Hanane Azzag, Christiane Guinot, Gilles Venturini. An artificial ants model for fast construction and approximation of proximity graphs. Adaptive Behaviour, 20(6):443-459, 2012. [doi]
@article{AzzagGV12, title = {An artificial ants model for fast construction and approximation of proximity graphs}, author = {Hanane Azzag and Christiane Guinot and Gilles Venturini}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.1177/1059712312457186}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1059712312457186}, researchr = {https://researchr.org/publication/AzzagGV12}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, journal = {Adaptive Behaviour}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {443-459}, }