Grammar-Based Definition of Metaprogramming Systems

Robert D. Cameron, Mabo Robert Ito. Grammar-Based Definition of Metaprogramming Systems. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 6(1):20-54, 1984. [doi]


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Cited by

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  • Eduardus A. T. Merks , J. Michael Dyck , Robert D. Cameron, Language Design for Program Manipulation, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, v.18 n.1, p.19-32, January 1992
  • Amitava Datta , Prabhaker Mateti, Automating the re-declaration of unneeded globals as private, Proceedings of the 1993 ACM/SIGAPP symposium on Applied computing: states of the art and practice, p.87-94, February 14-16, 1993, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
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  • Vance Waddle , Moshé Zloof, Office-by-example: an integrated office system and database manager, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), v.5 n.4, p.393-427, Oct. 1987 Robert D. Cameron, An Abstract Pretty Printer, IEEE Software, v.5 n.6, p.61-67, November 1988
  • Premkumar T. Devanbu, GENOA: a customizable language- and front-end independent code analyzer, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering, p.307-317, May 11-15, 1992, Melbourne, Australia