Abstract is missing.
- Introductory OverviewGünter Spur, Kai Mertins, R. Albrecht, F. Duttenhofer, H. Edeler, Roland Jochem, H. Kopp-Jung, Markus Rabe, Burkhard Schallock, U. Wegener. 1-49
- Shortcomings and Extensions of Relational DBMSPetr Kroha. 50-69
- Evaluation of Object-Oriented Database SystemsChristian Huemer, Gerti Kappel, S. Rausch-Schott, Werner Retschitzegger, A. Min Tjoa, Stefan Vieweg, Roland Wagner. 70-95
- Active Object-Oriented Database Systems for CIM ApplicationsGerti Kappel, S. Rausch-Schott, Werner Retschitzegger, A. Min Tjoa, Stefan Vieweg, Roland Wagner. 96-131
- Databridge between RDBMS and OODBMSPetr Kroha. 132-135
- Database Requirements of CIM ApplicationsGerti Kappel, Stefan Vieweg. 136-164
- Planning and SchedulingGerd Finke. 165-178
- Operational Research Models and Methods in CIMMarino Widmer. 179-194
- Production Planning and Control Systems - State of the Art and New DirectionsSri V. Sridharan, John J. Kanet. 195-216
- Simulation - A Tool for Developing Advanced Production StrategiesHeimo H. Adelsberger, Christian Hohendorf. 217-236
- Dynamic Modeling of CIM SystemsWolfram Conen. 237-256
- Fuzzy Modeling and ControlPetr Horácek. 257-288
- Foundations of Computer CommunicationsVáclav Matousek. 289-324
- Information Management and Information Systems PlanningRoland Traunmüller. 325-339
- Overview of Function Modelling - IDEF0Finn Jørgensen. 340-354
- Data Modeling with IDEF1XHeimo H. Adelsberger, Frank Körner. 355-391
- Automatic Programming in CIM Based on Intelligent ToolsWitold Jacak, Berndt Kapsammer. 392-417
- Model Based Decision Support SystemsP. J. Drazan. 418-426
- Man-Machine Interface for CIMZdenek Kouba, Tomás Vlcek. 427-438
- Designing for Evolutionary SystemsJan Hensgens. 439-453
- Active Subsystems for CIM EnvironmentsLibor Preucil. 454-477
- CAD Systems: Trends and DevelopmentsPavel Slavík. 478-492
- Concurrent EngineeringSteffen M. Fohn, Arthur R. Greef, Robert E. Young, Peter J. O Grady. 493-505
- Groupwork in the Sop-Floor-Area Needs Decentral CIM-Structures and ComponentsDieter Specht, Frank Fehler. 506-516
- Does CIM Need AI?Vladimír Marík, Jirí Lazanský, Olga Stepánková. 517-547
- Multi-Agent Systems: A Natural Trend in CIMKlaus-Peter Keilmann. 548-562
- Production Scheduling and Genetic AlgorithmsMichael Neubauer. 563-582
- Implementation of Systems with Declarative ConstraintsJulius Csontó. 583-593
- Qualitative Reasoning and CIMIvo Marvan, Olga Stepánková. 594-612
- Comparison and Analysis of Selected CIM-Laboratory Concepts and their Importance for the Improvement of Staff TrainingPeter Starzacher, Gerald Quirchmayr, Roland Wagner. 613-637
- The Use of the Active Database SIMON for a Short Term Production Planning System in the Automotive IndustryA. Min Tjoa, Roland Wagner, Christian Gierlinger, Ch. Kaiser, C. M. Lechner, J. Laimer. 638-663