NFM 2010: NASA Formal Methods Symposium 2010

April 13, 2010-April 15, 2010 in Washington D.C., USA

About the Conference

The NASA Formal Methods Symposium is a forum for theoreticians and practitioners from academia and industry, with the goals of identifying challenges and providing solutions to achieving assurance in safety-critical systems. Within NASA, for example, such systems include autonomous robots, separation assurance algorithms for aircraft, and autonomous rendezvous and docking for spacecraft. Moreover, emerging paradigms such as code generation and safety cases are bringing with them new challenges and opportunities. The focus of the symposium will be on formal techniques, their theory, current capabilities, and limitations, as well as their application to aerospace, robotics, and other safety-critical systems. The symposium aims to introduce researchers, graduate students, and partners in industry to those topics that are of interest, to survey current research, and to identify unsolved problems and directions for future research.

The meeting will be comprised of invited talks by leading researchers and practitioners, a panel discussion on the current status of formal methods, and more specialized talks based on contributed papers.

Conference Dates

Submissions: January 15, 2010
Notification: February 26, 2010
Event: April 13, 2010-April 15, 2010
