HPPC 2011: Workshop on Hardware Support for Parallel Program Correctness (in conjunction with MICRO-44) 2011

December 4, 2011 in Porto Alegre, Brazil

About the Conference

The proliferation of multi-core processors in desktop and in the mobile computing environments is leading to a wider adoption of shared-memory and message passing parallel programming. While the performance benefits of writing parallel code for these platforms is undeniable, ensuring correct behavior is very hard. Consequently, the natural direction for future multicore processors is to add hardware features to support and facilitate the development of low-overhead correctness tools and techniques for parallel programs. HPPC will bring together researchers and practitioners doing innovative work in the area of hardware features to assist parallel program correctness during development or production.

This workshop will be held jointly with the Micro-44 conference, which will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, December 3-7, 2011

Conference Dates

Submissions: September 16, 2011
Notification: October 28, 2011
Event: December 4, 2011-December 4, 2011
