Abstract is missing.
- Context aware systemsAlois Ferscha. 1-2 [doi]
- A peer-to-peer approach to cellular communicationsGeorge C. Polyzos. 3 [doi]
- Performance modelling and measurements of TCP transfer throughput in 802.11-based WLANRaffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori. 4-11 [doi]
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- Application of a network dynamics analysis tool to mobile ad hoc networksViolet R. Syrotiuk, Kahkasah Shaukat, Young Jin Kwon, Miro Kraetzl, Jon Arnold. 36-43 [doi]
- Proximity detection in distributed simulation of wireless mobile systemsLuciano Bononi, Michele Bracuto, Gabriele D Angelo, Lorenzo Donatiello. 44-51 [doi]
- Predicting the quality of service of wireless LANs using neural networksAntónio Nogueira, Paulo Salvador, Rui Valadas. 52-60 [doi]
- The effect of the radio wave propagation model in mobile ad hoc networksArne Schmitz, Martin Wenig. 61-67 [doi]
- IEEE 802.11-based one-hop broadcast communications: understanding transmission success and failure under different radio propagation environmentsMarc Torrent-Moreno, Steven Corroy, Felix Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Hannes Hartenstein. 68-77 [doi]
- Paging and power saving in IEEE 802.11-enabled networks: a simulative studyMarco Liebsch, Martina Zitterbart. 78-85 [doi]
- Modeling and analysis of predictable random backoff in selfish environmentsLei Guang, Chadi Assi, Abderrahim Benslimane. 86-90 [doi]
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- Short-term nonuniform access in IEEE 802.11-compliant WLANs: a microscopic wiew and its impactChunyu Hu, Hwangnam Kim, Jennifer C. Hou. 99-107 [doi]
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- A model-based coordinated adaptability framework for QoS management in cooperative mobile and wireless applicationsChristophe Chassot, Khalil Drira, François Armando, Ernesto Exposito, André Lozes. 118-125 [doi]
- QoS-guaranteed wireless packet scheduling for mixed services in HSDPAJing Li, Srinivas Sampalli. 126-129 [doi]
- Multicast in 802.11 WLANs: an experimental studyDiego Dujovne, Thierry Turletti. 130-138 [doi]
- A decentralized location system for sensor networks using cooperative calibration and heuristicsRicardo Reghelin, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich. 139-146 [doi]
- An efficient multicast packet delivery scheme for UMTSAntonios G. Alexiou, Dimitrios Antonellis, Christos Bouras, Andreas Papazois. 147-150 [doi]
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- Performance analysis of a distributed comparison-based self-diagnosis protocol for wireless ad-hoc networksMourad Elhadef, Azzedine Boukerche, Hisham Elkadiki. 165-172 [doi]
- Gateway adaptive pacing for TCP across multihop wireless networks and the InternetSherif M. ElRakabawy, Alexander Klemm, Christoph Lindemann. 173-182 [doi]
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- An efficient collaborative intrusion detection system for MANET using Bayesian ApproachA. H. M. Rezaul Karim, R. M. A. P. Rajatheva, Kazi M. Ahmed. 187-190 [doi]
- Computing throughput capacity for realistic wireless multihop networksPatrick Stuedi, Gustavo Alonso. 191-198 [doi]
- An energy-efficient querying framework in sensor networks for detecting node similaritiesDaniela Tulone, Samuel Madden. 191-300 [doi]
- Optimization of a tandem router network using a fluid modelNalan Gülpinar, Peter G. Harrison. 199-206 [doi]
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- Analytical study of connectivity in wireless multihop networks utilizing beamformingHenri Koskinen. 212-218 [doi]
- The power of choice in random walks: an empirical studyChen Avin, Bhaskar Krishnamachari. 219-228 [doi]
- Service discovery in multi-radio networks: an assessment of existing protocolsDamien Charlet, Valérie Issarny, Rafik Chibout. 229-238 [doi]
- Pattern matching based link quality prediction in wireless mobile ad hoc networksKároly Farkas, Theus Hossmann, Lukas Ruf, Bernhard Plattner. 239-246 [doi]
- Dynamic packet aggregation to solve performance anomaly in 802.11 wireless networksTahiry Razafindralambo, Isabelle Guérin Lassous, Luigi Iannone, Serge Fdida. 247-254 [doi]
- Design and analysis of grouping-based DCF (GB-DCF) scheme for the MAC layer enhancement of 802.11 and 802.11nKuo-Chang Ting, Mao-yu Jan, Sung-huai Hsieh, Hsiu-Hui Lee, Feipei Lai. 255-264 [doi]
- Quality of service games in an IEEE 802.11 ad hoc wireless LANJerzy Konorski. 265-272 [doi]
- Extended EDCA for providing bounded delay services in 802.11e WLANsL. Blasi, Gennaro Boggia, Pietro Camarda, L. Carbone, Luigi Alfredo Grieco. 273-276 [doi]
- Optimal constant-window backoff scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF in finite load single-hop wireless networksHicham Anouar, Christian Bonnet. 277-281 [doi]
- The scheduling and energy complexity of strong connectivity in ultra-wideband networksQiang-Sheng Hua, Francis C. M. Lau. 282-290 [doi]
- Tradeoff between network lifetime and fair rate allocation in wireless sensor networks with multi-path routingJunhua Zhu, Ka-Lok Hung, Brahim Bensaou. 301-308 [doi]
- On computing conditional fault-tolerance measures for ::::k::::-covered wireless sensor networksHabib M. Ammari, Sajal K. Das. 309-316 [doi]
- TECA: a topology and energy control algorithm for wireless sensor networksMarcel Busse, Thomas Haenselmann, Wolfgang Effelsberg. 317-321 [doi]
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- Analysis of soft handover measurements in 3G networkKimmo Raivio. 330-337 [doi]
- Towards frequency reuse 1 cellular FDM/TDM systemsMarc Necker. 338-346 [doi]
- Towards the fourth generation of cellular networks: improving performance using distributed negotiationRaz Lin, Daphna Dor-Shifer, Saar Rosenberg, Sarit Kraus, David Sarne. 347-356 [doi]
- A mobility sensitive approach for efficient routing in ad hoc mobile networksAthanasios Bamis, Azzedine Boukerche, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Sotiris E. Nikoletseas. 357-364 [doi]
- Bandwidth constrained routing problem in multi-hop wireless networksChun-Yuan Chiu, Yu-Liang Kuo, Hsiao-Kuang Wu, Gen-Huey Chen. 365-369 [doi]
- Performance evaluation of a framework to support path changes in IP-based access networksLiesbeth Peters, Ingrid Moerman, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester. 370-374 [doi]
- The QoS-RWP mobility and user behavior model for public area wireless networksGiovanni Resta, Paolo Santi. 375-384 [doi]
- Routing in intermittent network topologiesPadma Mundur, Sookyoung Lee, Matthew Seligman. 385-389 [doi]