Weight Shift Movements of a Social Mediator Robot Make It Being Recognized as Serious and Suppress Anger, Revenge and Avoidance Motivation of the User

Yohei Noguchi 0001, Hiroko Kamide, Fumihide Tanaka. Weight Shift Movements of a Social Mediator Robot Make It Being Recognized as Serious and Suppress Anger, Revenge and Avoidance Motivation of the User. Front. Robotics and AI, 9:790209, 2022. [doi]


Yohei Noguchi 0001

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Yohei Noguchi 0001' in Google

Hiroko Kamide

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Hiroko Kamide' in Google

Fumihide Tanaka

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Fumihide Tanaka' in Google