Sander Vermolen's Profile

About Sander Vermolen

Born in 1984 in Arnhem, The Netherlands, I started studying Computer Science at Nijmegen University in 2002. After three years, I completed my Bachelor degree. I continued my Computer Science study, specializing on the topics Embedded systems and Security during my Computer Science Master. After having written my thesis at the Engineering college of Aarhus in Denmark, I graduated with honors as a Master of Science in 2007.

Continuing the research path I have set out during my study, I am now doing my PhD at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Currently, my main focus is on Model Driven Software Evolution.


2012 - : ASML
2007 - 2012 : Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
2002 - 2007 : Radboud University Nijmegen

Recent Publications
