Abstract is missing.
- The Geometry TutorJohn R. Anderson, C. Franklin Boyle, Gregg Yost. 1-7
- Dynamic Student Modelling in an Intelligent Tutor for LISP ProgrammingBrian J. Reiser, John R. Anderson, Robert G. Farrell. 8-14
- Heuristic and Formal Methods in Automatic Program DebuggingWilliam R. Murray. 15-19
- Grammars as User ModelsEthel Schuster. 20-22
- An Expert System for Understanding Expressions from Electric Circuit AnalysisRostam Joobbani, Sarosh Talukdar. 23-25
- Computer Assisted Reasoning with MIZARAndrzej Trybulec, Howard A. Blair. 26-28
- The Intelligent Channel: A Scheme for Result Sharing in Logic ProgramsSimon Kasif, Jack Minker. 29-31
- The Architecture of the FAIM-1 Symbolic Multiprocessing SystemAlan L. Davis, Shane V. Robison. 32-38
- A Variable Supply Model for Distributing DeductionsVineet Singh, Michael R. Genesereth. 39-45
- A Modular Tool Kit for Knowledge ManagementGilles M. E. Lafue, Reid G. Smith. 46-52
- Recognition Algorithms for the Connection MachineAnita M. Flynn, John G. Harris. 57-60
- NON-VONs Applicability to Three AI Task AreasDavid Elliot Shaw. 61-72
- Yes, An SIMD Machine Can Be Used for AIRuven E. Brooks, Rosalyn Lum. 73-79
- CounterfactualsMatthew L. Ginsberg. 80-86
- Reasoned Assumptions and Pareto OptimalityJon Doyle. 87-90
- Deals Among Rational AgentsJeffrey S. Rosenschein, Michael R. Genesereth. 91-99
- A Functional Approach to Non-Monotonic LogicErik Sandewall. 100-106
- Does Probability Have a Place in Non-monotonic Reasoning?Matthew L. Ginsberg. 107-110
- Combination and Propagation of Uncertainty with Belief Functions - A ReexaminationDidier Dubois, Henri Prade. 111-113
- Results on Translating Defaults to CircumscriptionTomasz Imielinski. 114-120
- Computing CircumscriptionVladimir Lifschitz. 121-127
- The Limits of Qualitative SimulationBenjamin Kuipers. 128-136
- Qualitative Mathematical ReasoningElisha Sacks. 137-139
- Combining Discrete and Continuous Process ModelsDaniel S. Weld. 140-143
- On the Comparison of Theories: Preferring the Most Specific ExplanationDavid Poole. 144-147
- Using Model Theory to Specify AI ProgramsAlan M. Frisch. 148-154
- Applying Adaptive Algorithms to Epistatic DomainsLawrence Davis. 162-164
- Automating Program Speedup by Deciding What to CacheJack Mostow, Donald Cohen. 165-172
- Modal Propositional Semantics for Reason Maintenance SystemsAllen L. Brown Jr.. 178-184
- An Approach to Dependency Directed Backtracking Using Domain Specific KnowledgeVasant Dhar. 188-190
- Taxonomic ReasoningJosh D. Tenenberg. 191-193
- Parallelism in Inheritance Hierarchies with ExceptionsGarrison W. Cottrell. 194-202
- Automated Enhancement of Knowledge RepresentationsRobert Balzer. 203-207
- Synthesis by CompletionNachum Dershowitz. 208-214
- Reasoning by Cases and the Formation of Conditional ProgramsDouglas R. Smith. 215-218
- A Heuristic Approach to Program InversionDavid Eppstein. 219-221
- The Origin of the Binary-Search ParadigmZohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger. 222-224
- Symbolic Execution in Algorithm DesignDavid M. Steier, Elaine Kant. 225-231
- Symbols Among the Neurons: Details of a Connectionist Inference ArchitectureDavid S. Touretzky, Geoffrey E. Hinton. 238-243
- The Teachable Letter RecognizerJames Geller. 249-251
- Shape Recognition and Illusory ConjunctionsGeoffrey E. Hinton, Kevin J. Lang. 252-259
- Computational Neurolinguistics - What Is It All About?Helen M. Gigley. 260-266
