ah 2011: Augmented Human International Conference 2011

March 12, 2011-March 14, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan

Call for Papers

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The second Augmented Human (AH) International Conference will be held in Tokyo Water Front on March 12th, 13th and 14th 2011 Full information on: http://www.augmented-human.com

The proceedings of the conference will be published in the ACM Digital Library as a volume in its International Conference Proceedings Series.

The AH international conference focuses on scientific contributions towards augmenting humans capabilities through technology for increased well-being and enjoyable human experience. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Augmented and Mixed Reality, Internet of Things, Augmented Sport, Sensors and Hardware, Wearable Computing, Augmented Health, Augmented Well-being, Smart artifacts & Smart Textiles, Augmented Tourism and Games, Ubiquitous Computing, Bionics and Biomechanics Training/Rehabilitation Technology, Exoskeletons, Brain Computer Interface, Augmented Context-Awareness, Augmented Fashion, Safety, Ethics and Legal Aspects, Security and Privacy Aspects

There are three paper categories to be published in the ACM digital library according to the ACM format : 1) poster/demonstration paper (2 pages, presentation/demonstration in a booth during the open day of joint AH/INTERACTION on March 12th) 2) short paper (4 pages, 15 minutes presentation during the AH conference on March 13th and 14th) 3) full paper (8 pages, 30 minutes presentation during the AH conference on March 13th and 14th)

The Keynote Speech will be given by Prof. Sankai of the University of Tsukuba, who introduced the ‘Robot Suit’ and established CYBERDYNE Inc. in June 2004.

The first day of AH’11 on March 12th is a joint day with INTERACTION’11 where the AH’11 selected posters and demonstrations will be presented. INTERACTION is a major Japanese ICT event in the national museum of emerging science and innovation, Miraikan. That day is an open day, open to any visitor willing to visit the AH/ INTERACTION booths. The second and third days of AH’11 will happen in the Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Tokyo Waterfront building on March 13th and 14th. The selected short and full papers will be presented to AH’11 registrants during these second and third days. The AH’11 important dates are: December 23rd 2010, paper submission deadline January 22nd 2011, author notification February 5th 2011, camera-ready copy and ACM copyright submitted March 12th 2011, free entrance to the joint AH/INTERACTION posters/ demonstration day in Miraikan (Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan) March 13th/14th 2011, presentation of AH short and full papers in AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan)

General Co-Chairs: Mashiko Inami, Keio Media Design, Japan and Jun Rekimoto, The University of Tokyo and Sony CSL, Japan Program Co-Chairs: Hideki Koike, University of Electro-Communications Tokyo, Japan, and Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan Posters and Demonstrations Chair: Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Publication Chair: Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva,Switzerland INTERACTION Conference Liaison Chair: Yasuyuki Sumi, Kyoto University,Japan Local Chair: Satoshi Kagami, AIST Digital Human Research Center, Japan Event & Banquet Co-Chairs: Sunao Hashimoto, JST ERATO, Japan, and Kentaro Fukuchi, Meji University, Japan

The initial program committee is composed of: Mashiko Inami, Keio Media Design, Japan Jun Rekimoto, The University of Tokyo and Sony CSL, Japan Hideki Koike, University of Electro-Communications Tokyo, Japan Hideo Saito, Keio University, Japan Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva, Switzerland Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Yasuyuki Sumi, Kyoto University, Japan Satoshi Kagami, AIST Digital Human Research Center, Japan Sunao Hashimoto, JST ERATO, Japan Kentaro Fukuchi, Meji University, Japan Kazuhiko Terashima, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Jun Miura, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Pranav Mistry, MIT Media Lab, USA Philippe Fuchs, Ecole des Mines, ParisTech France Guillaume Moreau, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France Paul Mc Cullagh, University of Ulster, United Kingdom George Baciu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Jacques Lefaucheux, JLX3D, France Jean-Louis Vercher, CNRS et UniversitÈ de la MÈditerranÈe, France Qunsheng Peng, Zhejiang University, China Peter Froehlich, Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Austria Karla Felix Navarro, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

AH 2010 full information: http://www.augmented-human.com