Abstract is missing.
- Open Data and Reflections from the London DatastoreEmer Coleman.
- IT and SustainabilityBrian Donnellan.
- See the Wood for the TreesHarald Schöning.
- Pre-order Compression Schemes for XML in the Real Time EnvironmentTyler Corbin, Tomasz Müldner, Jan Krzysztof Miziolek. 5-15
- Defining and Enforcing XACML Role-based Security Policies within an XML Security FrameworkAlberto De la Rosa Algarin, Timoteus B. Ziminski, Steven A. Demurjian, Robert Kuykendall, Yaira K. Rivera Sánchez. 16-25
- Dynamic Transactional Workflows in Service-oriented EnvironmentsDavid Paul, Frans Henskens, Michael Hannaford. 26-36
- HTML5 Agents - Mobile Agents for the WebKari Systä, Tommi Mikkonen, Laura Järvenpää. 37-44
- Watermarking Images in the Frequency Domain by Exploiting Self-inverting PermutationsMaria Chroni, Angelos Fylakis, Stavros D. Nikolopoulos. 45-54
- Integra SystemJoão C. Ferreira, Porfírio P. Filipe, Paulo M. Martins. 57-64
- A Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy for a Distributed Biometric Authentication SystemAna-Maria Pricochi, Andreea Salinca, Sorin Mircea Rusu, Bogdan Ivascu. 65-70
- Towards a Model-driven Development of Web ApplicationsJosé Luis Herrero, Pablo Carmona, Fabiola Lucio. 71-76
- Schema-based Parallel Compression and Decompression of XML DataStefan Böttcher, Matthias Feldotto, Rita Hartel. 77-86
- MONAD: A Model Driven Software Product Line to Create Domain Specific WebsitesJuan David Villa, Jaime Chavarriaga, Rubby Casallas. 87-92
- Designing a Click Fraud Detection Algorithm - Exposing Suspect NetworksDimitris Antoniou, Christos Makris, Despina Meridou, Giannis Tzimas, Emmanouil Viennas. 93-98
- Model-based Performance Testing of Web Services using Probabilistic Timed AutomataFredrik Abbors, Tanwir Ahmad, Dragos Truscan, Ivan Porres. 99-104
- Web Forums Change AnalysisTomasz Kaczmarek, Dawid Grzegorz Weckowski. 105-110
- QuON - A Generic Platform for the Collation and Sharing of Web Survey DataDavid Paul, Mark Wallis, Frans Henskens, Kim Nolan. 111-116
- WebRTC using JSON via XMLHttpRequest and SIP over WebSocket - Initial Signalling Overhead FindingsMichael Adeyeye, Ishmael Makitla, Thomas Fogwill. 119-124
- Empowering Collaborative Business Intelligence by the use of Online Social NetworksJens Kaufmann, Peter Chamoni. 125-128
- SPADE - A Test Framework for SOAP Analysis in Dynamic EnvironmentsMorten Avlesen, Skage Spjelkavik, Bjørn Vik, Frank T. Johnsen, Trude H. Bloebaum. 129-132
- Semantic XML Filtering on Peer-to-Peer Networks using Distributed Bloom FiltersPanagiotis Antonellis, Stavros Kontopoulos, Christos Makris, Yannis Plegas, Nikos Tsirakis. 133-136
- DAG - Index - A Compressed Index for XML Keyword SearchStefan Böttcher, Marc Brandenburg, Rita Hartel. 137-140
- BPEL Aided Framework for Constructing Monitoring Rules in Service Oriented ArchitecturesPlamen Petkov, Markus Helfert. 141-144
- Semantic Matching to Achieve Software Component Discovery and CompositionSofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, Mohamed Jmaiel. 145-148
- Cost-effective Web-based Media Synchronization Schemes for Real-time Distributed GroupwareMaarten Wijnants, Peter Quax, Wim Lamotte. 149-154
- Making Data Citable - A Web-based System for the Registration of Social and Economics Science DataDimitar Dimitrov, Erdal Baran, Dennis Wegener. 155-159
- It is Time to propose a Complete Methodology for Designing Semantic DatabasesChedlia Chakroun, Ladjel Bellatreche, Yamine Aït Ameur. 160-164
- Large Ontologies Partitioning for Alignment Techniques ScalingMarouen Kachroudi, Walid Hassen, Sami Zghal, Sadok Ben Yahia. 165-168
- From Object-oriented Programming to Service-oriented Computing - How to Improve Interoperability by Preserving SubtypingDiana Allam, Hervé Grall, Jean-Claude Royer. 169-173
- TagNet: Using Soft Semantics to Search the WebGeert Vanderhulst, Lieven Trappeniers. 179-188
- Using Personal Assistant Dialogs for Automatic Web Service Discovery and ExecutionMarcio Fuckner, Jean-Paul A. Barthès, Edson Emílio Scalabrin. 189-198
