Abstract is missing.
- Residual Checking of Safety PropertiesMatthew B. Dwyer, Rahul Purandare. 1-2 [doi]
- The Case for Context-Bounded Verification of Concurrent ProgramsShaz Qadeer. 3-6 [doi]
- Combining Static and Dynamic Reasoning for the Discovery of Program PropertiesYannis Smaragdakis. 7-8 [doi]
- Using Dynamic Symbolic Execution to Improve Deductive VerificationDries Vanoverberghe, Nikolaj Bjørner, Jonathan de Halleux, Wolfram Schulte, Nikolai Tillmann. 9-25 [doi]
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- Layered Duplicate Detection in External-Memory Model CheckingPeter Lamborn, Eric A. Hansen. 160-175 [doi]
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- Verifying Multi-threaded C Programs with SPINAnna Zaks, Rajeev Joshi. 325-342 [doi]