Abstract is missing.
- Guided Internet Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. As Effective As Face-To-Face Therapies?Gerhard Andersson. 3-7 [doi]
- Inter-Reality in the Evaluation and Treatment of Psychological Stress Disorders: the INTERSTRESS ProjectPietro Cipresso, Andrea Gaggioli, Silvia Serino, Simona Raspelli, Cinzia Vigna, Federica Pallavicini, Giuseppe Riva. 8-11 [doi]
- Modeling the Social Networking Experience Objectifying the SubjectivePietro Cipresso, Silvia Serino, Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva. 12-16 [doi]
- The Use of Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Eating DisordersMarta Ferrer-García, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado. 17-21 [doi]
- Lessons Learned from the Development of Technological Support for PTSD Prevention: A ReviewVanessa Vakili, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Mark A. Neerincx. 22-26 [doi]
- Virtual Worlds and Avatars as the New Frontier of Telehealth CareJacquelyn Ford Morie, E. Haynes, Eric Chance, D. Purohit. 27-31 [doi]
- Adapting Computerized Treatments Into Traditional Psychotherapy For DepressionJames Overholser. 32-36 [doi]
- What is Positive Technology and its impact on CyberPsychologyGiuseppe Riva. 37-41 [doi]
- Human Computer Confluence Applied in Healthcare and RehabilitationIsabelle Viaud-Delmon, Andrea Gaggioli, Alois Ferscha, Stephen Dunne. 42-45 [doi]
- A Brief Review of Positive Technology in Europe and the USABrenda K. Wiederhold. 46-50 [doi]
- Promotion of Emotional Wellbeing in Oncology Inpatients Using VRMacarena Espinoza, Rosa María Baños, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, José M. Cervera, Gaspar Esquerdo, Enrique Barrajón, Cristina Botella. 53-57 [doi]
- Mobilizing Bystanders of Cyberbullying: an Exploratory Study into Behavioural Determinants of Defending the VictimAnn DeSmet, Sara Bastiaensens, Katrien Van Cleemput, Karolien Poels, Heidi Vandebosch, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij. 58-63 [doi]
- Influence of Parental Attitudes Towards Internet Use on the Employment of Online Safety Measures at HomeGeorgios Floros, Konstantinos Siomos, Evaggelia D. Dafouli, Virginia Fisoun, Dimitrios Geroukalis. 64-70 [doi]
- Outcomes from a Pilot Study using Computer-Based Rehabilitative Tools in a Military PopulationKatherine W. Sullivan, Julia E. Quinn, Michael Pramuka, Laura A. Sharkey, Louis M. French. 71-77 [doi]
- Nicotine Craving: ERPs correlates after VR exposure to smoking cuesPedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira, André Baptista, Diogo Morais, Paulo Lopes, Tomaz Saraiva, Pedro J. Rosa, Nuno Santos, Fábio Soares, Catarina Sottomayor, Filipa Barata. 78-82 [doi]
- Reliability and Validity of TIPS Wireless ECG PrototypesAlejandro Rodríguez, Jaime Guixeres, Beatriz Rey, Mariano Alcañiz. 83-87 [doi]
- Associations Between Facial Emotion Recognition, Cognition and Alexithymia in Patients with Schizophrenia: Comparison of Photographic and Virtual Reality PresentationsJosé Gutiérrez-Maldonado, Mar Rus-Calafell, S. Márquez-Rejón, J. Ribas-Sabaté. 88-92 [doi]
- Postural Control of Elderly: Moving to Predictable and Unpredictable TargetsVera Jongman, Claudine J. C. Lamoth, Helco van Keeken, Simone R. Caljouw. 93-97 [doi]
- Assessment of Executive Functions in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by NeuroVRFilippo La Paglia, Caterina La Cascia, Rosalinda Rizzo, Giuseppe Riva, Daniele La Barbera. 98-102 [doi]
- Exergaming for Elderly: Effects of Different Types of Game Feedback on Performance of a Balance TaskClaudine J. C. Lamoth, Rolinde Alingh, Simone R. Caljouw. 103-107 [doi]
- Balance Recovery Through Virtual Stepping Exercises Using Kinect Skeleton Tracking: A Follow-Up Study With Chronic Stroke PatientsRoberto Lloréns, Mariano Alcañiz, Carolina Colomer Font, María Dolores Navarro. 108-112 [doi]
- Effectiveness Evaluation for Short-Term Group Pre-Deployment VR Computer-Assisted Stress Inoculation Training Provided to Polish ISAF SoldiersStanislaw Ilnicki, Brenda K. Wiederhold, Justyna Maciolek, Ludmila Kosinska, Sylwia Szymanska, Maciej Zbyszewski, Anna Siatkowska, Ewelina Opalko-Piotrkiewicz, Piotr Ilnicki, Monika Filarowska, Anna Glibowska, Dorota Borzetka, Katarzyna Pleskacz, Piotr Murawski. 113-117 [doi]
