Abstract is missing.
- Introduction to the Open Distributed Processing Basic Reference ModelPeter F. Linington. 3-13
- The Challenge of ODPAndrew Herbert. 15-27
- Enterprise Modelling, A Necessary Basis for Modern Information SystemsJ. J. van Griethuysen. 29-68
- Rationale for Intelligent NetworksRoberto Kung. 69-79
- The Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture InitiativeWilliam J. Barr, Trevor Boyd, Michael J. Post. 81-98
- Object-Oriented Specification and Stepwise RefinementGunter Saake, Ralf Jungclaus, Hans-Dieter Ehrich. 99-121
- Federating Traders: An ODP AdventureMirion Bearman, Kerry Raymond. 125-141
- The Impact of CSCW on Open Distributed ProcessingGordon S. Blair, Tom Rodden. 143-154
- Towards a Convergence between Telecommunication Services Architectures and Open Distributed ProcessingGilles Brégant. 155-166
- Object Oriented Modelling in Z for Open Distributed SystemsElspeth Cusack. 167-178
- Towards Cooperative Use of Shared Data in Open Distributed SystemsJürgen Dittrich, Adam Wolisz. 179-190
- The Distributed Application Environment - An Architecture Based on Enterprise RequirementsI. Domville. 191-202
- Using the OSI Management Information Model for ODPGabi Dreo, U. Heverhagen, Martin Leischner. 203-214
- Communication Support for Distributed ApplicationMagdalena Feldhoffer. 215-228
- The Design of a Temporal Logic for Open Distributed SystemsReinhard Gotzhein, Friedrich H. Vogt. 229-240
- The PADKOM System Model - An Open Platform for Medical Applications in a Distributed Multimedia EnvironmentHorst Hansen, Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, Joachim Steffens. 241-252
- Application Programming Platforms: From Message Passing to Open Distributed ProcessingT. Kasa, A. Kreuzer. 253-266
- Modelling Information Objects in ZSteve Rudkin. 267-280
- Application Management in Open Distributed Processing EnvironmentsAlexander Schill. 281-289
- The ROSA Object ModelPeter Schoo, Ingmar Tönnby. 291-300
- An Engineering Approach to ODP Systems DesignMarten van Sinderen, Jeroen Schot. 301-312
- Transparent Services Management in an Add-On Distributed Operating System LayerRumen Stainov. 313-323
- Object-Induction Development of Open Distributed Processing SystemsAtanas I. Terziev. 325-336
- An Integrated Approach for the Construction of Distributed ApplicationsMartin Zimmermann. 337-349
- Technical Discussion Group: ODP Architectures Kerry Raymond. 353-355
- The 5 ODP Viewpoints on the Schindler GroupD. Blättler, Dieter Hogrefe. 357-364
- ODP and C3I SystemsJohn A. Bull, Bryan M. Wood. 365-370
- An Environment for Open Distributed Group CooperationLeandro Navarro. 371-377
- Distributed Programming Environment: ChallengesJacob Slonim, Michael A. Bauer, Per-Åke Larson, Patrick J. Finnigan, Toby J. Teorey, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Richard A. McBride, Yechiam Yemini, Shaula Yemini. 379-394
- Towards Distributed ApplicationsP. Bélisle. 395-396
- Transactions Costs in Agents Systems - An Economic Perspective on the Coordination Problem in Distributed SystemsMatthias von Bechtolsheim. 397-399
- Enterprise Modelling in Office Area: A Point of ViewFrançois Bourdon. 401-408
- ENT*REM Rapid Relational - ENTerprise* REModelling with the CASE Tool TOPIN. Turning the Weakness Software Maintenance Crisis into the Strength Continuous Data Remodelling for Open Distributed SystemsSalomon Klaczko-Ryndziun. 409-414
- Application of Cooperative Agents (Co-gents) for the Simulation of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsZoltán Létray, Sándor Kopácsi, George L. Kovács. 415-420
- Realizing a Security ArchitectureMatthias Leclerc, Klaus Lukas. 421-426
- Designing Distributed Application Processes for Enterprise IntegrationM. Staudenmaier, Lutz Heuser, Wolfgang Gerteis. 427-431
- Design Techniques and MethodologiesElspeth Cusack. 433-434
- Object-Oriented Design for ODPGregor von Bochmann, Stéphane Poirier, Pierre Mondain-Monval. 435-439
- From Policy to SpecificationPaul Putter, J. D. Roos. 441-448