The following publications are possibly variants of this publication:
- A Distributed Synchronization Scheme for Multimedia Streams in Mobile Systems: Proof and CorrectnesAzzedine Boukerche, Sungbum Hong, Tom Jacob. lcn 2001: 638-645 [doi]
- An Efficient Synchronization Scheme of Multimedia Streams in Wireless and Mobile SystemsAzzedine Boukerche, Sungbum Hong, Tom Jacob. tpds, 13(9):911-923, 2002. [doi]
- A Synchronization Scheme for Distributed Multimedia Servers and Mobile Clients using Quasi-SinkAzzedine Boukerche, Sungbum Hong, Tom Jacob. ipps 2001: 112
- MoSync: A Synchronization Scheme for Cellular Wireless and Mobile Multimedia SystemsAzzedine Boukerche, Sungbum Hong, Tom Jacob. mascots 2001: 89 [doi]