- A Distributed Ranking Algorithm for the iTrust Information Search and Retrieval SystemBoyang Peng, Louise E. Moser, P. Michael Melliar-Smith, Yung-Ting Chuang, Isai Michel Lombera. 199-208
- Evaluating Frameworks for Creating Mobile Web AppsHenning Heitkötter, Tim A. Majchrzak, Benjamin Ruland, Till Weber. 209-221
- SerfSIN: Search Engines Results' Refinement using a Sense-driven Inference NetworkChristos Makris, Yannis Plegas, Giannis Tzimas, Emmanouil Viennas. 222-232
- Popularity Growth Patterns of YouTube Videos - A Category-based StudyShaiful Alam Chowdhury, Dwight J. Makaroff. 233-242
- Kcanvas: An Application for Modern PIM - Organizing Daily Fragments of Information and Telling Story of Personal InterestAkiko Takahashi, Katsumi Tanaka. 245-250
- Exploiting Progressions for Improving Inverted Index CompressionChristos Makris, Yannis Plegas. 251-256
- HelpMe!: A Serious Game for Rehabilitation of Children Affected by CVIMatteo Ciman, Ombretta Gaggi, Laura Nota, Luisa Pinello, Nicola Riparelli, Teresa Maria Sgaramella. 257-262
- Similarity-based Ontology Mapping in Material Science DomainWei Lin, Changjun Hu, Yang Li, Xin Cheng. 265-269
- Usability on TV - Innovative User Interfaces Depicted in Current TV Series and their Potential to Inspire Actual InterfacesYang Zhong, Monique Janneck. 270-273
- A Generative Approach to Virtual MuseumsDaniel Sacher, Daniel Biella, Wolfram Luther. 274-279
- Real-time Self-teference Video Quality Measurement TechniqueBiao Jiang, Tarek N. Saadawi. 280-283
- Ontology of Imprecision and Fuzzy Ontology ApplicationsRobin Wikström. 284-287
- Annotative Activity as a Potential Source of Web Service InvocationAnis Kalboussi, Omar Mazhoud, Ahmed Hadj Kacem. 288-292
- Real Time Access to Multiple GPS TracksKarol Waga, Andrei Tabarcea, Radu Mariescu-Istodor, Pasi Fränti. 293-299
- O-Mopsi: Mobile Orienteering Game using Geotagged PhotosAndrei Tabarcea, Zhentian Wan, Karol Waga, Pasi Fränti. 300-303
- About an Extension of the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern for Increasing the Flexibility of Web based Applications - Design and First ExperiencesMarkus Markard, Marc Jansen. 304-307
- A Visual Notation for the Integrated Representation of OWL OntologiesStefan Negru, Steffen Lohmann. 308-315
- Semantics for Spatio-temporal "Smart Queries"Benjamin Harbelot, Helbert Arenas, Christophe Cruz. 316-319
- Towards a Modular Architecture for Adaptable Signature-verification ToolsThomas Lenz, Klaus Stranacher, Thomas Zefferer. 325-334
- Development of Mobile Applications in Regional Companies - Status Quo and Best PracticesTim A. Majchrzak, Henning Heitkötter. 335-346
- Collective Intelligence - How Collaborative Contents and Social Media Changing the Face of Digital LibraryAgnes Devina Haryuni, Yong Zhang, Chunxiao Xing. 349-354
- The Challenges of e-Gov in Times of CrisisMaddalena Sorrentino, Marco de Marco. 355-360
- Local e-Government Transformation - An International ComparisonStuart Dillon, Eric Deakins, Daniel Beverungen, Thomas Kohlborn, Sara Hofmann, Michael Räckers. 361-367
- An Exploratory Study to Design an Adaptive Hypermedia System for Online-advertisementDana Al Qudah, Alexandra I. Cristea, Shi Lei. 368-374
- Promoting Best Practice Sharing within OrganizationsAngelo Di Iorio, Davide Rossi. 375-380
- Co-creation in Social Media Platforms: End-users as Innovation Partners - Online Co-innovation within the Open Discovery SpaceWouter Vollenbroek, Efthymios Constantinides, Sjoerd de Vries. 381-385
- How Facebook Impacts on Young Consumers' Buying Decisions on E-RetailersFangni Wang, Nadia Amin. 389-392
- ST-Rays: A Google Maps-based Geospatial Tool to Cross-analyze Urban Services and Tax PaymentsAlfio Costanzo. 393-397
- Discovering Influential Nodes in Social Networks through Community FindingJerry Scripps. 403-412
- Classifying Short Messages on Social Networks using Vector Space ModelsRicardo Lage, Peter Dolog, Martin Leginus. 413-422
