Journal: IJANTTI

Volume 5, Issue 4

1 -- 13Saman Foroutani, Noorminshah A. Iahad, Azizah Abdul Rahman. Future Research on Dimensions of E-Service Quality in Interactive Health Portals: The Relevancy of Actor-Network Theory
14 -- 26Imran Muhammad, Nilmini Wickramasinghe. Enhancing Understanding of Cross-Cultural ERP Implementation Impact with a FVM Perspective Enriched by ANT
27 -- 46Arthur Tatnall. Technological Innovation and the Adoption of ICT in Thai Universities: A TAM Study Re-Analysed Using ANT
47 -- 64Ingrid Christine Reite. Between Blackboxing and Unfolding: Professional Learning Networks of Pastors

Volume 5, Issue 3

1 -- 11Tiko Iyamu, Tefo Sekgweleo. Information Systems and Actor-Network Theory Analysis
12 -- 24Johanes Eka Priyatma. A Critical Review of the Ontological Assumptions of Actor-Network Theory for Representing e-Government Initiatives
25 -- 36Markus Spöhrer. The (Re-)Socialization of Technical Objects in Patient Networks: The Case of the Cochlear Implant
37 -- 46Bill Davey, Arthur Tatnall. Two Computer Systems in Victorian Schools and the Actors and Networks Involved in their Implementation and Use
47 -- 63Imran Muhammad, Manuel Zwicker, Nilmini Wickramasinghe. How Using ANT Can Assist to Understand Key Issues for Successful e-Health Solutions

Volume 5, Issue 2

1 -- 16Amin Saedi, Noorminshah A. Iahad. Future Research on Cloud Computing Adoption by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Critical Analysis of Relevant Theories
17 -- 28Scott Reid. Distance, Climate, Demographics and the Development of Online Courses in Newfoundland and Labrador
29 -- 49Imran Muhammad, Fatemeh (Hoda) Moghimi, Nyree J. Taylor, Bernice Redley, LeMai Nguyen, Malte Stein, Bridie Kent, Mari Botti, Nilmini Wickramasinghe. Using ANT to Uncover the Full Potential of an Intelligent Operational Planning and Support Tool (IOPST) for Acute Healthcare Contexts
50 -- 64Relebohile Moloi, Tiko Iyamu. Competitive Intelligence in the Enterprise: Power Relationships

Volume 5, Issue 1

1 -- 18Florian M. Neisser. Fostering Knowledge Transfer for Space Technology Utilization in Disaster Management: An Actor-Network Perspective
19 -- 39Markus Spöhrer. Murphy's Law in Action: The Formation of the Film Production Network of Paul Lazarus' Barbarosa (1982)- An Actor-Network-Theory Case Study
40 -- 54Diego Ponte, Pier Franco Camussone. Neither Heroes nor Chaos: The Victory of VHS against Betamax