Journal: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Volume 8, Issue 7

3313 -- 3319Chan-Soo Hwang, Kibeom Seong, John M. Cioffi. Improving power efficiency of CSMA wireless networks using multi-user diversity - [transaction letters]
3320 -- 3325Stéphane Y. Le Goff, Samer S. Al-Samahi, Boon Kien Khoo, Charalampos Tsimenidis, Bayan S. Sharif. Selected mapping without side information for PAPR reduction in OFDM
3326 -- 3329Ali Abdi, Huaihai Guo. A new compact multichannel receiver for underwater wireless communication networks
3330 -- 3334Jung-Mao Lin, Hsi-Pin Ma. A high performance baseband transceiver for SISO-/MIMO-OFDA uplink communications
3335 -- 3340Mohammed El-Hajjar, Osamah Alamri, Jin Wang, Salam A. Zummo, Lajos Hanzo. Layered steered space-time codes using multi-dimensional sphere packing modulation
3341 -- 3346Muhammad Mehboob Fareed, Murat Uysal. On relay selection for decode-and-forward relaying
3347 -- 3353Huiming Wang, Qinye Yin. Multiuser carrier frequency offsets estimation for OFDMA uplink with generalized carrier assignment scheme
3354 -- 3359Thomas G. Pratt, Brett T. Walkenhorst, Son Nguyen. Adaptive polarization transmission of OFDM signals in channels with polarization mode dispersion and polarization-dependent loss
3360 -- 3364Pornchai Supnithi, Wannaree Wongtrairat, Sawasd Tantaratana. Performance of M-PSK in mobile satellite communication over combined ionospheric scintillation and flat fading channels with MRC diversity
3365 -- 3371Naveed Ul L. Hassan, Mohamad Assaad. Low complexity margin adaptive resource allocation in downlink MIMO-OFDMA system
3372 -- 3379Zheng Li, Xiang-Gen Xia. A distributed differentially encoded OFDM scheme for asynchronous cooperative systems with low probability of interception
3380 -- 3385Mai H. Vu, Natasha Devroye, Vahid Tarokh. On the primary exclusive region of cognitive networks
3386 -- 3389Zhu Chen, Moon Ho Lee. One bit feedback for quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes based on circulant matrix
3390 -- 3395Jean-Pierre Cances, Vahid Meghdadi. Optimized low density parity check codes designs for half duplex relay channels
3396 -- 3400Anna Martini, Andrea Massa, Massimo Franceschetti. Physical limits to the capacity of wide-band gaussian MIMO channels
3401 -- 3406Vijay G. Subramanian, Ken R. Duffy, Douglas J. Leith. Existence and uniqueness of fair rate allocations in lossy wireless networks
3407 -- 3414Kiattisak Maichalernnukul, Thomas Kaiser, Feng Zheng. On the performance of coherent and noncoherent UWB detection systems using a relay with multiple antennas
3415 -- 3419Shuping Chen, Wenbo Wang, Xing Zhang. Performance analysis of multiuser diversity in cooperative multi-relay networks under rayleigh-fading channels
3420 -- 3424Namshik Kim, Hyuncheol Park. Bit error performance of convolutional coded MIMO system with linear MMSE receiver
3425 -- 3429Flávio du Pin Calmon, Michel Daoud Yacoub. MRCS -- selecting maximal ratio combined signals: a practical hybrid diversity combining scheme
3430 -- 3434Patrick Mitran. Interference reduction in cognitive networks via scheduling
3435 -- 3441Mohammad Malkawi, Il-Min Kim. Hard/soft detection with limited CSI for multi-hop systems
3442 -- 3447Jaemin Han, Eunsung Oh, Hyungsik Ju, Daesik Hong. Asymmetric diversity modulation scheme in wireless fading relay channels
3448 -- 3453Imene Trigui, Amine Laourine, Sofiène Affes, Alex Stephenne. Performance analysis of mobile radio systems over composite fading/shadowing channels with co-located interference
3454 -- 3457Ryan Jesse Pirkl, Greg Durgin. Revisiting the spread spectrum sliding correlator: why filtering matters
3458 -- 3461Ghosheh Abed Hodtani, Mohammad Reza Aref. On the devroyemitrantarokh rate region for the cognitive radio channel
3462 -- 3463Fei Lin, Tao Jiang, Tao Luo. A correction in distributed adaptive power allocation for wireless relay networks
3464 -- 3474Tracy Fulghum, Douglas A. Cairns, Carmela Cozzo, Y.-P. Eric Wang, Gregory E. Bottomley. Adaptive generalized rake reception in DS-CDMA systems - [transactions papers]
3475 -- 3483Ramesh Rajagopalan, Pramod K. Varshney. Connectivity analysis of wireless sensor networks with regular topologies in the presence of channel fading
3492 -- 3497Shu-Ming Tseng. Sequential detection for multiuser MIMO CDMA systems with single spreading code per user
3498 -- 3509Vikram Chandrasekhar, Jeffrey G. Andrews. Uplink capacity and interference avoidance for two-tier femtocell networks
3510 -- 3522Hangyu Cho, Jeffrey G. Andrews. Resource-redistributive opportunistic scheduling for wireless systems
3523 -- 3535Nicola Baldo, Michele Zorzi. Cognitive network access using fuzzy decision making
3536 -- 3545Slim Ben Halima, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Khalid A. Qaraqe. Joint MS-GSC combining and down-link multiuser diversity scheduling
