Abstract is missing.
- A Post-Placement Side-Effect Removal AlgorithmMark Harman, Lin Hu, Robert M. Hierons, Malcolm Munro, Xingyuan Zhang, José Javier Dolado, Mari Carmen Otero, Joachim Wegener. 2-11 [doi]
- Union Slices for Program MaintenanceÁrpád Beszédes, Csaba Faragó, Zsolt Mihály Szabó, János Csirik, Tibor Gyimóthy. 12-21 [doi]
- Evaluating Context-Sensitive Slicing and ChoppingJens Krinke. 22 [doi]
- Using Dynamic Information for the Iterative Recovery of Collaborations and RolesTamar Richner, Stéphane Ducasse. 34-43 [doi]
- ICBMC: An Improved Cohesion Measure for ClassesYuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Jianjun Zhao, Hongji Yang. 44-53 [doi]
- Static and Dynamic C++ Code Analysis for the Recovery of the Object DiagramPaolo Tonella, Alessandra Potrich. 54-63 [doi]
- Panel IntroductionNazim H. Madhavji. 66-67 [doi]
- The Principle of Organizational Maturity and E-Type DynamicsBill Curtis. 68 [doi]
- Implications of Software Measurement to Lehman s Eight LawsJohn C. Munson. 69 [doi]
- Laws and Principles of EvolutionDewayne E. Perry. 70 [doi]
- Laws of Software Evolution and Their Empirical SupportJuan F. Ramil. 71 [doi]
- Applicability of IEEE Maintenance Process for Corrective Maintenance Outsourcing - An Empirical StudyBaru S. Rao, Nandlal L. Sarda. 74-83 [doi]
- Two Controlled Experiments Concerning the Usefulness of Assertions as a Means for ProgrammingMatthias M. Müller, Rainer Typke, Oliver Hagner. 84-92 [doi]
- An Approach to Classify Software Maintenance RequestsGiuseppe A. Di Lucca, Massimiliano Di Penta, Sara Gradara. 93-102 [doi]
- An Empirical Study of Distributed Software MaintenanceAlessandro Bianchi, Danilo Caivano, Filippo Lanubile, Francesco Rago, Giuseppe Visaggio. 103 [doi]
- Behavioural Concern Modelling for Software Change TasksAlbert Lai, Gail C. Murphy. 112-121 [doi]
- An Estimation-Based Management Framework for Enhancive Maintenance in Commercial Software ProductsDavid A. Penny. 122-130 [doi]
- An Application Server to Support Online EvolutionQianxiang Wang, Feng Chen, Hong Mei, Fuqing Yang. 131-140 [doi]
- The Information Gathering Strategies of Software MaintainersCarolyn B. Seaman. 141 [doi]
- Tool Support for Measuring Complexity in Heterogeneous Object-Oriented SoftwareF. George Wilkie, Terence J. Harmer. 152-161 [doi]
- Constraining Software EvolutionSteven P. Reiss. 162-171 [doi]
- Columbus - Reverse Engineering Tool and Schema for C++Rudolf Ferenc, Árpád Beszédes, Mikko Tarkiainen, Tibor Gyimóthy. 172-181 [doi]
- Architecture Analysis Tools to Support Evolution of Large Industrial SystemsTobias Rötschke, René L. Krikhaar. 182 [doi]
- Maintaining Software with a Security PerspectiveKanta Jiwnani, Marvin V. Zelkowitz. 194-203 [doi]
- Modeling the Cost-Benefits Tradeoffs for Regression Testing TechniquesAlexey G. Malishevsky, Gregg Rothermel, Sebastian G. Elbaum. 204-213 [doi]
- Model Based Regression Test Reduction Using Dependence AnalysisBogdan Korel, Luay Ho Tahat, Boris Vaysburg. 214 [doi]
- Software Evolution from a Time-Series PerspectiveEduardo Fuentetaja, Donald J. Bagert. 226-229 [doi]
- Documenting Pattern Use in Java ProgramsMarco Torchiano. 230-233 [doi]
- Early Effort Estimation of Massive Maintenance ProcessesAndrea De Lucia, Massimiliano Di Penta, Silvio Stefanucci, Gabriele Venturi. 234-237 [doi]
