Abstract is missing.
- Autonomic Web ProcessesKunal Verma, Amit P. Sheth. 1-11 [doi]
- The (Service) Bus: Services Penetrate Everyday LifeFrank Leymann. 12-20 [doi]
- Service Oriented Architectures for Science Gateways on Grid SystemsDennis Gannon, Beth Plale, Marcus Christie, Liang Fang, Yi Huang, Scott Jensen, Gopi Kandaswamy, Suresh Marru, Sangmi Lee Pallickara, Satoshi Shirasuna, Yogesh Simmhan, Aleksander Slominski, Yiming Sun. 21-32 [doi]
- Toward a Programming Model for Service-Oriented ComputingFrancisco Curbera, Donald F. Ferguson, Martin Nally, Marcia L. Stockton. 33-47 [doi]
- Speaking a Common Language: A Conceptual Model for Describing Service-Oriented SystemsMassimiliano Colombo, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Massimiliano Di Penta, Damiano Distante, Maurilio Zuccalà. 48-60 [doi]
- A Rule Driven Approach for Developing Adaptive Service Oriented Business CollaborationBart Orriëns, Jian Yang, Mike P. Papazoglou. 61-72 [doi]
- Pattern-Based Specification and Validation of Web Services Interaction PropertiesZheng Li, Jun Han, Yan Jin. 73-86 [doi]
- Using Test Cases as Contract to Ensure Service Compliance Across ReleasesMarcello Bruno, Gerardo Canfora, Massimiliano Di Penta, Gianpiero Esposito, Valentina Mazza. 87-100 [doi]
- Towards a Classification of Web Service Feature InteractionsMichael Weiss, Babak Esfandiari, Yun Luo. 101-114 [doi]
- A High-Level Functional Matching for Semantic Web ServicesIslam Elgedawy, Zahir Tari, James A. Thom. 115-129 [doi]
- Service Selection Algorithms for Composing Complex Services with Multiple QoS ConstraintsTao Yu, Kwei-Jay Lin. 130-143 [doi]
- On Service Discovery Process TypesPeer Hasselmeyer. 144-156 [doi]
- SPiDeR: P2P-Based Web Service DiscoveryOzgur D. Sahin, Cagdas Evren Gerede, Divyakant Agrawal, Amr El Abbadi, Oscar H. Ibarra, Jianwen Su. 157-169 [doi]
- An Approach to Temporal-Aware Procurement of Web ServicesOctavio Martín-Díaz, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Amador Durán, Carlos Müller. 170-184 [doi]
- Approaching Web Service Coordination and Composition by Means of Petri Nets. The Case of the Nets-Within-Nets ParadigmPedro Álvarez, José A. Bañares, Joaquin Ezpeleta. 185-197 [doi]
- Modeling and Analyzing Context-Aware Composition of ServicesEnzo Colombo, John Mylopoulos, Paola Spoletini. 198-213 [doi]
- Towards Semi-automated Workflow-Based Aggregation of Web ServicesAntonio Brogi, Razvan Popescu. 214-227 [doi]
- Choreography and Orchestration: A Synergic Approach for System DesignNadia Busi, Roberto Gorrieri, Claudio Guidi, Roberto Lucchi, Gianluigi Zavattaro. 228-240 [doi]
- PerfSONAR: A Service Oriented Architecture for Multi-domain Network MonitoringAndreas Hanemann, Jeff W. Boote, Eric L. Boyd, Jérôme Durand, Loukik Kudarimoti, Roman Lapacz, D. Martin Swany, Szymon Trocha, Jason Zurawski. 241-254 [doi]
- DySOA: Making Service Systems Self-adaptiveJohanneke Siljee, Ivor Bosloper, Jos Nijhuis, Dieter Hammer. 255-268 [doi]
- Towards Dynamic Monitoring of WS-BPEL ProcessesLuciano Baresi, Sam Guinea. 269-282 [doi]
- Template-Based Automated Service Provisioning - Supporting the Agreement-Driven Service Life-CycleHeiko Ludwig, Henner Gimpel, Asit Dan, Robert Kearney. 283-295 [doi]
- Proactive Management of Service Instance Pools for Meeting Service Level AgreementsKavitha Ranganathan, Asit Dan. 296-309 [doi]
- Adaptive Component Management Service in ScudWare Middleware for Smart Vehicle SpaceQing Wu, Zhaohui Wu. 310-323 [doi]
- Semantic Caching for Web ServicesStefan Seltzsam, Roland Holzhauser, Alfons Kemper. 324-340 [doi]
- ODEGSG Framework, Knowledge-Based Annotation and Design of Grid ServicesCarole A. Goble, Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Rafael González-Cabero, María S. Pérez-Hernández. 341-352 [doi]
