=== ACM SIGSPATIAL 2025 Call for Contributions ===
URL: https://sigspatial2025.sigspatial.org/
33rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems November 3 - 6, 2025, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Overview The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2025 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2025), the thirty-third edition, will be held in Minneapolis, MN, in November 2025. The conference began as a series of symposia and workshops starting in 1993 with the aim of bringing together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners in relation to novel systems based on geospatial data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and research in all aspects of geospatial information systems. The conference provides a forum for original research contributions covering all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of geospatial data ranging from applications, to data storage and query processing, to internet of spatial things and spatial AI. The conference is the premier annual event of the ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information (ACM SIGSPATIAL). Researchers, students, and practitioners are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers not being considered for publication in any other forum.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Spatial AI - Generative AI for spatial reasoning and simulation - Spatial foundation models - Causal reasoning in space and time - Spatial machine learning and explainability - Privacy and ethics - Spatial reasoning in robotics
Big spatial data - Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis - Query processing and optimization - Spatial data mining, pattern analysis and knowledge discovery - Spatio-temporal data management - Spatial decision support - Spatial data quality and uncertainty - Geo-entity linkage, geo-enrichment - Distributed and parallel algorithms - Geospatial architectures and middleware - GPU and novel hardware solutions
Pervasive computing and internet of spatial things - Localization and tracking indoors/outdoors - Contact tracing - Location-based services - Spatio-temporal sensor networks - Traffic telematics - Mobile systems and vehicular ad hoc networks
Spatial data acquisition, integration, processing - Standardization and interoperability - Earth observation and satellite data processing - Computational geometry and computer graphics - Image and video understanding - Spatial, geo-social and trajectory Simulation - Spatio-temporal stream processing
Spatial search - Geographic information retrieval - Human computer interaction and visualization - Similarity searching - Spatial data structures and algorithms - Spatial modeling and reasoning - Spatio-textual searching
Spatial intelligence at work - Intelligent transportation and sustainable mobility - Autonomous vehicles - Spatial knowledge graphs - Epidemiology and health - Cyber and physical security - Smart cities and spaces - Geospatial computer vision applications - Location business intelligence - Personalized geospatial recommendation systems
====== Research Track
Research track solicits the following three types of papers:
====== Applications Track
Applications Track solicits papers to showcase cutting-edge applications of spatial computing to real-world problems, particularly in scientific domains in Earth, Space, and Planetary Sciences. * 5 to 10 pages, excluding references. * Domains include but are not limited to: agriculture, astronomy, ecology, geography, environmental studies, urban planning, transportation, polar science, maritime studies, archeology, public health.
====== Industrial Track
Industrial Track solicits submissions highlighting innovative real-world solutions, case studies, open challenges, applications, and systems in spatial and spatiotemporal data, geoinformatics, and related domains, developed or deployed in an industrial setting. * 5 to 10 pages, excluding references.
====== PhD and Graduate Studies Workshop & Student Research Competition (SRC).
PhD and Graduate Studies Workshop welcomes submissions from PhD and MSc students who have not yet completed their degrees. Submissions must be single-author, limited to 4 pages (including all content). Previously published or submitted portions of thesis work are acceptable. Accepted papers will be automatically considered for the Graduate SRC as is.
SIGSPATIAL ACM Student Research Competition (SRC): Undergraduate students may submit as a team of up to two student authors per contribution. All submissions must be in the form of an extended abstract (maximum 2 pages). The lead student author must be an ACM student member.
====== Call for Tutorials: * Proposal Submission: July 3, 2025 * Acceptance/Rejection Notification: July 25, 2025
* Camera-ready (extended tutorial summary): August 21, 2025
====== Call for Workshop Proposals: * Proposal Submission: May 2, 2025 * Acceptance/Rejection Notification: June 2, 2025
* Event: November 3, 2025