================================= IEEE BSC 2025 =================================
IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (IEEE BSC 2025)
Hangzhou, China, July 16-20, 2025
Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2025
In conjunction with IEEE QRS 2025 - The 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security
** The workshop adopts a hybrid model allowing either in-person or online remote presentations.
Description: A blockchain is a distributed ledger that records transactions and is maintained by many nodes through a distributed cryptographic protocol with no central authority. Smart contracts on the blockchain make transactions traceable, transparent and irreversible. Blockchain technology and smart contracts are expected to play an important role in emerging areas such as the Internet of things (IoT), cyber-physical systems (CPS), social networking, crowdsourcing and next generation wireless communications. On the other hand, their advancement should be further developed in terms of scalability, privacy, efficiency, flexibility, and high dependability.
The IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (IEEE BSC 2025) at QRS aims to provide a high-profile, cutting-edge forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present the latest advances and innovations in key theories, infrastructure, schemes and major applications of blockchain software, and to identify emerging research topics and define the future.
Topic of Interest: The Workshop welcomes technical papers, which are related to (but not limited to) the following topics: - Theoretical study on blockchain and smart contacts - Blockchain consensus protocols - Executable law, context-awareness, consistency, monitoring - Solution to scalability of blockchain - Benchmarking and performance study - Algorithm design, complexity analysis, implementation for blockchain - Security, privacy, and reliability of blockchain and smart Contracts - Novel applications based on blockchain and smart contracts
Important Dates: - Paper submission due: April 15, 2025 - Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2025 - Camera-ready papers: June 15, 2025 - Conference dates: July 16-20, 2025
Submit Your Contributions: Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research papers as well as industrial practice papers. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not permitted. The length of a camera ready paper will be limited to ten pages. Each paper should include a title, the name and affiliation of each author, a 300-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. Shorter version papers (up to six pages) are also allowed. All papers must conform to the QRS conference proceedings format and Submission Guideline set in advance by QRS 2025. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to pay full registration fee and present the paper at the workshop. Arrangements are being made to publish extended version of top-quality papers in selected SCI journals. Submissions must be in PDF format and uploaded to the conference submission site at:
More details can be found at https://qrs25.techconf.org/track/workshops/bsc