WebS 2013: 12th International Workshop on Web Semantics and Web Intelligence (WebS 2013) 2013

August 26, 2013-August 30, 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic

Call for Papers


The relevant topics include the following (but are not limited to):

Web Intelligence * Multi-dimensional Web databases and OLAP * Web warehousing * Data mining and knowledge discovery * Web knowledge management * Web-based decision support systems * Web page automatic generation and updating * Data quality management * Personalized information management (i.e., learning user profiles)

Semantic Web and Ontologies * Ontology modeling, reuse, extraction, and evolution * Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment * Ontology learning and metadata generation * Ontology evaluation (guidelines)

Semantic Web and Information Integration * Interoperability and data integration through semantic technology * Search, integration, and analysis on the Semantic Web * Linked Data on the web * RDF data publishing and access * Methods for linking, integrating and federating data on the web * Semantic and context awareness * Semantic Web supporting business processes * Semantic Web for e-sciences * Semantic Web for e-business

Semantic Web and Information Quality * Reliability of ontologies * Ontology evaluation and reliability measurement * Ontological metrics * Ontology comparison * Ontology reuse methodologies and methods

Semantic Web and Information Extraction / Natural Language Processing * Structured data extraction from unstructured and semi-structured web text * Sentiment and opinion analysis * Analysis of user-generated context * Text summarization, topic identification, metadata extraction * Querying and searching Semantic Web data (combinations with statistics, natural language, …) * Semantic Web content creation, annotation and extraction

Semantic Web and Knowledge Management * Knowledge management and sharing * Text mining on the web, Semantic Web mining in general * Clustering, classification and other (data mining) techniques for knowledge management * Personalization for knowledge management * Semantic Web inference schemes * Semantic Web data querying and reasoning

Semantic Web and its Applications * Database technologies for the Semantic Web * Intelligent user interfaces for interacting with Semantic Web data * Dynamic ontology generation and adaptation * Languages, tools and methodologies for semantic annotations of web data * Applications on mobile devices * Enhanced accessibility and multimodal interfaces * Reasoning

Linked Open Data (LOD) * Web data integration * Knowledge discovery from LOD * Inference techniques for LOD * Information quality of LOD * Usability issues surrounding LOD * Linked data application architectures


Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research and application papers that are not being considered in another forum. Manuscripts will be limited to 5 two-column pages (IEEE Proceeding style) including figures and references. Please follow the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) Author Guidelines to prepare your papers. Authors of accepted papers are requested to sign the IEEE copyright form. The author guidelines can be found at Conference Publishing Services (CPS).

Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF, postscript, or word format) is required and will be handled via the workshop Web site http://www.faw.jku.at/wwoess/webs/webs.html. For any questions please contact webs@faw.uni-linz.ac.at.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper. Papers accepted for presentation will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press as proceedings of the DEXA 2013 workshops. Authors are requested to send their paper(s) to be received by March 15, 2013 (final deadline!)


All submissions will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and technical soundness. Each paper will be refereed by at least three researchers in the topical area.


Paper submission: March 15, 2013 (final deadline!) Notification of acceptance: May 05, 2013 WebS 2013 Workshop (may be changed): August 27, 2013


Christina Feilmayr (FAW, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria) Wolfram Wöß (FAW, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria)