The following publications are possibly variants of this publication:
- Introduction to the Minitrack on ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and ConditionsMajid Dadgar, Bahae Samhan, Kshiti D. Joshi. hicss 2018: 1 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and ConditionsKourosh Dadgar, Bahae Samhan, K. D. Joshi 0001. hicss 2022: 1 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and ConditionsK. D. Joshi 0001, Bahae Samhan, Majid Dadgar. hicss 2021: 1-2 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on ICT-enabled Self-management of Chronic Diseases and ConditionsMajid Dadgar, K. D. Joshi 0001, Bahae Samhan. hicss 2020: 1 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on Self-management of Chronic Diseases and ConditionsKourosh Dadgar, Bahae Samhan, K. D. Joshi 0001. hicss 2023: 3315 [doi]
- Introduction to the Minitrack on Self-management of Chronic Diseases and ConditionsBahae Samhan, K. D. Joshi 0001, Kourosh Dadgar. hicss 2023: 3769-3770 [doi]