- FactRunner: Fact Extraction over WikipediaRhio Sutoyo, Christoph Quix, Fisnik Kastrati. 423-432
- Caching Strategies for In-memory Neighborhood-based Recommender SystemsSimon Dooms, Toon De Pessemier, Luc Martens. 435-440
- User Profiles in Commercial Interaction Web PortalsCarmen Moraga, Maria Ángeles Moraga, Angelica Caro, Coral Calero, Rodrigo Romo Muñoz. 441-446
- A Framework Concept for Profiling Researchers on Twitter using the Web of DataSelver Softic, Martin Ebner, Laurens De Vocht, Erik Mannens, Rik Van de Walle. 447-452
- Improving Tag Suggestion for Places using Digital Map DataMartin Garbe. 453-458
- Improving Web Search Results with Explanation-aware Snippets - An Experimental StudyAndias Wira-Alam, Matthäus Zloch. 459-464
- A Method to Manage the Difference of Precision between Profiles and Items for Recommender System - Applied Upon a News Recommender System using SVM ApproachDavid Werner, Christophe Cruz. 465-470
- User-centered Social Network Profiles IntegrationXuan-Truong Vu, Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Marie-Hélène Abel. 473-476
- Context-aware Recommendations through Activity RecognitionToon De Pessemier, Simon Dooms, Kris Vanhecke, Bart Matté, Ewout Meyns, Luc Martens. 481-490
- The Pilot Study of Users Attachment to Their Mobile Devices - Focusing on past ExperienceSoon Jae Kwon, Emy Elyanee Mustapha. 493-496
- Using Web Services and Mobile Devices to Reuse on Requirements EngineeringKarla Donato Fook, Irlanilson Rodrigues Santos, Maxwellen Nayra Silva Castro, Zair Abdelouahab. 497-500
- Supporting Content Contextualization in Web based Applications on Mobile DevicesAlisa Sotsenko, Marc Jansen, Marcelo Milrad. 501-504
- Using Vital Sensors in Mobile Healthcare Business Applications - Challenges, Examples, Lessons LearnedJohannes Schobel, Marc Schickler, Rüdiger Pryss, Hans Nienhaus, Manfred Reichert. 509-518
- An iPad Order Management System for Fashion TradeIvano Baroni, Sonia Bergamaschi, Laura Po. 519-526
- Mining and Analysis of Apps in Google PlayShahab Mokarizadeh, Mohammad Tafiqur Rahman, Mihhail Matskin. 527-535
- Look Me in the Eye if You're a Man - The Impact of Gender Cues on Impression Formation in Online Professional ProfilesPetra Saskia Bayerl, Monique Janneck. 541-550
- Self-other Agreement on Influence Attempts in Virtual Organizations - Do Agents and Peers See Eye to Eye?Henning Staar, Monique Janneck. 551-560
- Social Media Domain Analysis (SoMeDoA) - A Pharmaceutical StudyDavid Bell, Sara Robaty Shirzad. 561-570
- Does the Playing Field Determine the Game? - An Impact Analysis of Structural Virtual Network Characteristics on Political ActionsHenning Staar, Monique Janneck, Frederik Metzger, Stefan Berwing, Thomas Armbrüster. 571-580
- The Influence of Stressors on Usability Tests - An Experimental StudyMonique Janneck, Makbule Dogan. 581-590
- Social Networks and Pythagoreans Centres - A Two-level Social Connection for Virtual Global ResearchMichele Angelaccio. 593-596
- The Future of Engineering Work - Increasing Flexibility in Work Content, Environment and ProcessesHannele Lampela, Jorma Papinniemi. 601-607
- Social Media Usage at Universities - How Should it Be Done?Jennifer-Carmen Frey, Martin Ebner, Martin Schön, Behnam Taraghi. 608-614
- Socio-technical Trends and Drivers for the Future Workplace: Findings from Expert InterviewsAndrea Denger, Alexander Stocker, Michael Schmeja. 617-620
- The Networked Enterprise - Current and Future Trends in IT-based CollaborationAlexander Richter, Alexander Stocker. 621-625
- A Preliminary Short Survey of State of the Art Enterprise Search Engines for Future Work PlaceSelver Softic, Manfred Rosenberger, Markus Zoier, Konstantin Mondelos, Erik Pillinger. 626-629
- Intuitive Multi-touch User Interface for Visualization of and Interaction with Product and Process Information to Enhance Product Lifecycle ManagementMartin Eigner, Karl-Gerhard Faißt, Alexander Keßler. 630-634
- A User-interaction Approach in an Information-cockpitChristian Kaiser, Selver Softic, Vedran Sabol, Mario Zechner. 635-639