csl 2011: Computer Science Logic 2011 2011

September 12, 2011-September 15, 2011 in Bergen, Norway

About the Conference

Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science. The Ackermann Award for 2011 will be presented to the recipients at CSL 2011.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - automated deduction and interactive theorem proving - constructive mathematics and type theory - equational logic and term rewriting - automata and games, game semantics - modal and temporal logic - model checking - decision procedures - logical aspects of computational complexity - finite model theory - computational proof theory - logic programming and constraints - lambda calculus and combinatory logic - domain theory, - categorical logic and topological semantics - database theory - specification, extraction and transformation of programs - logical foundations of programming paradigms - logical aspects of quantum computing - verification and program analysis - linear logic - higher-order logic - nonmonotonic reasoning

Conference Dates

Submissions: March 27, 2011
Notification: May 30, 2011
Event: September 12, 2011-September 15, 2011
