Abstract is missing.
- Multimodel identification of discrete-time nonlinear singularly perturbed systemAsma Ben Rajab, Nesrine Bahri, Majda Ltaief. 1-6 [doi]
- MED 2017 Plenary lectures and tutorial: Modelling, estimation and identification of spatio-temporal and multiscale systemsVisakan Kadirkamanathan. 1-2 [doi]
- First-order frequency estimator for a pure sinusoidal signalVladislav S. Gromov, Alexey A. Vedyakov, Anastasiia O. Vediakova, Alexey A. Bobtsov, Anton A. Pyrkin. 7-11 [doi]
- Application of low-rank approximation for nonlinear system identificationIvan Markovsky. 12-16 [doi]
- Identification of IIR systems with binary-valued outputs and lossy memoryless channels with uncertaintiesJuan Carlos Gomez. 17-22 [doi]
- Input design and online system identification based on Poisson moment functions for system outputs with quantization noiseSimon Mayr, Gernot Grabmair, Johann Reger. 23-29 [doi]
- Modulating functions method for parameters estimation in the fifth order KdV equationSharefa Asiri, Da-Yan Liu, Taous-Meriem Laleg-Kirati. 30-35 [doi]
- Efficient MPC for permanent magnet synchronous motorMarek Feher, Ondrej Straka, Václav Smídl. 36-41 [doi]
- A fast model predictive control algorithm for linear parameter varying systems with right invertible input matrixLuca Cavanini, Gionata Cimini, Gianluca Ippoliti. 42-47 [doi]
- Hysteretic delta modulator to prevent parameter drift in adaptive-based controllersNubia Ilia Ponce de Leon Puig, Leonardo Acho, José Rodellar, Yolanda Vidal, Jose Eligio Moises Gutierrez-Arias. 48-53 [doi]
- Multipoint-measurement multipoint-heating greenhouse temperature control with wooden pellet fuel using an adaptive model predictive control approach with a genetic algorithmKazuhisa Ito, Yuma Hara. 54-59 [doi]
- Transferability of predictive black box models to different application scenariosM. Fuhrmann, B. Falk, R. Schmitt. 60-65 [doi]
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- Controllability and optimal control of the transport equation with a localized vector fieldMichel Duprez, Morgan Morancey, Francesco Rossi. 74-79 [doi]
- Estimation of parameters in a class of hyperbolic systems with uncertain transport speedsHenrik Anfinsen, Ole Morten Aamo. 80-87 [doi]
- Maximal asymptotics of certain class of strongly continuous semigroupsP. Polak, G. Sklyar. 88-92 [doi]
- On modal decomposition and model uncertainty bounds for linear distributed parameter transport systemsJosé M. Igreja, João M. Lemos. 93-98 [doi]
- Current profile and energy control in DIII-D plasmas using discrete-time variable-structure controlMenno Lauret, William Wehner, Eugenio Schuster, Christopher T. Holcomb, Timothy C. Luce, John R. Ferron, Michael L. Walker 0004, David A. Humphreys, Benjamin G. Penaflor, Robert D. Johnson. 99-104 [doi]
- Inverse optimal stabilization of 2 × 2 linear hyperbolic partial differential equationsHenrik Anfinsen, Ole Morten Aamo. 105-110 [doi]
- Optimization of two-controller switchings for LTI plantsDaniele Carnevale, G. Ferro, Sergio Galeani, Mateusz Gospodarczyk, Mario Sassano. 111-116 [doi]
- Asymptotic policies for stochastic differential linear quadratic games with intermittent state feedbackDipankar Maity, John S. Baras. 117-122 [doi]
- Three-dimensional velocity maximizing agile turn of air-to-air missile with collision triangle constraintSeungyeop Han, Ji Hoon Bai, Heekun Roh, Seong-Min Hong 0002, Min-Jea Tahk, Joongsup Yun, Sanghyuk Park. 123-128 [doi]
- Optimizing output regulation for a class of underactuated LPV systemsDario Corona, Andrea Cristofaro, Damiano Rotondo. 135-140 [doi]
- Facilitating aircraft optimal control based on numerical nonlinear dynamic inversionJohannes Diepolder, Matthias Bittner, Patrick Pipreck, Benedikt Gruter, Florian Holzapfel. 141-146 [doi]
