edcc 2014: The Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference 2014

May 13, 2014-May 16, 2014 in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Call for Papers

Call for Papers for EDCC 2014 The Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference May 13-16, 2014 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK http://edcc.dependability.org/ ********************************************************************

Important dates Paper submission: October 13, 2013 Author notification: January 20, 2014 Final version of papers: February 17, 2014


The 21st century society relies on computing systems more than ever. Computers are no longer simple machines that are used by organizations or at home. They became ubiquitous and are embedded everywhere, from cell phones and human bodies to cars or industrial control devices; moreover large-scale cloud computing providers are sharing them among many organizations in an unprecedented scale. As computers have become indispensable, their failures may significantly perturb our daily lives. The increased hardware and software complexity, the expending concerns about security and privacy, as well as computer proliferation into new areas, pose new challenges to the developers. As a consequence the development, testing, and benchmarking of dependable systems has become a vital topic of research, both for academia and industry.

Since its first edition held in 1994 in Berlin, EDCC has become the leading European conference for presenting and discussing the latest research in dependable computing. As in previous years, its 10th anniversary edition aims at providing a European-hosted venue for researchers and practitioners from all over the world to present and discuss their latest research results on dependability, security, fault-tolerance, and testing. Original papers are solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems, covering any fault model, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions.

EDCC-2014 will cover a broad range of topics, including, but is not limited to: * Hardware and software architecture of dependable systems; * Safety critical systems; * Embedded and real-time systems; * Cloud computing reliability and security; * Dependable mobile and multimedia systems; * Fault-tolerant networks and protocols; * VLSI dependability; * Impact of manufacturing technology on dependability; * Dependability modelling and tools; * Testing and validation methods; * Characterization techniques; * Dependability benchmarking; * Privacy and Security of systems and networks; * Intrusion-tolerant systems; * Critical infrastructure protection; * Fault tolerance in databases and transactional systems; * Human factors; * Dependability and security in business and e-commerce applications.

EDCC 2014 will feature several tracks, including invited speakers, full paper presentations, fast abstracts, a student forum and a set of cutting-edge workshops. IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) will publish the proceedings.

Conference location

EDCC 2014 will be held in the city of Newcastle, United Kingdom. Newcastle is a lively, friendly and modern city, with a compact city centre and renowned cultural venues, including the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, host to the 2011 Turner Prize, and the Sage Gateshead music centre. The city was one of the birthplaces of the industrial revolution, playing host to the development of George Stephenson’s Rocket and the invention of the first steam turbine. It remains a hub for world-class research and has been designated as one of six UK Science Cities. For anyone wanting to escape to more rural surroundings, Newcastle is close to the Northumberland National Park and the historic cities of Durham and York are easily reachable by train. The city also boasts excellent transport links: it is situated on the East Coast Mainline from London to Edinburgh and Newcastle International Airport offers direct flights to a range of international destinations. The Tyne and Wear Metro allows easy travel to local destinations, including the airport and the coast.

Paper categories

The conference is inviting submissions to its main track in the following categories. Both academic and industrial submissions are welcomed in any category.

  • Regular papers (10-12 pages) describing original research in the field of dependability. Note that submissions should not be submitted or published elsewhere.

  • Practical experience reports (6-8 pages) describing an experience, a case study, or the application of dependability in development and/or production environments. Practical experience reports will be reviewed using specific criteria that emphasize concrete experience, real-world related use-cases and lessons learnt from these experiments.

  • Short papers (3-4 pages) describing preliminary research work (position papers) or a prototype/tool description, outlining the design or implementation of a software tool, or the prototyping of an operational system.

All papers accepted in the conference main track in any of these categories will be published in the conference proceedings.


All submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair submission web page, and should clearly indicate in which category the paper is being submitted. https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=edcc2014

The title page of each submission should include a 150-word abstract, five keywords, authors’ names and addresses and include a line specifying the submission category. The full mailing address, phone, fax and email address of the corresponding author should be indicated. Except for information on the corresponding author and the submission category, the submission format is the same as the camera-ready format. In particular, submissions must adhere to the CPS camera-ready 8.5?x11? two-column format, and respect the length requirements of their submission category. Pages must be numbered. Templates and further details can be found at: http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting

Each paper must be submitted as a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file. We recommend that you embed fonts where possible to improve portability. We also strongly recommend you print the file and review it for integrity (fonts, symbols, equations etc.) before submitting it. A defective printing of your paper can undermine its chance of success.

Other categories

Workshops, Fast-abstracts, Student forum will be announced later.


EDCC 2014 General Chair Alexander Romanovsky, Newcastle University, UK

Honorary Chair Brian Randell, Newcastle University, UK

Program Chair Marc-Olivier Killijian, LAAS, France

Organisation Chair Claire Smith, Newcastle University, UK

Finance Chair Jon Warwick, Newcastle University, UK

Publications Chair Juan Carlos Ruiz García, Technical University of Valencia, Spain

Workshops chair Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy

Fast Abstracts Chair Peter Puschner, TU Vienna, Austria

Student Forum Chair Elena Troubitsyna, Aabo Akademi, Finland

International Liaisons Americas - Cecilia Rubira, University of Campinas, Brazil Asia - Tadashi Dohi, Hiroshima University, Japan Europe - Ilir Gashi, City University, UK

Program Committee will include Gordon Blair, Univ. Lancaster, UK Peter Buchholz, Univ. Dortmund, Germany Miguel Correia, Univ. Lisbon, Portugal Bernard Cousin, Univ. Rennes, France David de Andrés, Tech. Univ. Valencia, Spain Xavier Defago, JAIST, Japan Felicita Di Giandomenico, ISTI-CNR, Italy Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Univ. Genève, Switzerland Tudor Dumitras, Symantec Research Labs, USA Paul Ezhilchelvan, Univ. Newcastle, UK Jean-Charles Fabre, LAAS, France Sébastien Gambs, Univ. Rennes-INRIA, France Fabiola Gonçalves Pereira Greve, Univ. Bahia, Brazil Janusz Górski, Univ. Gdansk, Poland Jérémie Guiochet, LAAS, France Mohamed Kaâniche, LAAS, France Karama Kanoun, LAAS, France Johan Karlsson, Univ. Chalmers, Sweden Tim Kelly, Univ. York, UK Igor Kotenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Henrique Madeira, Univ. Coimbra, Portugal Dimitris Nikolos, CTI, Greece Rui Olivera, Univ. Minho, Portugal Marta Patiño, Tech. Univ. Madrid, Spain Michael Paulitsch, EADS, Germany Peter Popov, City Univ. London, UK Wolfgang Reif, Univ. Augsburg, Germany Hans Reiser, Univ. Passau, Germany Luigi Romano, Univ. Naples, Italy Matthieu Roy, LAAS, France Juan-Carlos Ruiz, Tech. Univ. Valencia, Spain Ulrich Schmid, Tech. Univ. Wien, Austria Hans-Peter Schwefel, Univ. Aalborg, Denmark Aad van Moorsel, Univ. Newcastle, UK Lucian Vintan, Univ. Sibiu, Romania Roman Vitenberg, Univ. Oslo, Norway Stefan Wagner, Univ. Stuttgart, Germany

EDCC Steering Committee Karama Kanoun (Chair, France) Algirdas Avizienis (Lithuania) Jean-Charles Fabre (France) Felicita Di Giandomenico (Italy) Ricardo Jimenez-Peris (Spain) Johan Karlsson (Sweden) Henrique Madeira (Portugal) Miroslaw Malek (Switzerland) Jaan Raik (Estonia) Brian Randell (UK) Luca Simoncini (Italy) Janusz Sosnowski (Poland)