3554 -- 3565Wei Koong Chai, Merkourios Karaliopoulos, George Pavlou. Providing proportional TCP performance by fixed-point approximations over bandwidth on demand satellite networks
3566 -- 3576Kyuho Son, Song Chong, Gustavo de Veciana. Dynamic association for load balancing and interference avoidance in multi-cell networks
3577 -- 3589Ping Wang, Weihua Zhuang. A collision-free MAC scheme for multimedia wireless mesh backbone
3590 -- 3596Zhendong Luo, Dawei Huang. Integrated MAP detection for V-BLAST systems without channel estimation
3597 -- 3607Mohammad Heidari, Nayef A. Alsindi, Kaveh Pahlavan. UDP identification and error mitigation in toa-based indoor localization systems using neural network architecture
3608 -- 3619Rami Langar, Nizar Bouabdallah, Raouf Boutaba, Bruno Sericola. Proposal and analysis of adaptive mobility management in ip-based mobile networks
3620 -- 3627Amir Bennatan, Vaneet Aggarwal, Yiyue Wu, A. Robert Calderbank, Jakob Hoydis, Aik Chindapol. Bounds and lattice-based transmission strategies for the phase-faded dirty-paper channel
3628 -- 3633J. Perez-Duenas, J. Gonzalo Wangüemert-Pérez, Íñigo Molina-Fernández. Novel modulation scheme and six-port based RAKE receiver for DS-UWB
3634 -- 3645Christos Masouros, Emad Alsusa. Two-stage transmitter precoding based on data-driven code-hopping and partial zero forcing beamforming for MC-CDMA communications
3646 -- 3657Johan Karedal, Fredrik Tufvesson, Nicolai Czink, Alexander Paier, Charlotte Dumard, Thomas Zemen, Christoph F. Mecklenbräuker, Andreas F. Molisch. A geometry-based stochastic MIMO model for vehicle-to-vehicle communications
3658 -- 3667Jiwon Kang, Hyungwoo Ku, Dong Seung Kwon, Chungyong Lee. Tomlinson-harashima precoder with tilted constellation for reducing transmission power
3668 -- 3678Giuseppe Destino, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu. Weighing strategy for network localization under scarce ranging information
3679 -- 3691Lin Dai, Wei Chen, Leonard J. Cimini Jr., Khaled Ben Letaief. Fairness improves throughput in energy-constrained cooperative Ad-Hoc networks
3692 -- 3703Jeyadeepan Jeganathan, Ali Ghrayeb, Leszek Szczecinski, Andres Ceron. Space shift keying modulation for MIMO channels
3704 -- 3715Symeon Chatzinotas, Muhammad Ali Imran, Reza Hoshyar. On the multicell processing capacity of the cellular MIMO uplink channel in correlated rayleigh fading environment
3716 -- 3726Kuei-Chiang Lai, Li-Wei Lin. Low-complexity adaptive tree search algorithm for MIMO detection
3727 -- 3735Kyung Seung Ahn. Performance analysis of MIMO-MRC system in the presence of multiple interferers and noise over rayleigh fading channels
3736 -- 3746Anastasios Giovanidis, Gerhard Wunder, Joerg Buehler. Optimal control of a single queue with retransmissions: delaydropping tradeoffs
3747 -- 3757Gerhard Wunder, Thomas Michel, Chan Zhou. Delay-limited transmission in OFDM systems: performance bounds and impact of system parameters
3758 -- 3769Pengfei Sun, Li Zhang. Low complexity pilot aided frequency synchronization for OFDMA uplink transmission
3770 -- 3779Maggie Xiaoyan Cheng, Xuan Gong, Lin Cai. Joint routing and link rate allocation under bandwidth and energy constraints in sensor networks
3780 -- 3788Chan Wong Wong, John M. Shea, Yumin Lee. Hard- and soft-output trellis-based conflict resolution for bidirectional decision feedback equalization
3789 -- 3797Tae-Won Yune, Jong-Bu Lim, Gi-Hong Im. Iterative multiuser detection with spectral efficient relaying protocols for single-carrier transmission
3798 -- 3807Rui Dinis, Paulo Montezuma, Luis Bernardo, Rodolfo Oliveira, Miguel P. Pereira, Paulo Pinto. Frequency-domain multipacket detection: a high throughput technique for SC-FDE systems
3808 -- 3814Frédérique E. Oggier, Emmanuel Lequeu. Differential distributed cayley space-time codes
3815 -- 3821Whai-En Chen, Yi-Bing Lin, Ren-Huang Liou. A weakly consistent scheme for IMS presence service
3822 -- 3832Jun Fang, Hongbin Li. Power constrained distributed estimation with cluster-based sensor collaboration
3833 -- 3843Samson Lasaulce, Yezekael Hayel, Rachid El Azouzi, Mérouane Debbah. Introducing hierarchy in energy games
3844 -- 3854Hung-Quoc Lai, Ahmed S. Ibrahim, K. J. Ray Liu. Wireless network cocast: location-aware cooperative communications with linear network coding
3855 -- 3867Min-Chul Ju, Il-Min Kim. ML performance analysis of the decode-and-forward protocol in cooperative diversity networks
3868 -- 3877Junsu Kim, Sung Ho Moon, Dan Keun Sung. Hybrid scheduling scheme for a cooperative relay system in heterogeneous traffic environments
3878 -- 3886Ming-Fei Guo, Xinbing Wang, Min-You Wu. On the capacity of kappa-MPR wireless networks