- Using Virtual Week To Assess Prospective Memory In Younger And Older AdultsGiovanna Mioni, Franca Stablum, Peter G. Rendell. 118-122 [doi]
- Smiling is Fun: A Coping with Stress and Emotion Regulation ProgramCristina Botella, Adriana Mira, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, Soledad Quero, Ma. Vicenta Navarro, Antonio Riera López Del Amo, Guadalupe Molinari, Diana Castilla, Inés Moragrega, Carla Soler, Mariano Alcañiz, Rosa María Baños. 123-127 [doi]
- The Effectiveness of VR Exposure Therapy for PTSD in Returning WarfightersSarah D. Miyahira, Raymond A. Folen, Hunter G. Hoffman, Azucena Garcia-Palacios, James L. Spira, Michelle Kawasaki. 128-132 [doi]
- Bottom-Up and Top-Down Influences of Beliefs on Emotional Responses: Fear of Heights in a Virtual EnvironmentAndreas Mühlberger, Roland Neumann, Ljubica Lozo, Mathias Müller, Marc Hettinger. 133-137 [doi]
- Implicit Theory Manipulations Affecting Efficacy of a Smartphone Application Aiding Speech Therapy for Parkinson's PatientsPeter Nolan, Sherria Hoskins, Julia Johnson, Vaughan Powell, K. Ray Chaudhuri, Roger Eglin. 138-142 [doi]
- Mindfulness Training Online For Stress Reduction, A Global MeasureMiguel Quintana, Oswaldo Rivera. 143-148 [doi]
- Psychophysiologic Identification of Subthreshold PTSD in Combat VeteransMichael J. Roy, Michelle E. Costanzo, Suzanne Leaman. 149-155 [doi]
- On The Comparison of VR-Responses, as Performance Measures in Prospective Memory, with Auditory P300 Responses in MCI DetectionIoannis A. Tarnanas, Nikos Laskaris, Magda Tsolaki. 156-161 [doi]
- Tackling Sensitive Issues Using a Game-based Environment: Serious Game for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)Katherine Brown, Sylvester Arnab, Julie Bayley, Katie Newby, Puja Joshi, Becky Judd, Alison Baxter, Samantha Clarke. 165-171 [doi]
- Changing Heartbeat Perception to Induce Anxiety in Virtual EnvironmentsLuca Chittaro. 172-176 [doi]
- Quality of Experience in Real and Virtual Environments: Some Suggestions for the Development of Positive TechnologiesAndrea Gaggioli. 177-181 [doi]
- A System for Automatic Detection of Momentary Stress in Naturalistic SettingsAndrea Gaggioli, Giovanni Pioggia, Gennaro Tartarisco, Giovanni Baldus, Marcello Ferro, Pietro Cipresso, Silvia Serino, Andrei Popleteev, Silvia Gabrielli, Rosa Maimone, Giuseppe Riva. 182-186 [doi]
- Immersive Virtual Environment for Visuo-Vestibular Therapy: Preliminary ResultsJ. D. Gascuel, H. Payno, S. Schmerber, O. Martin. 187-191 [doi]
- Automatic Mechanisms for Measuring Subjective Unit of DiscomfortDwi Hartanto, Ni Kang, Willem-Paul Brinkman, Isabel L. Kampmann, Nexhmedin Morina, Paul G. M. Emmelkamp, Mark A. Neerincx. 192-196 [doi]
- Pulse Oximeter Based Mobile Biotelemetry ApplicationAli Hakan Isik, Inan Güler. 197-201 [doi]
- Socially Anxious People Reveal More Personal Information with Virtual Counselors That Talk about Themselves using Intimate Human Back StoriesSin-Hwa Kang, Jonathan Gratch. 202-206 [doi]
- Use of Internet in an Italian Clinical SampleCaterina La Cascia, Filippo La Paglia, Antonio Francomano, Daniele La Barbera. 207-211 [doi]
- Online Social Networking and the Experience of Cyber-BullyingBridianne O'Dea, Andrew Campbell. 212-217 [doi]
- Designing Virtual Audiences for Fear of Public Speaking Training - An Observation Study on Realistic Nonverbal BehaviorSandra Poeschl, Nicola Doering. 218-222 [doi]
- Using Portable EEG Devices to Evaluate Emotional Regulation Strategies During Virtual Reality ExposureBeatriz Rey, Alejandro Rodríguez, Mariano Alcañiz. 223-227 [doi]
- Electro-Physiological Data Fusion for Stress DetectionAlejandro Riera, Aureli Soria-Frisch, Anton Albajes-Eizagirre, Pietro Cipresso, Carles Grau, Stephen Dunne, Giulio Ruffini. 228-232 [doi]
- Involving Elderly Users in Design: Techniques to Collect Preferences for Interactive Digital TelevisionAnna Spagnolli, Luciano Gamberini, Francisco Ibañez, Maria Elena Fabregat, Tijana Debelic, Valeria Orso. 233-237 [doi]
- Auditory-Visual Integration of Emotional Signals in a Virtual Environment for CynophobiaMarine Taffou, Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Adrien David, Rachid Guerchouche, George Drettakis, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon. 238-242 [doi]