- Prescribed performance tracking of uncertain nonlinear systems with input quantizationLampros N. Bikas, George A. Rovithakis. 147-152 [doi]
- Nonlinear acceleration controller for exo-atmospheric and endo-atmospheric interceptors with TVCChang Hun Lee, Byung-Eul Jun, Hyo-Sang Shin, Antonios Tsourdos. 153-157 [doi]
- Lyapunov based control design for cancer Gompertz-Logistic generalized model therapyBertinho A. Costa, João Miranda Lemos. 158-162 [doi]
- 1Katerina V. Sklyar, Svetlana Yu. Ignatovich, Grigory M. Sklyar. 163-168 [doi]
- Lyapunov density for almost attraction of nonlinear time-varying systems: A condition without assuming local stabilityIzumi Masubuchi, Takahiro Kikuchi. 169-173 [doi]
- Enlargement of contractive sets of discrete-time systems: The generators approachGeorge Bitsoris, Marina Vassilaki. 174-179 [doi]
- Control design of an electro-hydraulic actuator for variable-geometry suspension systemsBalázs Németh, Daniel Fenyes, Peter Gaspar, Jozsef Bokor. 180-185 [doi]
- Applying fully stable cascaded sliding mode and PI anti-windup controllers on electric vehiclesJemma J. Makrygiorgou, Antonio T. Alexandridis. 186-191 [doi]
- Predictive rule based optimization techniques for series hybrid electric vehicleFerit Hacioglu, Ilke Altin, Ozgur Aktekin, Ahmet Sakalli. 192-197 [doi]
- Modeling and control of thermal cycles in vehicle electrificationGregor Gregorcic, Florian Oberlechner, Peter Drage. 198-203 [doi]
- Path planning with limited numbers of maneuvers for automatic guided vehicles: An optimization-based approachPiero Micelli, Luca Consolini, Marco Locatelli. 204-209 [doi]
- Common rail diesel engine, fuel pressure control scheme and the use of speed - Density controlCarl Caruana, Jean Paul Azzopardi, Michael Farrugia, Mario Farrugia. 210-216 [doi]
- A laser dot tracking method for the assessment of sensorimotor function of the handPetros S. Karvelis, Ulrik Roijezon, Ragnar Faleij, George K. Georgoulas, Sina Sharif Mansouri, George Nikolakopoulos. 217-222 [doi]
- Learning models of human-robot interaction from small dataAshkan Zehfroosh, Elena Kokkoni, Herbert G. Tanner, Jeffrey Heinz. 223-228 [doi]
- Feedback control of impaired cerebral autoregulation in preterm infants: Mathematical modellingNikolai D. Botkin, Varvara L. Turova, Renée Lampe. 229-234 [doi]
- Automatic artificial ventilation therapy using the ARDSNet protocol enforcing dynamical constraintsAnake Pomprapa, Philipp A. Pickerodt, Wolfgang Braun, Martin Russ, Moritz B. T. Hofferberth, Marian Walter, Berno J. E. Misgeld, Roland C. E. Francis, Burkhard Lachmann, Steffen Leonhardt. 235-240 [doi]
- Design, development and control of a human-inspired two-arm robot via Pneumatic Artificial MusclesGeorge Andrikopoulos, George Nikolakopoulos. 241-246 [doi]
- Using neural networks for simultaneous and proportional estimation of upper arm kinematicsChristian Grech, Traccy Camilleri, Marvin K. Bugeja. 247-252 [doi]
- Nonlinear optimal control for active suppression of airfoil flutter via a novel neural-network-based controllerDifan Tang, Lei Chen 0013, Zhao Feng Tian, Eric Hu. 253-258 [doi]
- Formal verification of a gain scheduling control schemePablo Ordóñez, Andrew R. Mills, Tony J. Dodd, Jun Liu. 259-264 [doi]
- One-versus-one air combat algorithm considering direction of the lift vectorByung-Yoon Lee, Seungyeop Han, Hyunju Park, Min-Jea Tahk. 265-270 [doi]
- Evaluation of multiple model adaptive estimation of aircraft airspeed in close to real conditionsTamas Baar, Péter Bauer, Zoltán Szabó 0002, Bálint Vanek, Jozsef Bokor. 271-276 [doi]
- Real-time control of aircraft take-off in windshear. Part I: Aircraft model and control schemesKirill Martynov, Nikolai D. Botkin, Varvara L. Turova, Johannes Diepolder. 277-284 [doi]
