Stochastic models and simulation of ion channel dynamics

C. E. Dangerfield, D. Kay, Kevin Burrage. Stochastic models and simulation of ion channel dynamics. Procedia CS, 1(1):1587-1596, 2010. [doi]

  title = {Stochastic models and simulation of ion channel dynamics},
  author = {C. E. Dangerfield and D. Kay and Kevin Burrage},
  year = {2010},
  doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.178},
  url = {},
  tags = {C++, e-science},
  researchr = {},
  cites = {0},
  citedby = {0},
  journal = {Procedia CS},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1587-1596},