Abstract is missing.
- Performance of a Storage System for Supporting Different Video Types and QualitiesJonathan C. L. Liu, Jenwei Hsieh, David Hung-Chang Du, Mengjou Lin. 2-9
- A Portable Communication System for Video-On-Demand Applications Using the Existing InfrastructureYasushi Negishi, Kiyokuni Kawachiya, Kazuya Tago. 18-26
- A Server Array Approach for Video-On-Demand Service on Local Area NetworksJack Y. B. Lee, P. C. Wong. 27-34
- New Call Block versus Handoff Blocking in Cellular NetworksMoshe Sidi, David Starobinski. 35-42
- On Optimal Call Admission Control in Cellular NetworksRamachandran Ramjee, Ramesh Nagarajan, Donald F. Towsley. 43-50
- A Reversible Hierarchical Scheme for Microcellular Systems with Overlaying MacrocellsRoberto Beraldi, Salvatore Marano, Carlo Mastroianni. 51-58
- Bounds and Performance of Reuse Partitioning in Cellular NetworksDario Lucatti, Achille Pattavina, Vittorio Trecordi. 59-66
- IP Multicast Extensions for Mobile InternetworkingArup Acharya, Ajay V. Bakre, B. R. Badrinath. 67-74
- Distributed Center-Location Algorithms: Proposals and ComparisonsDavid Thaler, Chinya V. Ravishankar. 75-84
- Performance and Resource Cost Comparisons for the CBT and PIM Multicast Routing Protocols in DIS EnvironmentsTom Billhartz, J. Bibb Cain, Ellen Farrey-Goudreau, Doug Fieg, Stephen Gordon Batsell. 85-93
- Call Admission and Resource Reservation for Multicast SessionsVictor Firoiu, Donald F. Towsley. 94-101
- Efficient Network QoS Provisioning Based on Per Node Traffic ShapingLeonidas Georgiadis, Roch Guérin, Vinod G. J. Peris, Kumar N. Sivarajan. 102-110
- Latency-Rate Servers: A General Model for Analysis of Traffic Scheduling AlgorithmsDimitrios Stiliadis, Anujan Varma. 111-119
- WF:::2:::Q: Worst-Case Fair Weighted Fair QueueingJon C. R. Bennett, Hui Zhang. 120-128
- On CBR ServiceMatthias Grossglauser, Srinivasan Keshav. 129-137
- Distributed Network Control for Wavelength Routed Optical NetworksRajiv Ramaswami, Adrian Segall. 138-147
- Connectivity and Sparse Wavelength Conversion in Wavelength-Routing NetworksSuresh Subramaniam, Murat Azizoglu, Arun K. Somani. 148-155
- Comparison of Wavelength-Interchanging and Wavelength-Selective Cross-Connects in Multiwavelength All-Optical NetworksGibong Jeong, Ender Ayanoglu. 156-163
- A New Model for Optimal Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Wavelength Division Multiplexed Optical NetworksChien Chen, Subrata Banerjee. 164-171
- A Bounded-Hop-Count Deflection Scheme for Manhattan-Street NetworksWlodzimierz Dobosiewicz, Pawel Gburzynski. 172-179
- Admission Control for Hard Real-Time Connections in ATM LANsAmitava Raha, Sanjay Kamat, Wei Zhao. 180-188
- "Time-Driven Priority" Flow Control for Real-Time Heterogeneous InternetworkingChung-Sheng Li, Yoram Ofek, Moti Yung. 189-197
- Scheduling Real-Time Traffic in ATM NetworksTing-li Ling, Ness B. Shroff. 198-205
- Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Native Mode ATM Transport LayerRitesh Ahuja, Srinivasan Keshav, Huzur Saran. 206-214
- The Effectiveness of Affinity-Based Scheduling in Multiprocessor NetworkingJames D. Salehi, James F. Kurose, Donald F. Towsley. 215-223
- Fast Decoding of Tagged Message FormatsTrevor Blackwell. 224-231
- Control Mechanisms for Packet Audio in the InternetJean-Chrysostome Bolot, Andrés Vega-García. 232-239
- Passive Estimation Algorithms for Queueing Delays in LANs and Other Polling SystemsD. Manjunath, Mart L. Molle. 240-247
- Efficient Solution of Multiple Server Queues with Application to the Modeling of ATM ConcentratorsAhmed E. Kamal. 248-254