- Real-time control of aircraft take-off in windshear. Part II: Simulations and model enhancementKirill Martynov, Nikolai D. Botkin, Varvara L. Turova, Johannes Diepolder. 285-290 [doi]
- A new model of the HIV/AIDS infection diffusion and analysis of the intervention effectsPaolo Di Giamberardino, Luca Compagnucci, Chiara De Giorgi, Daniela Iacoviello. 291-296 [doi]
- Modelling, supervisory control and simulation of a tanning industry: A resource-oriented modular timed Petri net approachGeorge J. Tsinarakis, Konstantinos E. Vrontakis. 297-302 [doi]
- On the many-to-many carpooling problem in the context of multi-modal trip planningLorenzo Ricciardi Celsi, Alessandro Di Giorgio, Raffaele Gambuti, Andrea Tortorelli, Francesco Delli Priscoli. 303-309 [doi]
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- Dynamic modeling and model-based control of a twin screw extruderJonathan Grimard, Laurent Dewasme, Alain Vande Wouwer. 316-321 [doi]
- Evaluation of wave resistances estimated using wave spectra and a ship modelMats Molander, Winston García-Gabín. 322-327 [doi]
- Motion planning and control for humanoid robot standing on rotating surfaceDmitry Bazylev, Denis Ibraev, Filipp Popchenko, Alexey A. Margun. 328-333 [doi]
- A minimum invasive strategy to guarantee safety under unexpected unintentional human-robot contactYiannis Koveos, George A. Rovithakis, Ioannis Agriomallos, Stefanos Doltsinis. 334-339 [doi]
- Optimal leg-sequence selection for an underwater hexapod robot in the presence of slopes and external forcesEleni Aggelopoulou, Georgios Rekleitis, Evangelos Papadopoulos. 340-345 [doi]
- Velocity obstacles for Dubins-like mobile robotsEmese Gincsaine Szádeczky-Kardoss, Bálint Kiss. 346-351 [doi]
- Cartesian robot operation with fuzzy adaptive force controlVedran Brkic, Zdenko Kovacic. 352-357 [doi]
- Bearing only visual homing: Observer based approachMisha Gupta, G. K. Arun Kumar, Leena Vachhani. 358-363 [doi]
- Tridiagonal companion matrices and their use for computing orthogonal and nonorthogonal polynomial zerosMatthew S. Hölzel. 364-369 [doi]
- State classification for autonomous gas sample taking using deep convolutional neural networksDavid A. Anisi, Svein Gjermund Tveide, Valentinos Kongezos. 370-375 [doi]
- On peak effects in discrete time linear systemsPavel Shcherbakov. 376-381 [doi]
- A branch and bound approach for a class of non-convex problems with applications to robust regressionFrancesco Denaro, Luca Consolini, Marco Locatelli. 382-387 [doi]
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- Fault detection and isolation for time-delay fractional systemsHalima Atitallah, Asma Aribi, Mohamed Aoun. 401-406 [doi]
- Fault diagnosis based on nonlinear adaptive observer: Application to fuel cell processMoustapha Niane, Mohamed Zerrougui, Rachid Outbib. 407-412 [doi]
- Actuator fault diagnosis of a Hexacopter: A nonlinear analytical redundancy approachJie Su, Jianping He, Peng Cheng, Jiming Chen. 413-418 [doi]
- Multiple fault detection based on wavelet denoising: Application on wind turbine systemTahani Bakir, Boumedyen Boussaid, Mohamed Naceur Abdelkrim, Peter Fogh Odgaard, Christophe Aubrun. 419-423 [doi]
- Fault diagnosis in nonlinear dynamic systems by non-parametric methodAlexey N. Zhirabok, Alexey Ye. Shumsky. 424-429 [doi]
- Based observer fault detection for uncertain delayed discrete-time switched systems: A reduced LMI sizeAbdellah Benzaouia, Kenza Telbissi, Mustapha Ouladsine, Bouchra Ananou. 430-435 [doi]
- Visual information integration in fault tolerant control systemAli Abdo, Jamal Siam, Ashraf Al-Rimawi. 436-441 [doi]
- A predictive actuator fault-tolerant control strategy under input and state constraintsMarcin Witczak, Piotr Witczak, Marcin Mrugalski, Didier Theilliol. 442-447 [doi]
