiye Zhang, Rema Padman. [doi]
- Anonymity and Language Usage: A Natural Experiment of Social Network IntegrationNi Hong, Yili Hong, Gordon Burtch. [doi]
- Understanding IS Team Coordination in Real Time: A Process Approach to CoordinationHazbi Avdiji, Stéphanie Missonier, Stefano Mastrogiacomo. [doi]
- Paths from Talk to ActionPinar Öztürk, Jeffrey Nickerson. [doi]
- Digital Ecodynamics in Small Firms: Using Information Technology to CompeteYolande Chan, Suchit Ahuja. [doi]
- Open Strategy: Consolidated Definition and Processual ConceptualizationAsin Tavakoli, Daniel Schlagwein, Detlef Schoder. [doi]
- Information Processing of Foreign Exchange News: Extending the Overshooting Model to Include Qualitative Information from News SentimentStefan Feuerriegel, Georg Wolff, Dirk Neumann. [doi]
- IT-enabled Knowledge Management in Primary Care Settings: An Absorptive Capacity PerspectiveLouis Raymond, Guy Paré, Eric Maillet. [doi]
- Alliances, R&D and Profitability of Software FirmsAli Tafti, Vishal Sachdev, Sunil Mithas, Lauren Mallik. [doi]
- Towards Modeling and Measuring Information Literacy in Secondary EducationKatarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Severina Müller, Sabine Seufert, Nina Scheffler. [doi]
- Understanding Agility in ISD ProjectsGregory Vial, Suzanne Rivard. [doi]
- Fostering Ideation Among Patients: Exaptation of Web-based Ideation Platforms as Health 2.0 Tools for Virtual Patient CommunitiesUlrich Bretschneider, Marco Hartmann, Jan Marco Leimeister. [doi]
- Confirmation Bias: Roles of Search Engines and Search ContextsVarol Kayhan. [doi]
- Winner Takes All? The "Blockbuster Effect" in Crowdfunding PlatformsJingjing Liu, Lusi Yang, Zhiyi Wang, Jungpil Hahn. [doi]
- Investigating the Free/Libre Open Source Software Commons in Commercial OrganizationsJuho Lindman. [doi]
- Online Tie Formation in Enterprise Social MediaYongsuk Kim, Gerald Kane. [doi]
- Students as Reviewers and Lecturers as Editors: The Peer Review with Scaffolded Assignments ModelDaniel Schlagwein. [doi]
- A Framework for Rigorously Identifying Research Gaps in Qualitative Literature ReviewsChristoph Müller-Bloch, Johann Kranz. [doi]
- Time to Adoption of a New IT ServiceYue (Katherine) Feng, Kar Yan Tam, Chong (Alex) Wang. [doi]
- The Effect of Central and Peripheral Cues on Online Review Helpfulness: A Comparison between Functional and Expressive ProductsMohammadreza Mousavizadeh, Mehrdad Koohikamali, Mohammad Salehan. [doi]
- Digitally Enabled Social Innovation: A Case Study of Community Empowerment in Rural ChinaLin Yue, Shan Ling Pan, Barney Tan, Lili Cui. [doi]
- Understanding Consumer Churning Behaviors in Mobile Telecommunication Service Industry : Cross-national Comparison between Korea and ChinaChunghun Lee, Nayeon Kwak, Choong Lee. [doi]
- Motivating IT-Mediated Crowds: The Effect of Goal Setting on Project Performance in Online CrowdfundingZhuoxin Allen Li, Sirkka Jarvenpaa. [doi]
- Using Conjoint Analysis to Investigate the Value of Interdependent Privacy in Social App Adoption ScenariosYu Pu, Jens Grossklags. [doi]
- Gains and Losses in Functionality - An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Software Updates on Users' Continuance IntentionsMarvin Fleischmann, Tillmann Grupp, Miglena Amirpur, Thomas Hess. [doi]
- Whose Talk is Walked? IT Decentralizability, Vendor versus Adopter Discourse, and the Diffusion of Social Media versus Big DataShaila M. Miranda, Inchan Kim, Dawei (David) Wang. [doi]
- Validating the Design Theory for Managing Project Scope during Software Sourcing and DeliveryTimo Käkölä, Pekka Forselius. [doi]
- Understanding User Values of Wearable ComputingXuefei (Nancy) Deng, Natasa Christodoulidou. [doi]
- Optimal Bidding for Mobile-Ad CampaignsManmohan Aseri, Milind Dawande, Ganesh Janakiraman, Vijay S. Mookerjee. [doi]
- Should Firms Bundle Bloatware with Consumer Electronics? - Implications for Product Pricing and Consumer SurplusHasan Cavusoglu, Huseyin Cavusoglu, Xianjun Geng. [doi]
- When Online Communities Collide: Boundary Identity Construction and SpanningToni Eagar, Jenine P. Beekhuyzen, John Campbell. [doi]
- Posters versus Lurkers: Improving Participation in Enterprise Social Networks through Promotional MessagesAbdulrahman Alarifi, Darshana Sedera, Jan Recker. [doi]
- Realizing Your Wishes: Alleviating Online Shopping Hesitation via Peer Consumer Review in Social Shopping ContextFei Liu 0028, Bo Xiao, Christy M. K. Cheung. [doi]
- Valuation of Personal InformationXiao-Bai Li, Xiaoping Liu, Luvai Motiwalla. [doi]
- Coordinating Platform-Based Multi-Sourcing: Introducing the Theory of ConventionsThomas Hurni, Thomas L. Huber, Jens Dibbern. [doi]
- The Pursuit of Conversion: Effects of Mediating Channels on Product Choices and Purchase Propensities in Social Commerce PlatformsHyunji So, Wonseok Oh 0001, Minki Kim, Sung Hyuk Park. [doi]
- The Effects of Relinquishing Control in Platform Ecosystems: Implications from a Policy Change on KickstarterMichael Wessel, Ferdinand Thies, Alexander Benlian. [doi]
- Prevention or Panic: Design and Evaluation of a Crime Prevention ISIrena Pletikosa Cvijikj, Cristina Kadar, Bogdan Ivan, Yiea-Funk Te. [doi]
- Value Uncertainty and Buyer Contracting: Evidence from Online Labor MarketsAlvin Zuyin Zheng, Yili Hong, Paul A. Pavlou. [doi]
- Owner Dynamic Capabilities and Benefits Management in Public Information Systems Projects: A Qualitative Content AnalysisJonghyuk Cha, Mike Newman, Graham Winch. [doi]
- The Impacts of Social Media on Bitcoin PerformanceFeng Mai, Qing Bai, Jay Shan, Xin (Shane) Wang, Roger H. L. Chiang. [doi]
- Data Analytics for Location-Based Services: Enabling User-Based Relocation of Carsharing VehiclesSebastian Wagner, Christoph Willing, Tobias Brandt, Dirk Neumann. [doi]
- Alternative Views of ICT & TIME: An Application of Scenario Analysis and Platform TheoryGregory Gimpel. [doi]
- Widely Used but also Highly Valued? Acceptance Factors and Their Perceptions in Water-Scrum-Fall ProjectsSebastian Schlauderer, Sven Overhage, Björn Fehrenbach. [doi]
- How to Better Target and Incent Paid Endorsers in Social Advertising Campaigns: A Field ExperimentJing Peng, Christophe Van den Bulte. [doi]
- Multidimensional Online Self in Collective Action: an empirical study on Wikipedia's deletion discussionYusun Jung, Nereu Kock, Thant Syn. [doi]
- The Generative Mechanisms of Healthcare DigitalizationMarius Mihailescu, Daniela Mihailescu, Ulrike Schultze. [doi]
- A Thermometer for Interdependence: Exploring Patterns of Interdependence Using Networks of AffordancesBrian T. Pentland, Jan Recker, George M. Wyner. [doi]
- When Disclosure is Involuntary: Empowering Users with Control to Reduce ConcernsDavid W. Wilson, Ryan M. Schuetzler, Bradley Dorn, Jeffrey Gainer Proudfoot. [doi]
- The Impact of Human Resource Sharing on IT Project RiskChristian Meier, Steffen Zimmermann, Vlad Nicolau. [doi]
- Digitizing Offline Shopping Behavior Towards Mobile MarketingAnindya Ghose, Beibei Li, Siyuan Liu. [doi]
- Bridging Cultural Discontinuities in Global Virtual Teams: Role of Cultural IntelligenceAnuragini Shirish, Imed Boughzala, Shirish C. Srivastava. [doi]
- Why Do Users Abandon Online Social Network Sites? A Case Study of the Social Capital ParadoxXiaoqing Zhang, Jinyue Peng, Yumeng Wang, Cheng-Suang Heng. [doi]
- Sentiment Analysis Meets Semantic Analysis: Constructing Insight Knowledge BasesZirun Qi, Veda Storey, Wael Jabr. [doi]
- "I just cursed and opened a beer": Explaining Mobile Users' Non-Complaining Behavior Through CopingMarkus Salo, Markus Makkonen, Riitta Hekkala. [doi]
- The Effect of "Following" on Contributions to Open Source CommunitiesMohammadmahdi Moqri, Liangfei Qiu, Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay, Ira Horowitz. [doi]