- Input-Expectation Discrepancy Reduction: A Ubiquitous MechanismDerek Partridge. 267-273
- Whats in a Mental Model? On Conceptual Models in Reasoning with Spatial DescriptionsGöran Hagert. 274-277
- Daydreaming in Humans and ComputersErik T. Mueller, Michael G. Dyer. 278-280
- A Short Note on Opportunistic Planning and Memory in ArgumentsLawrence Birnbaum. 281-283
- A Process Model of Cased-Based Reasoning in Problem SolvingJanet L. Kolodner, Robert L. Simpson Jr., Katia Sycara-Cyranski. 284-290
- Learning to Understand Contractual SituationsSeth R. Goldman, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers. 291-293
- Arguments of Persuasion in Labour MediationKatia Sycara-Cyranski. 294-296
- Empirical and Model-based Reasoning in Expert SystemsPhyllis Koton. 297-299
- Control Issues in Classificatory DiagnosisJon Sticklen, B. Chandrasekaran, John R. Josephson. 300-306
- On Using Causal Knowledge to Recognize Vital Signals: Knowledge-based Interpretation of ArrhythmiasTetsutaro Shibahara. 307-314
- Uncertainty Management in a Distributed Knowledge Based SystemNaseem A. Khan, Ramesh Jain. 318-320
- Predictor: An Alternative Approach to Uncertain Inference in Expert SystemsAllan P. White. 328-330
- Transactional BlackboardsJ. Robert Ensor, John D. Gabbe. 340-344
- COMODEL: A Language for the Representation of Technical KnowledgeWerner Dilger, Jörg Kippe. 353-358
- SEEK2: A Generalized Approach to Automatic Knowledge Base RefinementAllen Ginsberg, Sholom M. Weiss, Peter Politakis. 367-374
- Neat Explanation of Proof TreesAgneta Eriksson, Anna-Lena Johansson. 379-381
- Explainable (and Maintainable) Expert SystemsRobert Neches, William R. Swartout, Johanna D. Moore. 382-389
- A Case Study in Structured Knowledge AcquisitionPaul de Greef, Joost Breuker. 390-392
- RHINOS: A Consultation System for Diagnoses of Headache and Facial PainMichio Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Takashi Matsunaga, Ryuji Hata, Hiroshi Matsumura. 393-396
- Model Expert System MESGuan Jiwen, Xu Ying, Chang Minche, Zhao Jizhi. 397-399
- Knowledge Representation in an Expert Storm Forecasting SystemRenee Elio, Johannes de Haan. 400-406
- An Expert Advisor for PhotolithographyTerry Cline, Wendy Fong, Steven Rosenberg. 411-413
- Syllogistic Reasoning as a Basis for Combination of Evidence in Expert SystemsLotfi A. Zadeh. 417-419
- Flexible Data Fusion (and Fission)Alexander S. Yeh. 420-422
- Control and Integration of Diverse Knowledge in a Diagnostic Expert SystemPamela K. Fink. 426-431
- GranularityJerry R. Hobbs. 432-435
- Naive Kinematics: One Aspect of ShapeYoav Shoham. 436-442
- A Representation for Complex Physical DomainsSanjaya Addanki, Ernest Davis. 443-446
- ONYX: An Architecture for Planning in Uncertain EnvironmentsCurtis Langlotz, Lawrence M. Fagan, Samson W. Tu, John Williams, Branimir Sikic. 447-449
- Understanding Behavior Using ConsolidationTom Bylander, B. Chandrasekaran. 450-454
- A Decidable First-Order Logic for Knowledge RepresentationPeter F. Patel-Schneider. 455-458
- Two Results on Default LogicWitold Lukaszewicz. 459-461
- Evidential Reasoning in Semantic Networks: A Formal TheoryLokendra Shastri, Jerome A. Feldman. 465-474
- An Endorsement-based Plan Recognition ProgramMichael Sullivan, Paul R. Cohen. 475-479
- A Guide to the Modal Logics of Knowledge and Belief: Preliminary DraftJoseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses. 480-490