- Actuator fault compensation tracking control for multi linked 2WD mobile robotsAyad Al-dujaili, Vincent Cocquempot, Maan El Badaoui El Najjar, Yajie Ma. 448-453 [doi]
- Fault tolerant incremental attitude control using online parameter estimation for a multicopter systemVenkata S. Akkinapalli, Guillermo P. Falconi, Florian Holzapfel. 454-460 [doi]
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- Fault tolerant control approach for passive handling of actuator degradation of a hexacopter using an LPV state-feedback controller with partly-measured parametersFelix Goßmann, Guillermo P. Falconi, Ferdinand Svaricek. 467-472 [doi]
- Efficiency analysis of pumps drives for Space Vector PWM and Hysteresis Band PWM with on operation transaction of the control methodEvangelos Kravaritis, Constantinos Sourkounis. 473-477 [doi]
- On the detection of solar panels by image processing techniquesSantiago Salamanca, Pilar Merchán, Ivan Garcia. 478-483 [doi]
- A cognitive stochastic approximation approach to optimal charging schedule in electric vehicle stationsChristos D. Korkas, Simone Baldi, Panagiotis Michailidis, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. 484-489 [doi]
- Closed-loop stability analysis of voltage mode buck using a proportional-delayed controllerJose Enrique Hernandez-Diez, César-Fernando Méndez-Barrios, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Emilio J. González-Galván, G. Mejia-Rodriguez, V. Ramirez-Rivera. 490-495 [doi]
- A linear model predictive control for advanced building energy systemsRoozbeh Sangi, Alexander Kümpel, Johannes Fütterer, Dirk Müller. 496-501 [doi]
- Load frequency control for demand disturbance attenuation and transient response improvement for a single-area power plantLeonidas Dritsas, Efstathios Kontouras, Anthony Tzes. 502-507 [doi]
- Steady state evaluation of distributed secondary frequency control strategies for microgrids in the presence of clock driftsAjay Krishna 0002, Christian A. Hans, Johannes Schiffer, Jörg Raisch, Thomas Kral. 508-515 [doi]
- Optimal control of demand response in a smart gridG. Ferro, Federica Laureri, Riccardo Minciardi, Michela Robba. 516 [doi]
- A suitable to the microgrid analysis approach for nonlinear modeling and control of an inverter interfacePanos C. Papageorgiou, Antonio T. Alexandridis. 522-527 [doi]
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- A distributed command governor method for the voltage control in smart grids with distributed generation and storageAlessandro Casavola, Maurizio Vizza. 541-546 [doi]
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- Exploiting the use of auto encoder and recurrent neural networks for robust to noise controlSpyridon Plakias, Yiannis S. Boutalis. 553-558 [doi]
- Model-free fuzzy control of twin rotor aerodynamic systemsRaul-Cristian Roman, Radu-Emil Precup, Mircea-Bogdan Radac. 559-564 [doi]
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- Tuning of an iP controller for a time-delayed plant by a performance portrait methodMikulás Huba, Pavol Bisták. 571-576 [doi]
- Fuzzy logic-based direct torque control for induction machine driveK. Bouhoune, K. Yazid, Mohamed Seghir Boucherit, M. Menaa. 577-582 [doi]
- Hybrid controller approach for an autonomous ground vehicle path tracking problemMertcan Cibooglu, Umut Karapinar, Mehmet Turan Söylemez. 583-588 [doi]
- Time-optimal control of autonomous electric vehiclesGyorgy Max, Béla Lantos. 589-594 [doi]
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- Multi-layer optimization-based control design for quadcopter trajectory trackingNgoc Thinh Nguyen, Ionela Prodan, Laurent Lefèvre. 601-606 [doi]
