Abstract is missing.
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- Reasoning Using KnotsThomas Eiter, Magdalena Ortiz, Mantas Simkus. 377-390 [doi]
- Role Conjunctions in Expressive Description LogicsBirte Glimm, Yevgeny Kazakov. 391-405 [doi]
- Default Logics with Preference Order: Principles and CharacterisationsTore Langholm. 406-420 [doi]
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- Focusing Strategies in the Sequent Calculus of Synthetic ConnectivesKaustuv Chaudhuri. 467-481 [doi]
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- Weak beta-theta-Normalization and Normalization by Evaluation for System FAndreas Abel. 497-511 [doi]
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- The Variable Hierarchy for the Lattice µ-CalculusWalid Belkhir, Luigi Santocanale. 605-620 [doi]
- A Formalised Lower Bound on Undirected Graph ReachabilityUlrich Schöpp. 621-635 [doi]
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