- Belief, Awareness, and Limited Reasoning: Preliminary ReportRonald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern. 491-501
- A Computational Theory of Belief IntrospectionKurt Konolige. 502-508
- Using Situation Descriptions and Russellian Attitudes for Representing Beliefs and WantsAlfred Kobsa. 513-515
- A Procedural LogicMichael P. Georgeff, Amy L. Lansky, Pierre Bessière. 516-523
- A Common-Sense Theory of TimeJames F. Allen, Patrick J. Hayes. 528-531
- An Essential Hybrid Reasoning System: Knowledge and Symbol Level Accounts of KRYPTONRonald J. Brachman, Victoria P. Gilbert, Hector J. Levesque. 532-539
- Proportionality Graphs, Units Analysis, and Domain Constraints: Improving the Power and Efficiency of the Scientific Discovery ProcessBrian Falkenhainer. 552-554
- A Comparison of Analytic and Experimental Goal Regression for Machine LearningBruce W. Porter, Dennis F. Kibler. 555-559
- Learning Hidden Causes from Empirical DataJudea Pearl. 567-572
- LEAP: A Learning Apprentice for VLSl DesignTom M. Mitchell, Sridhar Mahadevan, Louis I. Steinberg. 573-580
- MORE: An Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition ToolGary S. Kahn, Steve Nowlan, John P. McDermott. 581-584
- The Utility of Expert KnowledgeJonathan Schaeffer, T. Anthony Marsland. 585-587
- Multi-Objective Learning via Genetic AlgorithmsJ. David Schaffer, John J. Grefenstette. 593-595
- Selectively Generalizing Plans for Problem-SolvingSteven Minton. 596-599
- Learning Planning Heuristics through ObservationCharles P. Dolan, Michael G. Dyer. 600-602
- Heuristics for Inductive LearningSteven Salzberg. 603-609
- Discovering the Wave Theory of Sound: Inductive Inference in the Context of Problem SolvingPaul Thagard, Keith J. Holyoak. 610-612
- Generating Rules from ExamplesBijan Arbab, Donald Michie. 631-633
- Learning Concept Descriptions from Examples with ErrorsJakub Segen. 634-636
- Knowledge Acquisition for Constructive Systems637-639
- Learning by Discovering Macros in Puzzle SolvingGlenn A. Iba. 640-642
- Generalizing Logic Circuit Designs by Analyzing Proofs of CorrectnessThomas Ellman. 643-646
- Automatically Inferring Database SchemasSitaram Lanka. 647-649
- Substantial Constructive Induction Using Layered Information Compression: Tractable Feature Formation in SearchLarry A. Rendell. 650-658
- Learning Intermediate Concepts in Constructing a Hierarchical Knowldege BaseLiMin Fu, Bruce G. Buchanan. 659-666
- Learning about Momentum ConservationJude W. Shavlik. 667-669
- Training and Tracking in RoboticsOliver G. Selfridge, Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto. 670-672
- Representation and Use of Explicit Justifications for Knowledge Base RefinementsReid G. Smith, Howard A. Winston, Tom M. Mitchell, Bruce G. Buchanan. 673-680
- Learning Schemata for Natural Language ProcessingRaymond J. Mooney, Gerald DeJong. 681-687
- Towards a Model of Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition Through Directed ExperimentationShankar A. Rajamoney, Gerald DeJong, Boi Faltings. 688-690
- Approaches to Conceptual ClusteringDouglas H. Fisher, Pat Langley. 691-697
- A Prototypical Approach to Machine LearningR. I. Phelps, Peter B. Musgrove. 698-700
- Prolog-ELF Incorporating Fuzzy LogicMitsuru Ishizuka, Naoki Kanai. 701-703
- Type Inference in Prolog and Its ApplicationTadashi Kanamori, Kenji Horiuchi. 704-707