- User Validation of an Empathic Virtual Buddy against CyberbullyingJanneke M. van der Zwaan, Elke Geraerts, Virginia Dignum, Catholijn M. Jonker. 243-247 [doi]
- Virtual Representations of the Self: Engaging Teenagers in Emotional Regulation Strategies LearningMaja Wrzesien, Beatriz Rey, Mariano Alcañiz, Rosa María Baños, Mario Gómez Martínez, David C. Pérez López, Alejandro Rodríguez Ortega, Paloma Rasal, Elena Parra Vargas, Jaime Guixeres Provinciale. 248-252 [doi]
- Analysis of Online Social Networking Peer Health EducatorsSean D. Young. 253-259 [doi]
- The Use of VR Distraction to Decrease Pain After Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery: A Case StudyKattia Cabas Hoyus, Georgina Cárdenas-López, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado, Ma. Fernanda Ruiz-Esquivel, Gonzalo Torres-Villalobos. 263-267 [doi]
- PHIT for Duty, a Mobile Approach for Psychological Health InterventionPaul N. Kizakevich, Robert C. Hubal, Janice Brown, Jennifer Lyden, James Spira, Randall Eckhoff, Yuying Zhang, Stephanie Bryant, Gilberto Munoz. 268-272 [doi]
- An Online Emotional Regulation System to Deliver Homework Assignments for Treating Adjustment DisordersSoledad Quero, Mar Molés, María Ángeles Pérez-Ara, Cristina Botella, Rosa María Baños. 273-277 [doi]
- Virtual Reality in the Treatment of Body Image Disturbances after Bariatric Surgery: A Clinical CaseGiuseppe Riva, Georgina Cárdenas-López, Ximena Duran, Gonzalo Torres-Villalobos, Andrea Gaggioli. 278-282 [doi]
- Improving Social Behaviour in Schizophrenia Patients using an Integrated Virtual Reality Programme: A Case StudyMar Rus-Calafell, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado, J. Ribas-Sabaté. 283-286 [doi]
- Real-time Monitoring of Behavioural Parameters Related to Psychological StressDimitris Giakoumis, Anastasios Drosou, Pietro Cipresso, Dimitrios Tzovaras, George Hassapis, Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva. 287-291 [doi]
- Virtual Reality for Smoking Cessation: A Case ReportIrene Pericot-Valverde, Olaya García-Rodríguez, Marta Ferrer-García, Roberto Secades-Villa, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado. 292-296 [doi]
- Therapeutic Effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Game in Self-Awareness after Acquired Brain InjuryRoberto Lloréns, María Dolores Navarro, Mariano Alcañiz, Enrique Noé. 297-301 [doi]
- Use of a Virtual Integrated Environment in Prosthetic Limb Development and Phantom Limb PainAimee L. Alphonso, Brett T. Monson, Michael J. Zeher, Robert S. Armiger, Sharon R. Weeks, James M. Burck, Courtney Moran, R. Davoodie, Gerald E. Loeb, Paul F. Pasquina, Jack W. Tsao. 305-309 [doi]
- EARTH of Wellbeing: A Place to Live Positive EmotionsRosa María Baños, Cristina Botella, Ernestina Etchemendy, Luis Farfallini. 310-313 [doi]
- FRIEND: A Brain-Monitoring Agent for Adaptive and Assistive SystemsAlexis Morris, Mihaela Ulieru. 314-318 [doi]
- A Motor Imagery Based Brain-Computer Interface for Stroke RehabilitationRupert Ortner, Danut-Constantin Irimia, Josef Scharinger, Christoph Guger. 319-323 [doi]
- A Robotic & Virtual Reality Orthopedic Rehabilitation System for the ForearmMiguel A. Padilla Castañeda, Edoardo Sotgiu, Antonio Frisoli, Massimo Bergamasco. 324-328 [doi]
- Psychosocial Implications of Avatar Use in Supporting Therapy for DepressionClaudia Pagliari, Christopher Burton, Brian McKinstry, Aurora Szentatotai, Daniel David, Antoni Serrano-Blanco, Luis Ferrini, Susanna Albertini, Joan Carlos Castro, Soraya Estevez, Maria Klara Wolters. 329-333 [doi]
- GameTeen: New Tools for Evaluating and Training Emotional Regulation StrategiesAlejandro Rodríguez, Beatriz Rey, Mariano Alcañiz, Rosa María Baños, Jaime Guixeres, Maja Wrzesien, Mario Gómez Martínez, David Pérez, Paloma Rasal, Elena Parra. 334-338 [doi]
- Innovative ICT Solutions to Improve Treatment Outcomes for Depression: The ICT4Depression ProjectLisanne Warmerdam, Heleen Riper, Michel C. A. Klein, Pepijn van de Ven, Artur Rocha, Mario Ricardo Henriques, Eric Tousset, Hugo Silva, Gerhard Andersson, Pim Cuijpers. 339-343 [doi]