- Expansion of attitude determination algorithms via complementary filteringWojciech Janusz, Roman Czyba, Michal Niezabitowski, Tomasz Grzejszczak. 607-612 [doi]
- Constrained trajectory generation for UAV systems using a B-spline parametrizationFlorin Stoican, Ionela Prodan, Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim. 613-618 [doi]
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- A novel vehicle model for longitudinal motion analysisSubhadeep Kumar, Nirav P. Bhatt, Ramkrishna Pasumarthy. 743-748 [doi]
- A parametric LTI interpolation with guaranteed stability and boundsIstván Gozse, Zoltán Szabó 0002, Alexandros Soumelidis. 749-754 [doi]
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- Nonlinear modeling, control and stability analysis of a hybrid ac/dc distributed generation systemDespoina I. Makrygiorgou, Antonio T. Alexandridis. 768-773 [doi]
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- Novel computation-efficient three-phase EPLL-based grid synchronization techniques considering power quality issuesFlorian Bendrat, Johnny Chhor, Constantinos Sourkounis. 787-793 [doi]
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- Active noise control : Adaptive vs. robust approachIoan Doré Landau, Raul Melendez. 799-804 [doi]
- Design of a fractional-order repetitive controller for disturbance cancellationGiuseppe Fedele. 805-810 [doi]
- LPV control of speed fluctuations in rotating machines with nonlinear dynamicsPeter Kotzyba, Christian Bohn. 811-816 [doi]
- On stochastic gain of linear systems with nonzero initial conditionVictor A. Boichenko, Alexey A. Belov. 817-821 [doi]
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- On the notion of transfer function for linear hybrid systems with periodic jumpsSergio Galeani, Corrado Possieri, Mario Sassano. 858-863 [doi]
- Compressor map approximation using Chebyshev polynomialsMarta Zagorowska, Nina F. Thornhill. 864-869 [doi]
- On the fragility of fractional-order PID controllers for IPDT processesFabrizio Padula, Antonio Visioli. 870-875 [doi]
- State estimation using a multi-rate particle filter for a reactive distillation column described by a DAE modelDaniel Haßkerl, Sankaranarayanan Subramanian, Reza Hashemi, Momin Arshad, Sebastian Engell. 876-881 [doi]
- Robust PI design with pole allocation for MIMO systems using LMIMiguel Parada Contzen. 882-887 [doi]
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- Adaptive state feedback stabilization of n + 1 coupled linear hyperbolic PDEsHenrik Anfinsen, Ole Morten Aamo. 901-908 [doi]
- Robust adaptive controller for linear plants with variable step quantizerAlexey A. Margun, Igor Furtat, Dmitry Bazylev. 909-914 [doi]
- Automatically fine-tuned speed control system for fuel and travel-time efficiency: A microscopic simulation case studyIakovos T. Michailidis, Panagiotis Michailidis, Athanasios Rizos, Christos D. Korkas, Elias B. Kosmatopoulos. 915-920 [doi]
- A model based sliding mode observer applied in PMSM sensorless control for speed and positionVasillos C. Ilioudis. 921-926 [doi]
- Recursive sparse identification for adaptive controlR. Bras, João M. Lemos. 927-932 [doi]
- Simple adaptive control of quadrotor attitude. Algorithms and experimental resultsStanislav I. Tomashevich, Alexander L. Fradkov, Boris R. Andrievsky, Anderey O. Belyavskyi, Konstantin Amelin. 933-938 [doi]
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- Classroom partial flip for feedback control systems: A biomedical engineering experienceP. B. de Moura Oliveira, José Boaventura Cunha. 957-961 [doi]
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- Using the non-archimedean norm in hybrid dynamical systems modelingMihaela R. Cistelecan. 1059-1064 [doi]
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