- A Simple Approximation for Modeling Nonstationary QueuesWei-Ping Wang, David Tipper, Sujata Banerjee. 255-262
- Performance of a ::::P::i:::::: Persistent Protocol Subject to Correlated Gaussian TrafficRon Addie, Darren Platt, Moshe Zukerman. 263-270
- Scheduling Multicast Cells in an Input-Queued SwitchNick McKeown, Balaji Prabhakar. 271-278
- Parallel Routing Algorithms in Benes-Clos NetworksTony T. Lee, Soung-Yue Liew. 279-286
- Maintaining High Throughput during Overload in ATM SwitchesJonathan S. Turner. 287-295
- Achieving 100 Throughput in an Input-Queued SwitchNick McKeown, Venkat Anantharam, Jean C. Walrand. 296-302
- Concurrent ATM Connection Setup Reducing Need for VP ProvisioningMalathi Veeraraghavan, Madhu Kshirsagar, Gagan L. Choudhury. 303-311
- Virtual Path Control for ATM Networks with Call Level Quality of Servie GuaranteesNikos G. Aneroussis, Aurel A. Lazar. 312-319
- Routing Virtual Circuits with Timing Requirements in Virtual Path Based ATM NetworksChao-Ju Hou. 320-328
- An Adaptive Virtual Path Allocation Policy for Broadband NetworksAriel Orda, Giovanni Pacifici, Dimitrios E. Pendarakis. 329-336
- An Algorithm for Multicast Tree Generation in Networks with Asymmetric LinksRam Ramanathan. 337-344
- Multicast Traffic in Multi-Hop Lightwave Networks: Performance Analysis and an Argument for Channel SharingSrini B. Tridandapani, Biswanath Mukherjee. 345-352
- Multicast Routing with End-to-End Delay and Delay Variation ConstraintsGeorge N. Rouskas, Ilia Baldine. 353-360
- ARIES: A Rearrangeable Inexpensive Edge-Based On-Line Steiner AlgorithmFred Bauer, Anujan Varma. 361-368
- Source Policing for ATM Systems Based on Peakedness RatePedro I. Sánchez, Ravi Mazumdar. 369-376
- Real-Time Estimation of UPC Parameters for Arbitrary Traffic Sources in ATM NetworksBrian L. Mark, Gopalakrishnan Ramamurthy. 384-392
- A Simulation Study of Delay and Delay Variation in ATM Networks, Part 1: CBR TrafficHassan Naser, Alberto Leon-Garcia. 393-400
- A Single-Hop Wavelength Routed LAN/MAN ArchitectureMark W. Janoska, Terence D. Todd. 402-409
- On Torus Topologies with Random Extra LinksMilan Kovacevic. 410-418
- A Delay Line Receiver Architecture for All-Optical NetworksImrich Chlamtac, Andrea Fumagalli, Chang-Jin Suh. 419-426
- On a Scalable Topology for Lightwave NetworksAnuradha Venkateswaran, Abhijit Sengupta. 427-434
- A Flexible Modem Structure for Increased Capacity and Multimedia Transmission in GSM PCSChuck Brown, Kamilo Feher. 435-442
- Mobile Power Management for Maximum Battery Life in Wireless Communication NetworksJohn M. Rulnick, Nicholas Bambos. 443-450
- Effect of the Local Propagation Model on the LOS Microcellular System DesignDongsoo Har, Henry L. Bertoni. 451-456
- Partitioning Frequency-Hopping Codes for CDMA Cellular SystemsGuu-chang Yang. 457-463
- Intelligent Agents: An Emerging Technology for Next Generation Telecommunications?Thomas Magedanz, Kurt Rothermel, Sven Krause. 464-472
- Techniques for Automated Network Map Generation Using SNMPGlenn Mansfield, M. Ouchi, K. Jayanthi, Y. Kimura, Kohei Ohta, Yoshiaki Nemoto. 473-480
- SNMP and OSI Management Information Modeling and Translation: A Case StudyIhsan Khan, Graham Knight. 481-488
- The Semantics of Network Management InformationTianning Zhang, Stefan Covaci. 489-496
- Experiments of the Theory of Effective Bandwidth for Markov Sources and Video TradesLe-Sheng Chou, Cheng-Shang Chang. 497-504
