Workshop on Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming

Inductive program synthesis or inductive programming (IP) is concerned with the automated generation of general computer programs from incomplete specifications such as input/output examples. IP particularly includes the synthesis of programs that contain loops or recursive calls. This inductive type of automated program synthesis is addressed by researchers in different fields such as artificial intelligence, inductive logic programming, evolutionary computation, symbolic computation, grammar inference, formal methods, and functional programming. The aim of the AAIP workshop is to have a common place to present and discuss research on all aspects of inductive programming – including, but not limited to: Inductive programming algorithms, techniques, and systems, heuristics, inductive biases, analysis of the learnability of particular program classes, and the combination of generate-and-test based and analytical techniques. We especially encourage submissions on inductive programming challenge problems and real-world applications of inductive programming in, e.g., computer-assisted software engineering, end-user programming, and intelligent agents.