- An Integrated Failure Detection and Fault Correction ModelNorman F. Schneidewind. 238-241 [doi]
- Run-time Evolution for Embedded Component-Oriented SystemsYves Vandewoude, Yolande Berbers. 242 [doi]
- Panel IntroducionArie van Deursen, Timothy Lethbridge, Perdita Stevens. 248 [doi]
- Automating Impact Analysis and Regression Test Selection Based on UML DesignsLionel C. Briand, Yvan Labiche, G. Soccar. 252-261 [doi]
- Path Profile-Based Dynamic Impact AnalysisJames Law, Gregg Rothermel. 262 [doi]
- Software Change Impacts - An Evolving PerspectiveShawn A. Bohner. 263-272 [doi]
- Incremental Location of Combined Features for Large-Scale ProgramsThomas Eisenbarth, Rainer Koschke, Daniel Simon. 273 [doi]
- Test Manager: The Test Automation Component for the Maintenance of Large-Scale SystemsMichelangelo Interesse. 284 [doi]
- Evolutionary Testing Supported by Slicing and TransformationMark Harman, Lin Hu, Robert M. Hierons, Chris Fox, Sebastian Danicic, Joachim Wegener, Harmen Sthamer, André Baresel. 285 [doi]
- Transforming Procedural Program Structures to Object-Oriented Class Structures for the Purpose of Populating a Common Software RepositoryHarry M. Sneed. 286 [doi]
- Business Compilers: Towards Supporting a Highly Re-Configurable Architectural Style for Service-Oriented ArchitectureAli Arsanjani. 287 [doi]
- Restructuring Multilingual Web SitesPaolo Tonella, Filippo Ricca, Emanuele Pianta, Christian Girardi. 290-299 [doi]
- Using Service Specific Proxies to Migrate Web Services to the Wireless Web : An Illustrative Case Study of Adaptive MaintenanceWarren Harrison. 300-309 [doi]
- Testing Web ApplicationsGiuseppe A. Di Lucca, Anna Rita Fasolino, Francesco Faralli, Ugo de Carlini. 310-319 [doi]
- From Legacy to Web through Interaction ModelingEleni Stroulia, Mohammad El-Ramly, Paul G. Sorenson. 320 [doi]
- Program Comprehension by Visualization in ContextsRui Yin, Rudolf K. Keller. 332-341 [doi]
- Recovering Conceptual Roles of Data in a ProgramYunbo Deng, Suraj C. Kothari. 342-350 [doi]
- An Algorithm to Compare OO-Conceptual SchemasJosep Silva, Isidro Ramos, José A. Carsí. 351-358 [doi]
- A Model for Understanding Software ComponentsAnneliese Amschler Andrews, Sudipto Ghosh, Eun Man Choi. 359 [doi]
- Measuring Software Functional Size: Towards an Effective Measurement of ComplexityDe Tran-Cao, Ghislain Lévesque, Alain Abran. 370-376 [doi]
- A Novel Approach to Measuring Class Cohesion Based on Dependence AnalysisZhenqiang Chen, Yuming Zhou, Baowen Xu, Jianjun Zhao, Hongji Yang. 377-384 [doi]
- Combining Software Quality Predictive Models: An Evolutionary ApproachSalah Bouktif, Houari A. Sahraoui, Balázs Kégl. 385-392 [doi]
- Does the Code Match the Design? A Process for Architecture EvaluationRoseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Patricia Costa, Mikael Lindvall. 393 [doi]
- Identifying Test-Critical DependenciesStefan Jungmayr. 404-413 [doi]
- A Table Reduction Approach for Software Structure TestingJin-Cherng Lin, Ling-Hsuan Huang. 414-421 [doi]
- Testability Analysis for Software ComponentsNguyen Thanh Binh, Michel Delaunay, Chantal Robach. 422-429 [doi]
- Putting Escape Analysis to Work for Software TestingAmie L. Souter, Lori L. Pollock. 430 [doi]
- A Case Study of Unanticipated Incremental ChangeVáclav Rajlich, Prashant Gosavi. 442-451 [doi]