- Modeling Heterogeneous Sources on Multiple Time ScalesEmilie T. Saulnier, Kenneth S. Vastola. 505-512
- On the Relevance of Time Scales in Performance Oriented Traffic CharacterizationsMichael Montgomery, Gustavo de Veciana. 513-520
- AAL1 with FEC for the Transport of CBR MPEG2 Video over ATM NetworksYasser Rasheed, Alberto Leon-Garcia. 529-536
- Video Traffic Characterization for Multimedia Networks with a Deterministic ServiceDallas E. Wrege, Jörg Liebeherr. 537-544
- Analysis of MPEG-1 Transmission through B-ISDN ATM NetworksOlen L. Stokes, Arne A. Nilsson. 545-552
- On the Use of Destination Set Grouping to Improve Fairness in Multicast Video DistributionShun Yan Cheung, Mostafa H. Ammar, Xue Li. 553-560
- Improved Loss Calculations at an ATM MultiplexerNess B. Shroff, Mischa Schwartz. 561-568
- ATM Rate Based Congestion Control Using a Smith Predictor: An EPRCA ImplementationSaverio Mascolo, Dirceu Cavendish, Mario Gerla. 569-576
- Robust Non-Probabilistic Bounds for Delay and Throughput in Credit-Based Flow ControlSiavash Khorsandi, Alberto Leon-Garcia. 577-584
- Feedback Based Flow Control in ATM Networks with Multiple Propagation DelaysRajesh S. Pazhyannur, Rajeev Agrawal. 585-593
- How to Model an InternetworkEllen W. Zegura, Kenneth L. Calvert, Samrat Bhattacharjee. 594-602
- Network Security via Reverse Engineering of TCP Code: Vulnerability Analysis and Proposed SolutionsBiswaroop Guha, Biswanath Mukherjee. 603-610
- Time Series Models for Internet TrafficSabyasachi Basu, Amarnath Mukherjee, Steve Klivansky. 611-620
- Retransmission-Based Partially Reliable Transport Service: An Analytic ModelRahmi Marasli, Paul D. Amer, Phillip T. Conrad. 621-629
- Carry-Over Round Robin: A Simple Cell Scheduling Mechanism for ATM NetworksDebanjan Saha, Sarit Mukherjee, Satish K. Tripathi. 630-637
- Hardware-Efficient Fair Queueing Architectures for High-Speed NetworksJennifer Rexford, Albert G. Greenberg, Flavio Bonomi. 638-646
- HOL-EDD: A Flexible Service Scheduling Scheme for ATM NetworksM. Vishnu, Jon W. Mark. 647-654
- Traffic-Controlled Rate-Monotonic Priority Scheduling of ATM CellsSeok-Kyu Kweon, Kang G. Shin. 655-662
- ATM Multiplexers and Output Port Controllers with Distributed Control and Flexible Queueing DisciplinesKa Lun Eddie Law, Alberto Leon-Garcia. 663-670
- Efficient Analysis of Shared Buffer Management Strategies in ATM Networks under Non-Uniform Bursty TrafficBlair R. Collier, Hyong S. Kim. 671-678
- Dynamic Queue Length Thresholds in a Shared Memory ATM SwitchAbhijit K. Choudhury, Ellen L. Hahne. 679-687
- Queue Management for Shared Buffer and Shared Multi-Buffer ATM SwitchesYu-sheng Lin, C. Bernard Shung. 688-695
- Slotted ALOHA and CDPA: A Comparison of Channel Access PerformanceFlaminio Borgonovo, Michele Zorzi. 696-703
- Directed Antennas in the Mobile Broadband SystemMartin Horneffer, Dieter Plassmann. 704-712
- A Demand-Assignment Access Control for Multi-Code DS-CSMA Wireless Packet (ATM) NetworksZhao Liu, Mark J. Karol, Magda El Zarki, Kai Y. Eng. 713-721
- A Bandwidth Reservation Protocol for Speech/Data Integration in TDMA-Based Advanced Mobile SystemsGiuseppe Anastasi, Davide Grillo, Luciano Lenzini, Enzo Mingozzi. 722-729
- A Nonstationary Analysis of Bandwidth Access Control Schemes for Heterogeneous Traffic in B-ISDNYi Qian, David Tipper, Deep Medhi. 730-737
- Timescale of Interest in Traffic Measurement for Link Bandwidth Allocation DesignYongHwan Kim, San-qi Li. 738-748
- Near-Optimal Bandwidth Allocation for Multi-Media Virtual Circuit Switched NetworksWai Chung Chan, Evaggelos Geraniotis. 749-757
