Abstract is missing.
- IntroductionBran Selic. 1-3 [doi]
- A Meta-model Facility for a Family of UML Constraint LanguagesTony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent. 4-20 [doi]
- A New Type Checking Approach for OCL Version 2.0?Andy Schürr. 21-41 [doi]
- OCL: Syntax, Semantics, and ToolsMark Richters, Martin Gogolla. 42-68 [doi]
- On the Precise Meaning of OCL ConstraintsRolf Hennicker, Heinrich Hußmann, Michel Bidoit. 69-84 [doi]
- Expressing UML Class Diagrams Properties with OCLMartin Gogolla, Mark Richters. 85-114 [doi]
- The Amsterdam Manifesto on OCLSteve Cook, Anneke Kleppe, Richard Mitchell, Bernhard Rumpe, Jos Warmer, Alan Wills. 115-149 [doi]
- An OCL Extension for Real-Time ConstraintsStephan Flake, Wolfgang Müller 0003. 150-171 [doi]
- Statistical Constraints and VerificationJohn Knapman. 172-188 [doi]
- <<Java>>OCL Based on New Presentation of the OCL-SyntaxBernhard Rumpe. 189-212 [doi]
- The Semantics of the OCL Action ClauseAnneke Kleppe, Jos Warmer. 213-227 [doi]
- Constraint TreesStuart Kent, John Howse. 228-249 [doi]
- Using OCL and UML to Specify System BehaviorShane Sendall, Alfred Strohmeier. 250-280 [doi]