Abstract is missing.
- The Thermodynamics of ShapeGeoff Wyvill, Chris C. Handley. 2 [doi]
- Recognizing Geometric Patterns for Beautification of Reconstructed Solid ModelsFrank C. Langbein, Bruce I. Mills, A. David Marshall, Ralph R. Martin. 10-19 [doi]
- Parameterization of Freeform FeaturesJoris S. M. Vergeest, Imre Horváth, Sander Spanjaard. 20 [doi]
- Handle and Hole Improvement by Using New Corner Cutting Subdivision Scheme with TensionErgun Akleman, Jianer Chen, Fusun Eryoldas, Vinod Srinivasan. 32-41 [doi]
- Turning the Approximating Catmull-Clark Subdivision Scheme into a Locally Interpolating Surface Modeling ToolJohan Claes, Koen Beets, Frank Van Reeth, Andrei Iones, Anton Krupkin. 42-48 [doi]
- Fairing Recursive Subdivision Surfaces with Curve Interpolation ConstraintsAhmad H. Nasri, Tae Wan Kim, Kunwoo Lee. 49 [doi]
- Implicit Surfaces that InterpolateGreg Turk, Huong Quynh Dinh, James F. O Brien, Gary D. Yngve. 62 [doi]
- Dynamic Meshes for Accurate Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces with Sharp FeaturesYutaka Ohtake, Alexander G. Belyaev, Alexander A. Pasko. 74-81 [doi]
- Subdivision-Curve Primitives: A New Solution for Interactive Implicit ModelingMarie-Paule Cani, Samuel Hornus. 82-88 [doi]
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- Implicit Extrusion Fields: General Concepts and Some Simple ApplicationsLoïc Barthe, Véronique Gaildrat, René Caubet. 114 [doi]
- Shape Modeling Using HomotopyKenji Ohmori, Tosiyasu L. Kunii. 126-133 [doi]
- On Evolute Cusps and Skeleton BifurcationsAlexander G. Belyaev, Shin Yoshizawa. 134-141 [doi]
- Re-Meshing Techniques for Topological AnalysisMarco Attene, Silvia Biasotti, Michela Spagnuolo. 142 [doi]
- Matching 3D Models with Shape DistributionsRobert Osada, Thomas A. Funkhouser, Bernard Chazelle, David P. Dobkin. 154-166 [doi]
- A Geometric Approach to 3D Object ComparisonMarcin Novotni, Reinhard Klein. 167-175 [doi]
- Machining Feature-Based Comparisons of Mechanical PartsVincent A. Cicirello, William C. Regli. 176 [doi]
- Shape Matching: Similarity Measures and AlgorithmsRemco C. Veltkamp. 188 [doi]
- Mesh Simplification Using Four-Face ClustersLuiz Velho. 200-208 [doi]
- Local Control for Mesh MorphingMarc Alexa. 209-215 [doi]
- Modeling Subdivision Control Meshes for Creating Cartoon FacesSajan Skaria, Ergun Akleman, Frederic I. Parke. 216 [doi]
- Efficient Processing of Large 3D MeshesKolja Kähler, Christian Rössl, Robert Schneider, Jens Vorsatz, Hans-Peter Seidel. 228 [doi]
- A Parametric Solution to Common TangentsJohn K. Johnstone. 240-249 [doi]
- Surface Representation Using Second, Fourth and Mixed Order Partial Differential EquationsJian J. Zhang, Lihua You. 250-256 [doi]
- Hierarchical D-NURBS Surfaces and Their Physics-Based SculptingMeijing Zhang, Hong Qin. 257-266 [doi]
- Automatic Knot Determination of NURBS for Interactive Geometric DesignHui Xie, Hong Qin. 267 [doi]
- 3D Compression Made Simple: Edgebreaker with Zip&Wrap on a Corner-TableJarek Rossignac. 278 [doi]
- Constant-Time Neighbor Finding in Hierarchical Tetrahedral MeshesMichael Lee, Hanan Samet, Leila De Floriani. 286-295 [doi]
- Marching Intersections: An Efficient Resampling Algorithm for Surface ManagementClaudio Rocchini, Paolo Cignoni, Fabio Ganovelli, Claudio Montani, Paolo Pingi, Roberto Scopigno. 296-305 [doi]
- Efficient Use of the BlobTree for Rendering PurposesMark Fox, Callum Galbraith, Brian Wyvill. 306 [doi]
- Shape Representation Using Space Filled Sub-Voxel Distance FieldsMark W. Jones, Richard Satherley. 316-325 [doi]
- Partition along Characteristic Edges of a Digitized Point CloudPhilippe Marin, André Meyer, Vincent Guigue. 326-334 [doi]
- Modelling Flexible Parts for Virtual Reality Assembly Simulations which Interact with Their EnvironmentJean-Claude Léon, U. Gandiaga, D. Dupont. 335-344 [doi]
- Mechanically Based Design: Adaptive Refinement for B-Spline Finite ElementPavel Kagan, Anath Fischer, Pinhas Z. Bar-Yoseph. 345 [doi]