Abstract is missing.
- Repechage Bootstrap Aggregating for Misclassification Cost ReductionR. Mike Cameron-Jones, Linda Richards. 1-11
- Generating Classifier Commitees by Stochastically Selecting both Attributes and Training ExamplesZijian Zheng. 12-23
- Multi-layer Incremental InductionXindong Wu, William H. W. Lo. 24-32
- An Adaptive Agent Oriented Software ArchitectureBabak Hodjat, Christopher J. Savoie, Makoto Amamiya. 33-46
- An Architecture for Multi-agent Negotiation Using Private Preferences in a Meeting SchedulerToramatsu Shintani, Takayuki Ito. 47-58
- Towards Agent-Oriented Smart Office Based on Concurrent Logic LanguagesHiroyuki Nishiyama, Hayato Ohwada, Fumio Mizoguchi. 59-70
- Amalyzing the Roles of Problem Solving and Learning in Organizational-Learning Oriented Classifier SystemKeiki Takadama, Shinichi Nakasuka, Takao Terano. 71-82
- Simultaneous Modelling and Knowledge Acquisition Using NRDRGhassan Beydoun, Achim G. Hoffmann. 83-95
- Model Building and Program Specification - In a Case of Enterprise DesignSetsuo Ohsuga, Takanori Nishio. 96-109
- On the Practicality of Viewpoint-Based Requirements EngineeringTim Menzies, Sam Waugh. 110-121
- Reasoning without MinimalityAbhaya C. Nayak, Norman Y. Foo. 122-133
- Reasoning with Sets of Preferences in Default LogicJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub. 134-145
- Frugality in Reasoning and the Role of SummaryJanet Aisbett, Greg Gibbon. 146-157
- Data Mining for Risk Analysis and Targeted MarketingG. Jha, S. C. Hui. 158-169
- Applying Knowledge Discovery to Predict Infectious Disease EpidemicsSyed Sibte Raza Abidi, Alwyn Goh. 170-181
- Using Decision Tree Induction for Discovering Holes in DataBing Liu, Ke Wang, Lai-Fun Mun, Xin-Zhi Qi. 182-193
- DODDLE: A Domain Ontology Rapid Development EnvironmentRieko Sekiuchi, Chizuru Aoki, Masaki Kurematsu, Takahira Yamaguchi. 194-204
- CAMLET: A Platform for Automatic Composition of Inductive Learning Systems Using OntologiesAkihiro Suyama, Naoya Negishi, Takahira Yamaguchi. 205-215
- Management of Worker s Experiences: A Knowledge-Based ApproachLeila Alem, Pierre Marcenac. 216-227
- The Minimum Description Length Based Decision Tree PruningIgor Kononenko. 228-237
- Hybrid Search of Feature SubsetsManoranjan Dash, Huan Liu. 238-249
- Concurrent Discretization of Multiple AttributesKe Wang, Bing Liu. 250-259
- The Integration of Machine and Human Knowledge by Fuzzy Logic for the Prediction of Price IndexMyoung-Jong Kim, Ingoo Han, Kunchang Lee. 260-271
- Computational Intelligence Techniques for Short Term Generation Scheduling in a Hybrid Energy SystemChun Che Fung, V. Iyer, C. Maynard. 272-281
- Fuzzy Rule Extraction Based-Integration of Linguistic and Numerical Information for Hybrid Intelligence SystemsChangjiu Zhou, Qingchun Meng. 282-293
- Reasoning about Continuous ChangeTyrone O Neill, Norman Y. Foo. 294-304
- Point-Based Approaches to Qualitative Temporal ReasoningTim Van Allen, James P. Delgrande, Arvind Gupta. 305-316
- An Experimental Study of Reasoning with Sequences of Point EventsRattana Wetprasit, Abdul Sattar, Matthew Beaumont. 317-328
- A Mixture of Global and Local Gated Experts for the Prediction of High Frequency Foreign Exchange RatesDoan B. Hoang, G. Williamson. 329-340
- A Neural Network Diagnosis Model without Disorder Independence AssumptionYue Xu, Chengqi Zhang. 341-352
- Neural Network Based Motion Control and Applications to Non-holonomic Mobile ManipulatorsM. W. Chen, Ali M. S. Zalzala. 353-364
- A Geometric Approach to Anytime Constraint Solving for TCSPsHong-ming Yeh, Jane Yung-jen Hsu, Han-Shen Huang. 365-376
- Dynamic Constraint Weighting for Over-Constrained ProblemsJohn Thornton, Abdul Sattar. 377-388
- Time-Constrained HeuristicSearch for Practical Route FindingHironori Hiraishi, Hayato Ohwada, Fumio Mizoguchi. 389-398
- Using Mutual Information to Determine Relevance in Bayesian NetworksAnn E. Nicholson, Nathalie Jitnah. 399-410
- Context-Specific Independence, Decomposition of Conditional Probabilities, and Inference in Bayesian NetworksNevin Lianwen Zhang. 411-423
- Derivational Grammar Approach to Morphological Analysis of Japanese SentencesYasuhiro Ogawa, Muhtar Mahsut, Katsuhiko Toyama, Yasuyoshi Inagaki. 424-435
- An Automatic Thai Lexical Acquisition from TextChuleerat Jaruskulchai. 436-447
- Knowledge Representation Issues in Information ExtractionLi Kwang Angela Wee, Loong Cheong Tong, Chew Lim Tan. 448-458
- Structuralization of Case-Bases, Using Concept HierarchyToyohide Watanabe, Masataka Yamada. 459-470
- A Closer Look at PreductionAllen P. Courtney, Norman Y. Foo. 471-481
- Learning Linearly-Moded Programs from EntailmentM. R. K. Krishna Rao, Abdul Sattar. 482-493
- Learning First-Order Rules from Image Applied to Glaucoma DiagnosisHayato Ohwada, Makiko Daidoji, Shiroaki Shirato, Fumio Mizoguchi. 494-505
- Knowledge-Based Formulation of Dynamic Decision ModelsChenggang Wang, Tze-Yun Leong. 506-517
- An Intelligent Job Counseling SystemJames N. K. Liu, Thomas Mak, Brian Tang, Katie Ma, Zikey Tsang. 518-529
- The Layout Problem: Investigation and Aggregation of Artificial Intelligence and Optimization TechniquesHamdy Elwany, Mohamed G. Abou-Ali, Nermeen A. Harraz. 530-541
- Logical Fiction: Real vs. IdealRoderic A. Girle. 542-552
- Coherence Measure Based on Average Use of FormulasRex Bing Hung Kwok, Abhaya C. Nayak, Norman Y. Foo. 553-564
- Diagrammatic Reasoning About Linked ListsNorman Y. Foo. 565-574
- A Decision-Theoretic Approach for Pre-sending Information on the WWWAnn E. Nicholson, Ingrid Zukerman, David W. Albrecht. 575-586
- Dynamic Non-uniform Abstractions for Approximate Planning in Large Structured Stochastic DomainsJiri Baum, Ann E. Nicholson. 587-598
- A Characterization of Contrastive Explanations ComputationAlex Kean. 599-610
- SL Method for Computing a Near-Optimal Solution Using Linear and Non-linear Programming in Cost-Based Hypothetical ReasoningMitsuru Ishizuka, Yutaka Matsuo. 611-625
- Image Retrieval System Using KANSEI FeaturesHideyuki Kobayashi, Yoriyuki Okouchi, Shunji Ota. 626-635
- A Robust Front-End for Telephone Speech RecognitionHoon-Young Cho, Sang-Mun Chi, Yung-Hwan Oh. 636-644