John Brant, Don Roberts. The SmaCC transformation engine: how to convert your entire code base into a different programming language. In Shail Arora, Gary T. Leavens, editors, Companion to the 24th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2009, October 25-29, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. pages 809-810, ACM, 2009. [doi]
@inproceedings{BrantR09, title = {The SmaCC transformation engine: how to convert your entire code base into a different programming language}, author = {John Brant and Don Roberts}, year = {2009}, doi = {10.1145/1639950.1640026}, url = {}, tags = {programming languages, rule-based, transformation language, programming, transformation, program transformation}, researchr = {}, cites = {0}, citedby = {0}, pages = {809-810}, booktitle = {Companion to the 24th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2009, October 25-29, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA}, editor = {Shail Arora and Gary T. Leavens}, publisher = {ACM}, isbn = {978-1-60558-768-4}, }