- Term Description: A Simple Powerful Extension to Prolog Data StructuresHideyuki Nakashima. 708-710
- Interpreting Descriptions in a Prolog-based Knowledge Representation SystemRandy Goebel. 711-716
- Retrospective Zooming: A Knowledge Based Tracking and Debugging Methodology for Logic ProgrammingMarc Eisenstadt. 717-719
- Prolog Control RulesLee Naish. 720-722
- A Logic Program Schema and Its ApplicationsTakashi Yokomori. 723-725
- Prolog Extensions Based on Tableau CalculusWolfgang Schönfeld. 730-732
- Incorporating Generalizaiton Heuristics into Verification of Prolog ProgramsHirohisa Seki. 737-741
- A Logic Programming and Verification System for Recursive Quantificational LogicFrank M. Brown, Peiya Liu. 742-748
- A New Kind of Finite-State Automaton: Register Vector GrammarGlenn D. Blank. 749-755
- An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm for Natural LanguagesMasaru Tomita. 756-764
- Parsing with Assertion Sets and Information MonotonicityG. Edward Barton Jr., Robert C. Berwick. 769-771
- Syntax, Preference and Right AttachmentYorick Wilks, Xiuming Huang, Dan Fass. 779-784
- Controlling Search in Flexible ParsingSteven Minton, Philip J. Hayes, Jill Fain. 785-787
- Grammatical Relations as the Basis for Natural Language Parsing and Text UnderstandingSamuel Bayer, Leonard Joseph, Candace E. Kalish. 788-790
- The Role of Perspective in Responding to Property MisconceptionsKathleen F. McCoy. 791-793
- Tailoring Explanations for the UserKathleen McKeown, Myron Wish, Kevin Matthews. 794-798
- Description-directed Natural Language GenerationDavid D. McDonald, James Pustejovsky. 799-807
- Tense, Aspect, and Cognitive Representation of TimeKenneth Man-kam Yip. 808-814
- Lexical Ambiguity as a Touchstone for Theories of Language AnalysisLawrence Birnbaum. 815-820
- VOX - An Extensible Natural Language ProcessorAmnon Meyers. 821-825
- Partial Constraints in Chinese AnalysisYiming Yang, Shuji Doshita, Toyoaki Nishida. 826-828
- Grammatical Functions, Discourse, Referents, and QuantificationUwe Reyle. 829-831
- Discourse Structure and the Proper Treatment of InterruptionsBarbara J. Grosz, Candace L. Sidner. 832-839
- Evaluating Importance: A Step Towards Text SummarizationDanilo Fum, Giovanni Guida, Carlo Tasso. 840-844
- Understanding Analogies in EditorialsStephanie E. August, Michael G. Dyer. 845-847
- Integrating Text Planning and Production in GenerationEduard H. Hovy. 848-851
- Be Brief, Be to the Point, ... Be Seated or Relevant Responses in Man/Machine ConversationAnne Vilnat, Gérard Sabah. 852-854
- SAPHIR + RESEDA: A New Approach to Intelligent Data Base AccessBernard Euzenat, Bernard Normier, Antoine Ogonowski, Gian Piero Zarri. 855-857
- Researcher: An Experimental Intelligent Information SystemMichael Lebowitz. 858-862
- A Parallel-Process Model of On-Line Inference ProcessingKurt P. Eiselt. 863-869
- New Approaches to Parsing Conjunctions Using PrologSandiway Fong, Robert C. Berwick. 870-876
- On the Use of a Taxonomy of Time-Frequency Morphologies for Automatic Speech RecognitionRenato de Mori, Mathew J. Palakal. 877-879
- Structure from Motion Without Correspondence: General PrincipleKen-ichi Kanatani. 886-888
- Unique Recovery of Motion and Optic Flow via Lie AlgebrasA. Peter Blicher, Stephen M. Omohundro. 889-891
- Coarse-to-Fine Control Strategy for Matching Motion Stereo PairsGang Xu, Saburo Tsuji, Minoru Asada. 892-894
- Utilization of a Stripe Pattern for Dynamic Scene AnalysisMinoru Asada, Saburo Tsuji. 895-897