- Performance Analysis of Fast Reservation Protocol with Generalized Bandwidth Reservation MethodHideyuki Shimonishi, Tetsuya Takine, Masayuki Murata, Hideo Miyahara. 758-767
- Neural Network Methods with Traffic Descriptor Compression for Call Admission ControlRichard G. Ogier, Nina Taft Plotkin, Irfan Khan. 768-776
- A Neural-Net Based Fuzzy Admission Controller for an ATM NetworkRay-Guang Cheng, Chung-Ju Chang. 777-784
- Integrated Control of Connection Admission, Flow Rate, and Bandwidth for ATM Based NetworksAndreas Pitsillides, Petros A. Ioannou, David Tipper. 785-793
- A General Preemption-Based Admission Policy Using a Smart Market ApproachFrançois Toutain, Oliver Huber. 794-801
- Asymmetric ATM Switch Modules with Imbalanced TrafficAmit K. Chatterjee, Vijay K. Konangi. 802-809
- VLSI Design Optimization of Input/Output-Buffered Broadband ATM SwitchesHong Shi, Charles A. Zukowski, Omar Wing. 810-817
- High-Performance Low-Cost Non-Blocking Switch for ATMJeen-Fong Lin, Sheng-De Wang. 818-821
- Analysis of Space-Time Tradeoffs in Photonic Switching NetworksChunming Qiao. 822-829
- Backpressure in Shared-Memory-Based ATM Switches under Multiplexed Bursty SourcesFabio M. Chiussi, Ye Xia, Vijay P. Kumar. 830-843
- An Efficient Signaling Structure for ATM NetworksDakang Wu. 844-854
- An Improved SSCOP-Like Scheme for Avoiding Unnecessary Retransmissions and Achieving Ideal ThroughputReuven Cohen. 855-862
- A Management System for Load Balancing through Adaptive Routing in Multi-Service ATM NetworksPanos Georgatsos, David Griffin. 863-870
- A Study of Reservation Dynamics in Integrated Services Packet NetworksDanny J. Mitzel, Deborah Estrin, Scott Shenker, Lixia Zhang. 871-879
- Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation PoliciesYehuda Afek, Menashe Cohen, Eyal Haalman, Yishay Mansour. 880-887
- A Pricing Model for High Speed Networks with Guaranteed Quality of ServiceHong Jiang, Scott Jordan. 888-895
- BALANCE - A Flexible Parallel Load Balancing System for Heterogeneous Computing Systems and NetworksChi-Chung Hui, Samuel T. Chanson, Pui-Man Chui, Ka-Ming Lau. 896-903
- A Protocol for Efficient Transfer of Data over Fiber/Cable SystemsDolors Sala, John O. Limb. 904-911
- Hierarchical FDDI - An Approach for FFOLBernhard Albert, Anura P. Jayasumana. 912-919
- An Efficient and Practical Local Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for the Timed-Token MAC ProtocolSijing Zhang, Alan Burns, Andy J. Wellings. 920-927
- Approximating Max-Min Fair Rates via Distributed Local Scheduling with Partial InformationAlain J. Mayer, Yoram Ofek, Moti Yung. 928-936
- Distributed Queue Packet Scheduling Algorithms for WDM-Based NetworksAndrew Muir, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves. 938-945
- A Lightweight Media Access Protocol for WDM-Based Distributed Shared Memory SystemKrishna M. Sivalingam, Patrick W. Dowd. 946-953
- Limited-Range Wavelength Translation in All-Optical NetworksJennifer M. Yates, Jonathan P. R. Lacey, David Everitt, Mark Summerfield. 954-961
- A Distributed Adaptive Protocol Providing Real-Time Service on WDM-Based LansAnlu Yan, Aura Ganz, C. Mani Krishna. 962-969
- Conditional Overflow Probability and Profile Curve for ATM Congestion DetectionIndra Widjaja, Marcel F. Neuts, Jian-Min Li. 970-977
- Transient Behavior of ATM Networds under OverloadsChang-yu Wang, Dimitris Logothetis, Kishor S. Trivedi, Yannis Viniotis. 978-985
- Skew Performance Evaluation in an ATM Multimedia MultiplexerAurelio La Corte, Alfio Lombardo, Giovanni Schembra. 986-993
