AISC 2010: 17th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning 2010

July 6, 2010-July 7, 2010 in Paris, France

About the Conference

Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the integration of computer algebra systems (CAS) and systems for mechanised reasoning, the interactive theorem provers or proof assistants (PA) and the automated theorem provers (ATP).

Currently, symbolic computation is divided into several (more or less) independent branches: traditional ones (e.g., computer algebra and mechanised reasoning) as well as newly emerging ones (on user interfaces, knowledge management, theory exploration, etc.) The main concern of the Calculemus community is to bring these developments together in order to facilitate the theory, design, and implementation of integrated systems for computer mathematics that will routinely be used by mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers in their every day business.

Conference Dates

Submissions: March 15, 2010
Notification: April 14, 2010
Event: July 6, 2010-July 7, 2010
