Journal: Transactions on Computational Systems Biology

Name and Publisher

Transactions on Computational Systems Biology
T. Comp. Sys. Biology


The journal will publish highly quality papers in the field discussed below. The archival purpose of journals imposes that papers must have lasting importance and value over time. Therefore only established results will be considered for publication. Since we aim at building a bridge journal between different research communities that are approaching biological systems from different perspectives, we must consider a broad community of authors and topics, although all related to dynamic aspects of bioinformatics. Therefore, the scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to:

  • Formal languages for modeling biological structures and processes
  • Analysis and verification techniques and tools for biological behavior
  • Simulation techniques and tools for biological systems
  • Bio-inspired languages, computational models and computing
  • Biological Databases and Query Languages for Cell Models
  • Modeling Environments and Tools for biological systems
  • Numerical techniques for the analysis of biological systems
  • Formal assessment of experimental data quality and reliability
  • Automated Deduction for Biological Systems
  • Visualization techniques for complex models
  • Computational and Logical Aspects of the Analysis of Biological systems
  • Logics and tools for biological systems
  • Inference, modelling, and engineering of complex biological networks
  • Advances in methodology for modeling biological systems
  • Parallel and distributed simulation of cellular systems
  • Mathematical and Informational Models of Biological Systems
  • Advances in methodology for modeling biological systems
  • Advances in theory of biological systems
  • Formal Molecular Biology and evolutionary Models
  • Self-assembly in Biological Systems
  • Systems biology in early evolution - the origins of biological networks