- ATM Network Design and Optimization: A Multirate Loss Network FrameworkDebasis Mitra, John A. Morrison, K. G. Ramakrishnan. 994-1003
- Quantization and Cost Computation of MDP-Based Admission and RoutingChin-Tau A. Lea, Kai-Wei Ke. 1004-1011
- Signaling Network Architecture and Transaction Protocols to Support Realtime Connection Rerouting in ATM/B-ISDNsOliver T. W. Yu, Victor C. M. Leung. 1012-1019
- GoS-Based Pricing and Resource Allocation for Multimedia Broadband NetworksHongbin Ji, Joseph Y. Hui, Ezhan Karasan. 1020-1027
- ATM Traffic Management with Diversified Loss and Delay RequirementsGeping Chen, Ioannis Stavrakakis. 1037-1044
- Weighted Fair Blocking Mechanisms for Discrete-Time MultiplexingAdrian E. Conway, Catherine Rosenberg. 1045-1053
- Performance Evaluation of Selective Cell Discard Schemes in ATM NetworksKenji Kawahara, Kouichirou Kitajima, Tetsuya Takine, Yuji Oie. 1054-1061
- A Measurement-Based Loss Scheduling SchemeTao Yang, Jie Pan. 1062-1071
- Encapsulation Protocols for MPEG Video in ATM NetworksHenry V. Todd, James S. Meditch. 1072-1079
- A Reliable, Adaptive Network Protocol for Video TransportPawan Goyal, Harrick M. Vin, Chia Shen, Prashant J. Shenoy. 1080-1090
- H-BIND: A New Approach to Providing Statistical Performance Guarantees to VBR TrafficEdward W. Knightly. 1091-1099
- A Bandwidth Allocation Protocol for MPEG VBR Traffic in ATM NetworksSherif El-Henaoui, Rosangela Coelho, Samir Tohmé. 1100-1107
- Delay Analysis for Forward Signaling Channels in Wireless Cellular NetworkIzhak Rubin, Cheon Won Choi. 1108-1115
- A New Model for Scheduling Packet Radio NetworksArunabha Sen, Mark L. Huson. 1116-1124
- Unified Power Control, Error Correction Coding and Scheduling for a CDMA Downlink SystemYuming Lu, Robert W. Brodersen. 1125-1132
- Enhancing Throughput over Wireless LANs Using Channel State Dependent Packet SchedulingPravin Bhagwat, Partha P. Bhattacharya, Arvind Krishna, Satish K. Tripathi. 1133-1140
- Context Independent Unique Sequences Generation for Protocol TestingT. Ramalingom, Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman, Anindya Das. 1141-1148
- Multi-Subsystem Protocol Architectures: Motivation and Experience with an Adapter-Based ApproachBobby Krupczak, Mostafa H. Ammar, Kenneth L. Calvert. 1149-1156
- An Integration-Oriented Approach for Designing Communication Protocols from Component-Based Service SpecificationsMasahide Nakamura, Yoshiaki Kakuda, Tohru Kikuno. 1157-1164
- A Stepwise Refinement Based Approach for Synthesizing Protocol Specifications in an Interpreted Petri Net ModelHakim Kahlouche, Jean-Jacques Girardot. 1165-1173
- A New Rate-Based Switch Algorithm for ABR Traffic to Achieve Max-Min Fairness with Analytical Approximation Delay AdjustmentDanny H. K. Tsang, Wales Kin Fai Wong. 1174-1181
- Time Scale Analysis of Explicit Rate Allocation in ATM NetworksAnna Charny, K. K. Ramakrishnan. 1182-1189
- Network Buffer Requirements of the Rate-Based Control MechanismMichael Ritter. 1190-1197
- Scalability Issues for Distributed Explicit Rate Allocation in ATM NetworksAnna Charny, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Anthony Lauck. 1198-1205
- On the Capacity of MAC Protocols for All-Optical WDM Multi-Rings with Tunable Transmitters and Fixed ReceiversMarco Ajmone Marsan, Andrea Bianco, Emilio Leonardi, Michela Meo, Fabio Neri. 1206-1216
- On the Design of Optimal TDM Schedules for Broadcast WDM NetworksGeorge N. Rouskas, Vijay Sivaraman. 1217-1224