- Determining 3-D Motion of Planar Objects from Image Brightness PatternsShahriar Negahdaripour, Berthold K. P. Horn. 898-901
- Using Discrimination Graphs to Represent Visual Interpretations that are Hypothetical and AmbiguousJan A. Mulder. 905-907
- SIGMA: A Framework for Image Understanding - Integration of Bottom-Up and Top-Down AnalysisTakashi Matsuyama, Vincent Hwang. 908-915
- Problem-solving Strategies in a Music Transcription SystemBernard Mont-Reynaud. 916-918
- LandScan: A Natural Language and Computer Vision System for Analyzing Aerial ImagesRuzena Bajcsy, Aravind K. Joshi, Eric Krotkov, Amy E. Zwarico. 919-921
- Learning Shape DescriptionsJonathan Connell, Michael Brady. 922-925
- Shape from TextureJohn Aliomonos, Michael J. Swain. 926-931
- Shape and Source from ShadingMichael J. Brooks, Berthold K. P. Horn. 932-936
- One-Eyed Stereo: A General Approach to Modeling 3-D Scene GeometryThomas M. Strat, Martin A. Fischler. 937-943
- Analyzing Oriented PatternsMichael Kass, Andrew P. Witkin. 944-952
- Visual Recognition from Spatial Correspondence and Perceptual OrganizationDavid G. Lowe. 953-959
- Determining Object Attitude from Extended Gaussian ImagesJames J. Little. 960-963
- Transformational Form Perception in 3D: Constraints, Algorithms, ImplementationDana H. Ballard, Hiromi Tanaka. 964-968
- 3-D Shape Representation by ContoursIsaac Weiss. 969-972
- Specular StereoAndrew Blake. 973-976
- A Parallel Matching Algorithm for Stereo VisionY. Nishimoto, Yoshiaki Shirai. 977-980
- Optical Navigation by the Method of DifferencesBruce D. Lucas, Takeo Kanade. 981-984
- Spectral Continuity and Eye Vergence MovementLance R. Williams. 985-987
- A New Sense for Depth of FieldAlex Pentland. 988-994
- What Enables a Machine to Understand?Aaron Sloman. 995-1001
- In Defense of ProbabilityPeter Cheeseman. 1002-1009
- Refining and Extending the Procedural NetMark Drummond. 1010-1012
- The Use of Multiple Problem Decompositions in Time Constrained Planning TasksStephen F. Smith, Peng Si Ow. 1013-1015
- Nonlinear Planning: A Rigorous ReconstructionDavid Chapman. 1022-1024
- Increasing Coherence in a Distributed Problem-Solving NetworkEdmund H. Durfee, Victor R. Lesser, Daniel D. Corkill. 1025-1030
- Iterative-Deepening-A*: An Optimal Admissible Tree SearchRichard E. Korf. 1034-1036
- A Weighted Technique in Heuristic SearchBo Zhang, Ling Zhang. 1037-1039
- Information Acquisition in Minimal Window SearchAlexander Reinefeld, Jonathan Schaeffer, T. Anthony Marsland. 1040-1043
- A Hybrid SSS*/Alpha-Beta Algorithm for Parallel Search of Game TreesDaniel B. Leifker, Laveen N. Kanal. 1044-1046
- Deadlines, Travel Time, and Robot Problem SolvingDavid P. Miller, R. James Firby, Thomas Dean. 1052-1054
- Temporal Reasoning Involving Counterfactuals and DisjunctionsThomas Dean. 1060-1062
- Shallow Planning and Recovery Planning Based on the Vertical Decomposition of the Flight DomainDavid C. Chen. 1063-1065
- The Anatomy of Easy Problems: A Constraint-Satisfaction FormulationRina Dechter, Judea Pearl. 1066-1072
- An Analysis of Consecutively Bounded Depth-First Search with Applications in Automated DeductionMark E. Stickel, Mabry Tyson. 1073-1075
- Taking Advantage of Stable Sets of Variables in Constraint Satisfaction ProblemsEugene C. Freuder, Michael J. Quinn. 1076-1078
- A Study of Search Methods: The Effect of Constraint Satisfaction and AdventurousnessHans J. Berliner, Gordon Goetsch. 1079-1082