- Seniors' Perspective on Perceived Transfer Effects of Assistive Robots in Elderly Care: Capability Approach AnalysisAmir Talaei-Khoei, Lundy Lewis, Tala Talaei Khoei, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi, Suchada Vichitvanichphong. [doi]
- Computational Thinking: Changes to the Human Connectome Associated with Learning to ProgramEric A. Walden, Glenn J. Browne, Michael Oboyle. [doi]
- Has Information and Communication Technology Changed the Dynamics of Inequality? An Empirical Study from the Knowledge Hierarchy PerspectiveJiyong Park, Byungtae Lee. [doi]
- Multichannel integration services: Consumer decision making in integrated sales channelsManuel Trenz, Daniel Veit. [doi]
- Which are the Most Effective Measures for Improving Employees' Security Compliance?Martin Kretzer, Alexander Mädche. [doi]
- Should We Take a Closer Look? Extending Switching Theories from Singular Products to Complex Ecosystem StructuresChristian Matt 0001, Thomas Hess, Simon Heinz. [doi]
- Data Skills and Value of Social Media: Evidence from Large-Sample Firm Value AnalysisLorin M. Hitt, Fujie Jin, Lynn Wu. [doi]
- Using Predictive Analytics to Reduce Uncertainty in Enterprise Risk ManagementHossein Ghasemkhani, Shachar Reichman, George Westerman. [doi]
- Ad Intrusiveness, Loss of Control, and Stress: A Psychophysiological StudyTillmann Neben, Christoph Schneider. [doi]
- Interplay between Social Media and Traditional Media: An Empirical Study in the Motion Picture IndustryYinan Yu, Hailiang Chen. [doi]
- To Continue or Discontinue the Project, That is the QuestionArviansyah, Ton A. M. Spil, Jos van Hillegersberg. [doi]
- How does Social Media Affect Contribution to Public versus Private Goods in Crowdfunding Campaigns?Yili Hong, Yuheng Hu, Gordon Burtch. [doi]
- Theory of Knowledge for Literature Reviews: An Epistemological Model, Taxonomy and Empirical Analysis of IS LiteratureGuido Schryen, Gerit Wagner, Alexander Benlian. [doi]
- Deciphering Individuals' Preference for User Generated Content: Effects of Personality on Users' Processing of Online Review InformationFei Liu 0028, Bo Xiao, Eric T. K. Lim, Chee-Wee Tan. [doi]
- Identifying the Multiple Skills in Skill-Biased Technical ChangeFrank MacCrory, George Westerman, Erik Brynjolfsson. [doi]
- When Updates Make a User Stick: Software Feature Updates and their Differential Effects on Users' Continuance IntentionsMarvin Fleischmann, Tillmann Grupp, Miglena Amirpur, Alexander Benlian. [doi]
- Infrastructuring as Social ActionEija Halkola, Netta Iivari, Leena Kuure. [doi]
- Mind Over Mouse: The Effect of Cognitive Load on Mouse Movement BehaviorMark Grimes, Joseph S. Valacich. [doi]
- The Effect of User Adaptation on the Effective Use of Enterprise SystemsPhillip Haake, Alexander Mädche, Benjamin Mueller, Jens Lauterbach. [doi]
- Using IT to Unleash the Power of Strategic ImprovisationNadège Levallet, Yolande Chan. [doi]
- Optimizing Two Sided Promotion for IS Enabled Transportation Network: A Conditional Bayesian Learning ModelJinyang Zheng, Yong Tan, Fei Ren, Xi Chen. [doi]
- Effectiveness of Domain Ontologies to Facilitate Shared Understanding and Cross-UnderstandingHenry Roa, Marta Indulska, Shazia Wasim Sadiq. [doi]
- Dynamics of Data Breaches in Online Social Networks: Understanding Threats to Organizational Information Security ReputationRomilla Syed, Gurpreet Dhillon. [doi]
- Modularization of Crowdfunding Services - Designing Disruptive Innovations in the Banking IndustryPhilipp Haas, Ivo Blohm, Christoph Peters, Jan Marco Leimeister. [doi]
- Setting a Knowledge Boundary for Enhancing Work Coordination and Team Performance: Knowledge Protection Regulation across TeamsJunyeong Lee, Jinyoung Min, Heeseok Lee. [doi]
- Business Analytics and Business Value: A Case StudySuryanarayanan Krishnamoorthi, Saji K. Mathew. [doi]
- A Relational View of Individual Participation in Online Communities of Practice: An Integrative Literature ReviewYi Zou. [doi]
- The Role of Power and Materiality in Healthcare Improvement Initiatives: A Strategy-as-practice PerspectiveMarco Marabelli, Susan Newell, Robert D. Galliers. [doi]
- What Are Social Incentives Worth? A Randomized Field Experiment in User Content GenerationGordon Burtch, Yili Hong, Ravi Bapna, Vladas Griskevicius. [doi]
- On the Conceptualization of Information Systems as Socio-Technical Phenomena in Simulation-Based ResearchJannis Beese, Kazem Haki, Stephan Aier. [doi]
- The Untold Story of Social Media on Offline Sales: The Impact of Facebook in the U.S. Automobile IndustryYen-Yao Wang, Anjana Susarla, Vallabh Sambamurthy. [doi]
- Towards a Framework for the Evaluation Design of Enterprise Social SoftwareChristian Herzog, Alexander Richter, Melanie Steinhüser. [doi]
- What is 'Information' Beyond a Definition?Sebastian K. Boell, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic. [doi]
- Your Action is Needed: The Effect of Website-Initiated Participation on User Contributions to Content WebsitesLior Zalmanson, Gal Oestreicher-Singer. [doi]
- Acceptance of Social Media by Organizational Users - Testing the Impact of System Design FeaturesStefanie Paluch, David Egbert, Markus Blut. [doi]
- Assessing Individual Benefits Realization Capability: an IT Culture PerspectiveKayode Odusanya, Crispin R. Coombs, Neil F. Doherty. [doi]
- Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Platforms: The Contribution of Social RelationshipsShaokun Fan, Noyan Ilk, Kunpeng Zhang. [doi]
- Bridging or Bonding: Do Individuals gain Social Capital from Participation in Enterprise Social Networks?Kai Riemer, Jan Finke, Dirk S. Hovorka. [doi]
- Different Views and Evaluations of IT ArtifactsSameh Al-Natour, Izak Benbasat. [doi]
- Emotional Foundations of Individual's Perception: The Case of Technology RadicalnessMehdi Darban. [doi]
- Effects of E-Retailer Provided Information and Social Influence on Purchase DecisionsBrinja Meiseberg. [doi]
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- Privacy-preserving Distributed Analytics: Addressing the Privacy-Utility Tradeoff Using Homomorphic Encryption for Peer-to-Peer AnalyticsPrasanta Bhattacharya, Tuan Phan, Linlin Liu. [doi]
- The Economics of All-You-Can-Read Pricing: Tariff Choice, Contract Renewal, and Switching for E-Book PurchasesSang Pil Han, Jinpyo Hong, Jae Yun Moon, Wonseok Oh 0001. [doi]
- Retransmitting Messages Online in Evolving Disasters: A Scenario SimulationFang Liu. [doi]
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- Why do high-tech firms offer perks at work?Xuan Ye, Prasanna Tambe. [doi]
- Corporate Sustainability Ratings Databases: Maximizing perceived content usefulessStephanie Watts. [doi]
- Using Big Data for Predicting Freshmen RetentionSudha Ram, Yun Wang, Faiz Currim, Sabah Currim. [doi]
- How Strategy and Governance Choices Influence Innovation Success in Software Products and ServicesCheWei Liu, Thomas Kude, Sunil Mithas. [doi]
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- A Conflicting Relationship Between Online Product Page Viewing And Product ReturnsYi Ding, Haifeng Xu, Bernard C. Y. Tan. [doi]
- Cost Efficiency of Hybrid Cloud Storage: Shortening Acquisition Cycle to Mitigate Volume VariationGabriella Laatikainen, Oleksiy Mazhelis, Pasi Tyrväinen. [doi]
- Do Good Gamers Make Good Students? Sid Meier's Civilization and Performance PredictionAlexander Simons, Markus Weinmann, Stefan Fleischer, Isabell Wohlgenannt. [doi]
- Carryover Effects of System-Unrelated Emotions on Adoption of Information SystemsSixuan Zhang, Nash Milic. [doi]
- Gamification in Fitness Apps: How Do Leaderboards Influence Exercise?Yue Wu, Atreyi Kankanhalli, Ke-wei Huang. [doi]
- Ecological Approach to User Sensemaking of TechnologyMostafa Mesgari, Chitu Okoli. [doi]