- Implicit Service Calls in ActiveXML Through OWL-SSalima Benbernou, Xiaojun He, Mohand-Said Hacid. 353-365 [doi]
- Semantic TuplespaceLiangzhao Zeng, Hui Lei, Badrish Chandramouli. 366-381 [doi]
- Trust-Based Secure Workflow Path ConstructionMine Altunay, Douglas E. Brown, Gregory T. Byrd, Ralph A. Dean. 382-395 [doi]
- Reputation-Based Service Level Agreements for Web ServicesRadu Jurca, Boi Faltings. 396-409 [doi]
- Handling Faults in Decentralized Orchestration of Composite Web ServicesGirish Chafle, Sunil Chandra, Pankaj Kankar, Vijay Mann. 410-423 [doi]
- What s in an Agreement? An Analysis and an Extension of WS-AgreementMarco Aiello, Ganna Frankova, Daniela Malfatti. 424-436 [doi]
- SOA in the Real World - ExperiencesManoj Acharya, Abhijit Kulkarni, Rajesh Kuppili, Rohit Mani, Nitin More, Srinivas Narayanan, Parthiv Patel, Kenneth W. Schuelke, Subbu N. Subramanian. 437-449 [doi]
- Service-Oriented Design: The RootsTiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen, Manfred Reitenspieß. 450-464 [doi]
- A Service Oriented Architecture for Deploying and Managing Network ServicesVictor A. S. M. de Souza, Eleri Cardozo. 465-477 [doi]
- Dynamo: Dynamic Monitoring of WS-BPEL ProcessesLuciano Baresi, Sam Guinea. 478-483 [doi]
- WofBPEL: A Tool for Automated Analysis of BPEL ProcessesChun Ouyang, Eric Verbeek, Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Stephan Breutel, Marlon Dumas, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede. 484-489 [doi]
- OpenWS-Transaction: Enabling Reliable Web Service TransactionsIvan Vasquez, John A. Miller, Kunal Verma, Amit P. Sheth. 490-494 [doi]
- ASTRO: Supporting Composition and Execution of Web ServicesMichele Trainotti, Marco Pistore, Gaetano Calabrese, Gabriele Zacco, Gigi Lucchese, Fabio Barbon, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Paolo Traverso. 495-501 [doi]
- Demonstrating Dynamic Configuration and Execution of Web ProcessesKarthik Gomadam, Kunal Verma, Amit P. Sheth, John A. Miller. 502-507 [doi]
- Programming and Compiling Web Services in GPSLDominic Cooney, Marlon Dumas, Paul Roe. 508-513 [doi]
- Semantic Management of Web ServicesDaniel Oberle, Steffen Lamparter, Andreas Eberhart, Steffen Staab. 514-519 [doi]
- Composition of Services with Nondeterministic Observable BehaviorDaniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Massimo Mecella. 520-526 [doi]
- Efficient and Transparent Web-Services SelectionNicolas Gibelin, Mesaac Makpangou. 527-532 [doi]
- An Approach to Parameterizing Web Service FlowsDimka Karastoyanova, Frank Leymann, Alejandro P. Buchmann. 533-538 [doi]
- Dynamic Policy Management on Business Performance Management ArchitectureTeruo Koyanagi, Mari Abe, Gaku Yamamoto, Jun-Jang Jeng. 539-544 [doi]
- A Lightweight Formal Framework for Service-Oriented Applications DesignAliaksei Yanchuk, Alexander Ivanyukovich, Maurizio Marchese. 545-551 [doi]
- A MDE Approach for Power Distribution Service DevelopmentCristina Marin, Philippe Lalanda, Didier Donsez. 552-557 [doi]
- Semantic Web Services for Activity-Based ComputingE. Michael Maximilien, Alex Cozzi, Thomas P. Moran. 558-563 [doi]
- The Price of ServicesJustin O Sullivan, David Edmond, Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede. 564-569 [doi]
- Managing End-to-End Lifecycle of Global Service PoliciesDaniela Rosu, Asit Dan. 570-575 [doi]
- Applying a Web Engineering Method to Design Web ServicesMarta Ruiz, Pedro Valderas, Vicente Pelechano. 576-581 [doi]
- An Architecture for Unifying Web Services Authentication and AuthorizationRobert Steele, Will Tao. 582-587 [doi]
- Specifying Web Service Compositions on the Basis of Natural Language RequestsAlessio Bosca, Giuseppe Valetto, Roberta Maglione, Fulvio Corno. 588-593 [doi]