- The Complexity of Searching Several Classes of AND/OR GraphsHoward E. Motteler, Laveen N. Kanal. 1083-1085
- Terrain Navigation Through Knowledge-based Route PlanningJohn F. Gilmore, Antonio C. Semeco. 1086-1088
- First Results in Robot Road-FollowingRichard Wallace, Anthony Stentz, Charles E. Thorpe, Hans Maravec, William Whittaker, Takeo Kanade. 1089-1095
- A Proximity Metric for Continuum Path PlanningCharles E. Buckley, Larry J. Leifer. 1096-1102
- A Robot Planning Structure Using Production RulesRalph P. Sobek. 1103-1105
- A Framework for Distributed Sensing and ControlTom Henderson, Chuck Hansen, Bir Bhanu. 1106-1109
- Motor Knowledge RepresentationGiuseppe Marino, Pietro Morasso, Renato Zaccaria. 1110-1112
- Analysis of Uncertainties in a Structure of PartsAlan Fleming. 1113-1115
- Spatial Object Perception from an ImageRadu Horaud. 1116-1119
- Stereo by Two-Level Dynamic ProgrammingYuichi Ohta, Takeo Kanade. 1120-1126
- Object Recognition Using Vision and TouchPeter K. Allen, Ruzena Bajcsy. 1131-1137
- A New Hyperparamodulation Strategy for the Equality RelationYounghwan Lim, Lawrence J. Henschen. 1138-1145
- An Equational Approach to Theorem Proving in First-Order Predicate CalculusDeepak Kapur, Paliath Narendran. 1146-1153
- The Management of Heuristic Search in Boolean Experiments with Rue ResolutionVincent J. Digricoli. 1154-1161
- A Many-Sorted Calculus with Polymorphic Functions Based on Resolution and ParamodulationManfred Schmidt-Schauß. 1162-1168
- A Many-Sorted Resolution Based on an Extension of a First-Order LanguageKeki B. Irani, D. G. Shin. 1175-1177
- Parallel Processing of ResolutionTakahira Yamaguchi, Yoshikazu Tezuka, Osamu Kakusho. 1178-1180
- Automated Deduction by Theory ResolutionMark E. Stickel. 1181-1186
- Path Resolution with Link DeletionNeil V. Murray, Erik Rosenthal. 1187-1193
- ASSIP-T A Theorem-Proving MachineWerner Dilger, Hans-Albert Schneider. 1194-1200
- Designing Examples for Semantically Guided Hierarchical DeductionTie-Cheng Wang. 1201-1207
- How to Facilitate the Proof of Theorems by Using the Induction-matching, and by GeneralizationJacqueline Castaing. 1208-1213
- CM-Strategy: A Methodology for Inductive Theorem Proving or Constructive Well-Generalized ProofsMarta Franová. 1214-1220
- Discovery and Reasoning in MathematicsAlan Bundy. 1221-1230
- Building a Bridge Between AI and RoboticsHirochika Inoue. 1231-1237
- Self-Knowledge and Self-RepresentationJohn Perry. 1238-1242
- Understanding and Automating Algorithm DesignElaine Kant. 1243-1253
- AI and Legal ReasoningEdwina L. Rissland. 1254-1260
- Artificial Intelligence in the Personal Computer Environment, Today and TomorrowTom J. Schwartz. 1261-1266
- Artificial Intelligence and Legal ResponsibilityMargaret A. Boden. 1267-1268
- Computer Representation of the LawRobert A. Kowalski, Marek J. Sergot. 1269-1270
- Empowering Automatic Decision-Making Systems: General Intelligence, Responsibility, and Moral SensibilityHenry S. Thompson. 1281-1283
- Raising the Standards of AI ProductsAlan Bundy, Richard Clutterbuck. 1289-1294
- Reasoning with Uncertainty for Expert SystemsRonald R. Yager. 1295-1297
- User ModellingDerek H. Sleeman, Douglas E. Appelt, Kurt Konolige, Elaine Rich, N. S. Sridharan, William R. Swartout. 1298-1302
- Expert Systems: How Far Can They Go?Terry Winograd, Randall Davis, Stuart Dreyfus, Brian Cantwell Smith. 1306