- On the Drivers of Information Adoption in Online CommunitiesSepideh Ebrahimi. [doi]
- Anti-Fragile Information SystemsArnaud Gorgeon. [doi]
- Software Artefacts as Equipment: A New Conception to Software Development using Reusable Software ArtefactsSubasinghage Maduka Nuwangi, Darshana Sedera. [doi]
- Does adoption mean the same to every user? A study of active and passive usage of mobile instant messaging applicationsTailai Wu, Yaobin Lu, Xiuyuan Gong, Mingyu Zhang. [doi]
- Why Fit Leads to Surprise: An Extension of Cognitive Fit Theory to Creative ProblemsThomas John, Dennis Kundisch. [doi]
- We Had So Much Fun. Now What?Bo Han, Shih Yung Chou. [doi]
- Physicians' Online Popularity and Price Premiums for Online Health Consultations: A Combined Signaling Theory and Online Feedback Mechanisms ExplanationLiwei Chen, Arun Rai, Xitong Guo. [doi]
- Software Development in the Cloud: Exploring the Affordances of Platform-as-a-ServiceOliver Krancher, Pascal Luther. [doi]
- Understanding Informal Control Modes on Software Platforms - The Mediating Role of Third-Party Developers' Intrinsic MotivationTobias Goldbach, Alexander Benlian. [doi]
- Guarding Against the Erosion of Competitive Advantage: A Knowledge Leakage Mitigation ModelAtif Ahmad, Heidi Tscherning, Rachelle Bosua, Rens Scheepers. [doi]
- Why people reject or use virtual processes: Understanding the variance of users' resistanceBilal Balci. [doi]
- The Bright and Dark Sides of Technostress: An Empirical Study of Healthcare WorkersChristopher Califf, Saonee Sarker, Suprateek Sarker, Cynthia Fitzgerald. [doi]
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- Detecting Depression of Cancer Patients with Daily Mental Health Logs from Mobile ApplicationsJunetae Kim, Sanghee Lim, Byungtae Lee, Jong Won Lee. [doi]
- Desperately Seeking Information in Information Systems ResearchMichelle Carter, Stacie Petter, Adriane Randolph. [doi]
- Learning from Prior Experience: An Empirical Study of Serial Entrepreneurs in IT-enabled CrowdfundingLusi Yang, Jungpil Hahn. [doi]
- How to Engage Users through Gamification: The Prevalent Effects of Playing and Mastering over CompetingFernando Tomaselli, Otavio Sanchez, Sue Brown. [doi]
- Investigating the Impact of Network Effects on Content Generation: Evidence from a Large Online Student NetworkPrasanta Bhattacharya, Tuan Phan, Edoardo Airoldi. [doi]
- A Model of Defensive Information Avoidance in Information Systems UseTillmann Neben. [doi]
- Reality-Mining with Smartphones: Detecting and Predicting Life Events based on App Installation BehaviorRemo M. Frey, Runhua Xu, Alexander Ilic. [doi]
- Auto pricing Strategy for Real time bidding in advertising: A dynamic programming approachPraneeth Adikari, Kaushik Dutta. [doi]
- Competitive Impacts of IT Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Software Patents in the IT IndustrySunghun Chung, Kunsoo Han, Animesh Animesh, Alain Pinsonneault. [doi]
- When in Rome, do as the Romans do - Overcoming Culture Conflicts in Mobile LearningSissy-Josefina Ernst, Andreas Janson, Matthias Söllner, Jan Marco Leimeister. [doi]
- Gaining IS Business Value through Big Data Analytics: A Case Study of the Energy SectorMariya A. Sodenkamp, Ilya Kozlovskiy, Thorsten Staake. [doi]
- Post-Project Benefits Management in Large Organizations - Insights of a Qualitative StudyMartin Semmann, Tilo Böhmann. [doi]
- Regulating Vendor-Client Workarounds: An Information Brokering ApproachJade Brooks, Mayasandra-Nagaraja Ravishankar, Ilan Oshri. [doi]
- How Values Shape Concerns about Privacy for Self and OthersTawfiq Alashoor, Mark Keil, Leigh Liu, H. Jeff Smith. [doi]
- The Effects of Repeating Purchase Cues and Mixed Reviews on Product AttributionHessamedin Vali, David Xu, Bayram Yildirim. [doi]
- How to Tie a Construct to Indicators: Guidelines for Valid MeasurementSander Paul Zwanenburg. [doi]