- Design and Analysis of a WDMA Protocol for Passive Star-Coupled Lightwave NetworksChao-Ju Hou, Bin Wang 0002, Ching-Chih Han. 1225-1233
- Performance of a MAC Protocol for WDM Networks with On-Line SchedulingKrishna M. Sivalingam, Jie Wang. 1234-1241
- The Drop from Front Strategy in TCP and in TCP over ATMT. V. Lakshman, Arnold L. Neidhardt, Teunis J. Ott. 1242-1250
- Flow Labelled IP: A Connectionless Approach to ATMPeter Newman, Thomas L. Lyon, Greg Minshall. 1251-1260
- Experimental Study of Extended HIPPI Connections over ATM NetworksJenwei Hsieh, David Hung-Chang Du, James A. MacDonald, Joseph P. Thomas, Jack Pugaczewski, Jeff Kays, Melissa Wiklund. 1261-1268
- A Simulation Study of TCP Performance in ATM Networks with ABR and UBR ServicesHongqing Li, Kai-Yeung Siu, Hong-Yi Tzeng, Chinatsu Ikeda, Hiroshi Suzuki. 1269-1276
- A Conflict-Free Traffic Assignment Algorithm Using Forward PlanningVictor W. C. Yau, Krzysztof Pawlikowski. 1277-1284
- The Role of the Manager in a Noncooperative NetworkYannis A. Korilis, Aurel A. Lazar, Ariel Orda. 1285-1293
- Efficient Support for the Client/Server Paradigm over Heterogeneous ATM NetworksOrnan Ori Gerstel, Israel Cidon, Shmuel Zaks. 1294-1301
- An Optimal VP-Based Multicast Routing in ATM NetworksSang-Baeg Kim. 1302-1309
- Bounds, Approximations and Applications for A Two-Queue GPS SystemFrancesco Lo Presti, Zhi-Li Zhang, Donald F. Towsley. 1310-1317
- A New Paradigm in Teletraffic Analysis of Communication NetworksNail Akar, Khosrow Sohraby. 1318-1326
- Sojourn-Time Analysis on Nodal Congestion in Broadband Networks and Its Impact on QoS SpecificationsWing Cheong Lau, San-qi Li. 1327-1337
- Bounds on Finite Horizon QoS Metrics with Application to Call AdmissionZhen Liu, Philippe Nain, Donald F. Towsley. 1338-1345
- Group Priority SchedulingSimon S. Lam, Geoffrey G. Xie. 1346-1356
- Video on Demand over ATM: Constant-Rate Transmission and TransportJean M. McManus, Keith W. Ross. 1357-1362
- "Call-Level" and "Burst-Level" Priorities for an Effective Management of Multimedia Services in UMTSAntonio Iera, Salvatore Marano, Antonella Molinaro. 1363-1370
- Network Algorithms and Protocol for Multimedia ServersPawan Goyal, Harrick M. Vin. 1371-1379
- Performance Evaluation of Crossover Switch Discovery Algorithms for Wireless ATM LANsChai-Keong Toh. 1380-1387
- A Network Architecture for Mobile ComputingKevin Q. Brown, Suresh Singh. 1388-1396
- Performance Analysis of the Anchor Radio System Handover Method for Personal Access Communications SystemIan F. Akyildiz, Joseph S. M. Ho, Mehmet Ulema. 1397-1404
- Handling Mobility in a Wireless ATM NetworkBora A. Akyol, Donald C. Cox. 1405-1413
- RMTP: A Reliable Multicast Transport ProtocolJohn C.-H. Lin, Sanjoy Paul. 1414-1424
- Optimal Deterministic Timeouts for Reliable Scalable MulticastMatthias Grossglauser. 1425-1432
- Reliable Concurrent Multicast from Bursty SourcesYoram Ofek, Bülent Yener. 1433-1441
- Ramp: A Reliable Adaptive Multicast ProtocolAlex Koifman, Stephen Zabele. 1442-1451
- Trail Probabilities for a Multiplexer with Self-Similar TrafficMinothi Parulekar, Armand M. Makowski. 1452-1459
- Modelling and Performance Analysis of Traffic in ATM Networks Including AutocorrelationGerhard Haßlinger, Michael Adam. 1460-1467
- Point Process Approaches to Modeling and Analysis of Self-Similar Traffic - Part 1: Model ConstructionBong K. Ryu, Steven B. Lowen. 1468-1475
- Supporting Real Time VBR Video Using Dynamic Reservation Based on Linear PredictionAbdelnaser Mohammad Adas. 1476-1483