KES-IDT 2017: Invited Session on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Business Intelligence Research and Practice, within the framework of the 9th International Conference KES IDT 2017

June 21, 2017-June 23, 2017 in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal

Call for Papers

The main goal of the session is to attract researchers from all over the world who will present their contributions, interdisciplinary approaches or case studies in the area of BI. The focus may be set to various BI and Data Science aspects, such as: data warehousing, reporting, online analytical processing, data analytics, data mining, process mining, text mining, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics, as well as various aspects of big data analysis and time series analysis. We express an interest in gathering scientists and practitioners interested in applying BI approaches in public and government sectors, such as healthcare, education, or security services. However, experts from all sectors are welcomed.

Submissions are expected from, but not limited to the following topics:

  • Data Science and Business Intelligence – Theoretical and practical aspects
  • Business Intelligence Applications and Industry Experience
  • Digitization and impacts for Business Intelligence
  • Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Online Analytical Processing, and Reporting Capabilities
  • Statistical analysis and characterization, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics
  • Process Mining, Pattern Mining, and Swarm Intelligence
  • Data quality assessment and improvement: preprocessing, cleaning, and missing data
  • Semi-structured or unstructured data in BI systems
  • Information integration for data and text mining
  • Dynamic Pricing: potentials and BI Approaches
  • Cloud-computing models and scalability in BI systems
  • Data privacy and security issues in BI systems
  • Digital Marketing, new web services, semantic web and data analytics
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics for Healthcare and other Public Sectors
  • Educational Data Mining
  • Social network data analysis
  • Web survey methods in Business Intelligence
  • Organizational and human factors, skills, and qualifications for BI Approaches
  • Teaching BI approaches in academic and industrial environments


  • Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the workshop.
  • The papers will be scheduled for presentation either orally or by poster, depending on their attributes, author preferences and referee recommendations. Please note that poster presentations are regarded as being of equal importance to oral presentations.
  • The required paper length is 10 pages in publisher format. Papers longer than this may be subject to an additional charge. Papers much longer or shorter than the required length may be rejected, at the decision of the organisers.
  • Papers to be considered for the conference must be submitted through the PROSE online submission and review system.


  • Paper submission: 16 January, 2017
  • Acceptance notification: 13 February, 2017
  • Final paper submission: 13 March, 2017
  • Conference: 21 - 23 June, 2017