- Entrepreneurial Perceptions and E-business Opportunity Discovery: Evidence from ChinaZhen Zhu, Shuai-fu Lin. [doi]
- Crowdfunding Success: A Perspective from Social Media and E-CommerceMichael Beier, Kerstin Wagner. [doi]
- Strategic Intent, Contract Duration, and Performance: Evidence from Micro-OutsourcingAbhishek Kathuria, Terence Saldanha, Jiban Khuntia, Mariana Giovanna Andrade Rojas. [doi]
- Understanding Competitive Action Repertoire, Strategic Group and Performance of E-marketplace Sellers: A Latent Growth Modeling ApproachHuifang Li, Yulin Fang, Youwei Wang, Kai H. Lim. [doi]
- Understanding Switching Subscription Behavior in the Context of Campus Emergency Notification Services: An Extended Privacy Calculus ModelWencui Han, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao. [doi]
- Information Technology and the Rise of the Power Law EconomyGuillaume Saint-Jacques, Erik Brynjolfsson. [doi]
- A Multi-Theoretical Literature Review on Information Security Investments using the Resource-Based View and the Organizational Learning TheoryEva Weishäupl, Emrah Yasasin, Guido Schryen. [doi]
- Commenting to Promote Exploration of the Design Space: Digital Collaborations in Online Open Innovation CommunitiesYue Han, Jeffrey Nickerson. [doi]
- How Many Penguins Can Hide Under an Umbrella? An Examination of How Lay Conceptions Conceal the Contexts of Free/Open Source SoftwareKevin Carillo, Jean-Gregoire Bernard. [doi]
- Green Steaming: A Methodology for Estimating Carbon Emissions AvoidedRichard T. Watson, Henrik Holm, Mikael Lind. [doi]
- Effects of Managerial Response to E-WOM on Consumer AttitudeT. Ravichandran, Chaoqun Deng, Dongling Huang. [doi]
- What is Quality of Data and Information in Social Information Systems? Towards a Definition and OntologyRoman Tilly, Oliver Posegga, Kai Fischbach, Detlef Schoder. [doi]
- Exploring Platform Adoption in the Smart Home CaseHannes Kübel, Rüdiger Zarnekow. [doi]
- Entering the World of Individual Routines: The Affordances of Mobile ApplicationsThomas Boillat, Kenny Lienhard, Christine Legner. [doi]
- The Freemium Effect: Why Consumers Perceive More Value with Free than with Premium OffersThomas Niemand, Sebastian Tischer, Tina Fritzsche, Sascha Kraus. [doi]
- Idea Hubs as Nexus of Collective Creativity in Digital InnovationRaffaele Ciriello, Alexander Richter. [doi]
- IT affordances and reconciling alternative modes of evidence giving in cyberinfrastructure: the case of Climate Change ResearchCharles McElroy, Kalle Lyytinen. [doi]
- Understanding the Role of Social Networks on Labor Market Outcomes Using a Large Dataset from a Mobile NetworkFilipa Reis, Pedro Ferreira. [doi]
- Factors Associated with EHR User Satisfaction in Small Clinic SettingsAfnan Afnan, Chandrasekaran Ranganathan. [doi]
- Do Foreign IT Workers Affect the Wages and Employment of the Natives?Gang Peng. [doi]
- Business-Driven IT Transformation at Royal Philips: Shedding Light on (Un)Rewarded ComplexityMartin Mocker, Eric van Heck. [doi]
- The Effects of IT Application Orchestration Capability on PerformanceMagno Queiroz, Rajeev Sharma, Tim Coltman, Paul Tallon. [doi]
- Between-Group Equivalence in Comparisons Using PLS: Results from Three Simulation StudiesMiguel Aguirre-Urreta, Mikko Rönkkö. [doi]
- A Decision Support System for the Optimization of Electric Car Sharing StationsMarc Sonneberg, Kathrin Kuehne, Michael H. Breitner. [doi]
- How Do Community Ecology and Structure Shape Digital Innovation Strategy?Ping Wang, Xu Meng, Brian S. Butler. [doi]
- Crocodiles in the Regulatory Swamp: Navigating The Dangers of Outsourcing, SaaS and Shadow ITDaniel Gozman, Leslie P. Willcocks. [doi]
- Applying Game Design Elements in the WorkplaceAyoung Suh. [doi]
- 2D versus 3D Visualizations in Decision Support - The Impact of Decision Makers' PerceptionsMarkus Franz, Michael Scholz, Oliver Hinz. [doi]
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