- The Impact of Environmental Evolution on Requirements ChangesVivek Nanda, Nazim H. Madhavji. 452-461 [doi]
- STA - A Conceptual Model for System EvolutionMarkus Pizka. 462 [doi]
- Panel IntroductionNorman F. Schneidewind. 470 [doi]
- Maintenance Issues for Very Long-Lived Robotic Space SystemsAllen P. Nikora. 471 [doi]
- Software Evolution, Volatility and Lifecycle Maintenance Patterns: A Longitudinal AnalysisEvelyn J. Barry. 474-477 [doi]
- Atomic Architectural Component Recovery for Program Understanding and EvolutionRainer Koschke. 478-481 [doi]
- Change-Oriented Requirements Traceability: Support for Evolution of Embedded SystemsAntje von Knethen. 482-485 [doi]
- Corrective Maintenance Maturity Model: Problem ManagementMira Kajko-Mattsson. 486 [doi]
- A Tool for Subsystem Configuration ManagementHagen Völzer, Brenton Atchison, Paul A. Strooper, Peter A. Lindsay, Anthony MacDonald. 492-500 [doi]
- Consistency Management in the Presence of Simultaneous Client-Specific ViewsEddy Truyen, Wouter Joosen, Pierre Verbaeten. 501-510 [doi]
- Extensible Language-Aware MergingJames J. Hunt, Walter F. Tichy. 511-520 [doi]
- A Fine-Grained Version and Confguration Model in Analysis and DesignDirk Ohst, Udo Kelter. 521 [doi]
- Migration to Object Oriented Platforms: A State Transformation ApproachYing Zou, Kostas Kontogiannis. 530-539 [doi]
- Maintenance of Object Oriented Systems through Re-Engineering: A Case StudyManoranjan Satpathy, Nils T. Siebel, Daniel Rodríguez. 540-549 [doi]
- Pretty-Printing for Software ReengineeringMerijn de Jonge. 550-559 [doi]
- An Effective Approach to Reduce the ihAvalanche Effectln in the Management of Fiscal Data in Local Public AdministrationMario A. Bochicchio, Antonella Longo. 560 [doi]
- Release PlanningDavid A. Penny. 570 [doi]
- Driving Software Quality at a Silicon Valley High-Tech Software CompanyGiora Ben-Yaacov. 571 [doi]
- Case Study on Software Engineering Practices with Parnas TablesZ. Leo Wu. 572 [doi]
- Re-Engineering of E-commerce Legacy Applications for Enterprise Java:::TM::: EnvironmentTerence C. Lau, Yumman Chan, Ramzan Khuwaja, Jianguo Lu. 573 [doi]
- A Quantitative Evaluation of Maintainability Enhancement by RefactoringYoshio Kataoka, Takeo Imai, Hiroki Andou, Tetsuji Fukaya. 576-585 [doi]
- Constructing Precise Object Relation DiagramsAna Milanova, Atanas Rountev, Barbara G. Ryder. 586-595 [doi]
- A Software Transformation Framework for Quality-Driven Object-Oriented Re-engineeringLadan Tahvildari, Kostas Kontogiannis. 596 [doi]
- A Formal Approach for Software MaintenanceUmer Waqar, Ferhat Khendek, Daniel Vincent. 608-617 [doi]
- Approximate Retrieval of Incomplete and Formal Specifications Applied to Vertical ReuseRebeca P. Díaz Redondo, José J. Pazos Arias, Ana Fernández Vilas, Ana Belén Barragáns-Martínez. 618-627 [doi]
- Externalizing Component Manners to Achieve Greater Maintainability through a Highly Re-Configurable Architectural StyleAli Arsanjani, James J. Alpigini, Hussein Zedan. 628 [doi]
- Using Execution Trace Data to Improve Distributed SystemsJohan Moe, Kristian Sandahl. 640-648 [doi]
- A Technique for Dynamic Updating of Java SoftwareAlessandro Orso, Anup Rao, Mary Jean Harrold. 649-658 [doi]
- Maintenance of Distributed Systems with Mobile AgentsMichael Friedrich, Gerd Nusser, Wolfgang Küchlin. 659-666 [doi]