A Complexity Measure for Textual Requirements

Vard Antinyan, Miroslaw Staron, Anna Sandberg, Jörgen Hansson. A Complexity Measure for Textual Requirements. In Jens Heidrich, Frank W. Vogelezang, editors, 2016 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement, IWSM-MENSURA 2016, Berlin, Germany, October 5-7, 2016. pages 148-158, IEEE Computer Society, 2016. [doi]


Vard Antinyan

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Miroslaw Staron

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Miroslaw Staron' in Google

Anna Sandberg

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Anna Sandberg' in Google

Jörgen Hansson

This author has not been identified. Look up 'Jörgen Hansson' in Google